উত্তাল মার্চ

Paragraph : The Victory Day

The Victory Day

The 16th December 1971 is a red-letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day the barbarous Pakistani army surrendered to the joint command of the Indian Army and Bangladesh Liberation forces. Through the surrender of the Pakistani Army, the nine months’ sanguinary war can to an end on this day and Bangladesh came into being as an independent sovereign state. As such, this day is regarded as the victory day. It is a day of pride and glory to our nation. Our liberation forces “Mukti Bahini” fought valiantly against the barbarous Pakistani forces and drove them away from the soil of Bangladesh forces and drove them away from the soil of Bangladesh forever. This day reminds us of the bravery and patriotism of our people for the motherland. We celebrate the day every year in a ceremonious way to commemorate the martyrs who laid down their lives for the freedom of Bangladesh. Since that day we are a free nation living in a sovereign state.

Same paragraph collected from another book

Victory Day means the day of success that a nation has won in a battle against the oppressors. The 16th December is observed as the ‘Victory Day’ of Bangladesh. On this day in 1971, we achieved independence from the oppression of Pakistani rule. Bangladesh, erstwhile East Pakistan, was ruled by the West Pakistan. The people of East Pakistan were deprived of their rights and fought for them. Thousands of valiant sons of this soil including armed forces laid down their lives for the freedom. During the nine months long war, we lost thousands of innocent lives including women and children. At the cost of huge blood-shed, we won the victory. They are the martyrs of our Liberation War. Each year, on this day, I go to the National Memorial and offer flowers and garlands on the alter there. Thus, I pay homage to those great sons of our soil. The sacrifice of those martyrs is a great inspiration for us. Their memory moves us with patriotic feeling and inspires us to stand for the interest of our country.
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