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Paragraph : Can English be the world language?

Can English be the world language?

The present world requires a standard medium of communication which may be called the world language. We need it to create a peaceful world. We need it for business purposes also. It is to be used to develop the fraternity of humanity. It is essential for the promotion of international understanding. But the importance of the national language cannot be ignored. National language must remain and be developed accordingly. The world language is simply to be an addition to strengthen the national language. The world language must fulfil some criteria. The first point is that it must be cosmopolitan in nature. It must give free access to the worlds of other languages to extend its use. It must be found extensively used in different lards in their daily life. The world language must be flexible. The flexible character expands a language in its uses. English is the most probable world language if we consider all these aspects. English has all the qualities that are here suggested as the standard criterion of an international language. Moreover, it is distinctly familiar to all. Thus it is clear that English has a cosmopolitan character. This trait is an asset for it to attain international uses. It holds an important position in the world. It is a language which is extensively used in different countries of the world. These traits have given rise to the expectation that English will one day be the world language.
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