পহেলা বৈশাখ

Paragraph : Load Shedding

Load Shedding

Everybody in all areas provided with electrical energy is familiar with the term ‘Load Shedding’. It means discontinuation of the supply of electrical energy. Inadequate generation of power and its unplanned distribution are primarily responsible for load shedding. Load shedding is a great curse where people have got used to an electricity-oriented life. On account of load shedding the big cities and industrial areas suffer most. All on sudden streets are covered with darkness with a few lights of cars and buses flashing here and there. Kerosene lamp, permit, and candlestick only half-light big shops and marketplaces. Thieves and pickpockets freely prowl on the streets. The running productive machines come to a standstill in mills and factories. The suffering of the students due to a load shedding does not spare even the hospital. The plight of a patient undergoing an emergency operation when the lights suddenly go off can better be imagined than described. The research materials and medicines kept under controlled temperature and in refrigerators are damaged. The commodities preserved in cold storages get spoiled. The foodstuff and eatables put in our refrigerators for deferred consumption become rotten and unfit for use. In fact, words are inadequate to give proper vent to the discomfort and harm caused in our life by this unscrupulous practice of load shedding. All concerned must join their hands to liberate the people from the cures of load shedding at a very early date.

Same paragraph collected from another book

Keeping some areas detached from the current of electricity for a specific time due to the lack of electricity demanded is called ‘Load Shedding’. It may take place for two reasons. First is due to the certain technical problem created in the main power station, and secondly, it may be because of the less production of electricity than that of demand. Nowadays Load-Shedding takes place almost every day. It brings indescribable sufferings to the people. It also hampers the industrial productions. The whole city goes under darkness. In hospitals, patients face a lot of problems. Students are to suffer in a great scale before their examination. The sufferings of the citizens know no bounds for Load Shedding in the hot summer. Fans do not move and body sweats. In fact, load shedding is a great problem for us. The present condition of Load Shedding must be improved for the sake of comfort and development. The government should take necessary steps to stop load shedding as early as possible.


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