পহেলা বৈশাখ

A Brave Boy : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

One day, a boy was walking along a railway. At a particular place, he saw a break in the line. He knew that within a short time a passenger train would come. So, he grew anxious for the lives of many passengers. He began to think how he could save the train from the accident. The boy knew that the driver stops his train when any red flag comes into his notice....................

A Brave Boy

One day, a boy was walking along a railway. At a particular place, he saw a break in the line. He knew that within a short time a passenger train would come. So, he grew anxious for the lives of many passengers. He began to think how he could save the train from the accident. The boy knew that the driver stops his train when any red flag comes into his notice. So, he made up his mind to use his red-shirt as a red sign of alert. At once he heard the whistle of the train that was coming at a full speed. He put off his shirt and tied it to a stick. He stood beside the railway and began to wave it like a flag. The driver noticed it and stopped the train.

Same story collected from another book

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

One sunny morning a boy of eleven years old was tending cattle by the side of a railway line. Suddenly he noticed that.....................

A Boy with Ready Wit

One sunny morning a boy of eleven years old was tending cattle by the side of a railway line. Suddenly he noticed that a small railway slipper was about to collapse. A little while later, he remembered that a mail train was supposed to cross in about half an hour. He was at a loss thinking about what to do. He discussed the matter with his friends. But nobody could give an exact solution so that they could save the next train. Suddenly a fantastic plan came into the boy’s mind. Once the head that by showing something red, one can stop train. By his ready wit, he put off his red-shirt and hoisted it in the air when he heard a train coming along the crack line. He tried to attract the attention of the driver. Unbelievably the driver saw the red shirt of the boy and stopped the train just before the crack. The driver got down from the train and noticed the line. All the passengers and the driver praised the witty boy for whom all of them got a new life.


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