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Paragraph : A Street Accident

A Street Accident

Yesterday I had to witness a very shocking street accident. It thoroughly shook me with horror. I just stood before a shop at Green Road. A long line of cars, baby taxis, tempos, motor scooters, rickshaws, and other vehicular traffic were plying towards the north, and a similar line of them were plying towards the south. A jeep was coming up at top speed from the south and I waited till it ran off past me. Just at that moment a rickshaw ahead of me was hit by the jeep and the driver was thrown down under its wheels. All this happened in an instant. I rushed to the spot and shuddered back from the sight. It was nothing but a mutilated human body with a smashed skull in a pool of blood. The unfortunate rickshaw-driver died on the spot. I retraced my steps unwittingly as I could not bear the ghastly sight. A large crowd gathered there and there were a great hue and cry. I was wholly upset. I came back home with the macabre scene haunting my mind.

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