আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Paragraph : A Railway Station

A Railway Station

A railway station is a place where trains stop and start from. Passengers get onto the train and get down from the train there. It has a platform for passengers. In a big railway station, there is a shed over the platform but at a small station, it is open. A railway station has its master’s office, a booking office and waiting rooms for men and women. There are restaurants, bookstalls and stationery shops in it. A railway station is always a crowded place. Passengers come and go there. People are found in a long line to buy tickets. They push one another to go ahead. When the train arrives, the station becomes a noisy place, but when the train whistles away it becomes calm and quiet. The flagman moves with red and green flags. A railway station is a place of great noise.

Same paragraph collected from another book

A railway station is an establishment on the side of a track. Here the trains stop to take and leave passengers and goods. It may be comparatively crowded or lonely in accordance with its location and importance. It is a self-complete complex with raised platforms to accommodate trains and buildings to house the station master’s office together with passengers waiting rooms and other offices. It also accommodates godowns, ticket counters as well as the fixtures, fittings, and installations that facilitate arrival, stoppage, and departure of trains running up and down. In big stations, corrugated tin sheds are put up overhead as a protection from sun and shower. The usual scene at a railway station is one of din and bustle. It rises to a peak when a passengers’ train arrives. A railway station is an indispensable establishment in the railway system.

Same paragraph collected from another book

A railway station is known by itself. It is a building beside a railway line. The running railway carriages stop here for a short time and give facility to passengers to get in and get down. Many posters and placards are seen pasted on its wall as advertisement in order to make the different goods popular. It is not always busy. When it is time for the arrival of a train, it starts into activity. Then the people who have some business to distant places come to avail themselves of the train. They fill it with talks and noise. Passengers leave and the station sinks into silence again.
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