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Paragraph : Baishakhi Mela

Baishakhi Mela

↬ Boishakhi Mela

Baishakhi Mela is a part and parcel of Bengali culture. It is perhaps the largest and most comprehensive celebration of the arts and culture of Bangladesh. It is held on the 1st day of the Bangla New Year and the Bangalees were all looking forward to welcoming the year through this celebration. The Ramna Batamul is the centre around which New Year celebration has spread around the city and gradually across the country. This festival encompasses exhibitions, music, poetry, crafts, photography, theatre, etc. in the urban area. A Baishakhi Mela is an annual gathering. It is one of the chief attractions of the village too. Some fairs are held for a day, some are held for some days. It is held generally in the open place or on the bank of a river or a canal. Men, women, and children gather in the Baishakhi Mela in large numbers. Fancy goods, toys, balloons, flutes, sweets, and wooden things are mostly sold and children buy them. Circus parties are the common feature of the Baishakhi Mela. They often bring trained small tigers, elephants, monkeys, horses, and bears that show funny feats. It is a matter of pride and pleasure that we celebrate our identity in a true spirit through Baishakhi Mela.

Same paragraph collected from another book

There are different kinds of Melas. They have different kinds of purposes. It varies from fair. Baishakhi Mela is one of the Melas which is held to celebrate the beginning of the first month of the Happy New Bangla Year. It is very interesting. It is known to us that Baishakhi Mela is the celebration of the New Bangla Year with greatness of the season. It upholds the tradition and heritage with the assemblage of handicrafts, potteries, tops, delicate woven cloths, needlework and so on. There are circus, merry-go-round and Jatra as special attractions. The first programme begins at dawn at Ramna Batamul. A large number of people, wearing traditional dresses are expected to attend the programme. It is the mirror which reflects our art and culture. The importance of the Baishakhi Mela in our practical life is very great. The poet sings – 
Here comes the Baishakhi Mela,
It is our gala,
It is our glory we never feel sorry having this Mela
It is our gala.
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