পহেলা বৈশাখ

A Kind-hearted Boy : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once a school-boy named Ahsanullah was going home after completing his class. When he was crossing the road, the saw an old woman lying on the road. She was senseless. There was nobody....................

A Kind-hearted Boy

Once a school-boy named Ahsanullah was going home after completing his class. When he was crossing the road, the saw an old woman lying on the road. She was senseless. There was nobody around her for help. The road was a busy one and speedy buses and trucks were plying on the road. So, the boy with the help of a passer-by brought the women on the footpath. Then he called a rickshaw and took the woman to a nearby hospital. There the doctors at once examined the old women and assured the boy that the condition of the women was not serious and after first aid, the old woman regained her sense. Now, Ahsanullah inquired of her whereabouts and she told him that she had come to this town from a nearby village to beg. But having heard a very loud sound of truck-horn, she was at a loss and lost her sense. After hearing this, the boy took the woman to his house and gave her good foods to eat. His mother also gave the woman some old clothes. On the boy’s request, his mother also gave the woman some money to go back to the village. And the woman prayed much for Ahsanullah and went back to her village happily.

Almost same story collected from another book

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Mr. Rahman is a retired officer. Usually he goes for a walk everyday early in the morning. One day while walking in the morning he saw a man lying senseless by the side of a road. He went nearer to the man.....................

Responsibility of a Kind-hearted Person

Mr. Rahman is a retired officer. Usually he goes for a walk everyday early in the morning. One day while walking in the morning he saw a man lying senseless by the side of a road. He went nearer to the man. Mr. Rahman recognized the man easily. It was one of his neighbours, Mr. Samad. What he saw was frightening. The lying man had an accident. He fell down from a rickshaw and broke his leg. Mr. Samad was seriously injured and failed to stand up. Mr. Rahman requested a passer-by to help them by hiring a taxi-cab. Within a few minutes they got a taxi and Mr. Rahman lifted him neighbour on it. He took him to the hospital admitted him for treatment. Later, he phoned to Mr. Samad’s family members about the accident. They hurried to the hospital. Mr. Rahman tried to ease them and spoke with condolence. In a few days, Mr. Samad came round (সুস্থ হল). He and his family members showed gratitude to Mr. Rahman for his kindness and responsibility.

Almost same story collected from another book

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once a boy named Ahsanullah was going home after his class. When he was crossing the road, he saw an old woman lying on the road. She was senseless. He rushed to the spot.....................

A Responsible and Kind-hearted Boy

Once a boy named Ahsanullah was going home after his class. When he was crossing the road, he saw an old woman lying on the road. She was senseless. He rushed (তীব্র বেগে ছুটে যাওয়া) to the spot. He could recognize (চিনতে পারা) the sick (অসুস্থ) woman. She was the grandmother of Karim. Ahsanullah was at a loss how he would help the poor woman. In the meantime, a lot of people crowded there. Ahsanullah asked a woman to look after her. He rushed to manage a carriage (পরিবহন). The woman poured water on her head to bring her sense back. Ahsanullah came back with a push-cart (ঠেলাগাড়ি). He pulled her on the cart with the help of other people. Then he took her to the nearby hospital for better treatment. Afterwards (পরবর্তীতে), he went to Karim’s house to give the message of his grandmother’s accident. Karim’s parents went to the hospital with Ahsanullah. They expressed their gratitude (কৃতজ্ঞতা) to Ahsanullah for his kindness. Karim’s grandmother came round gradually and prayed to God for the welfare of Ahsanullah.

Almost same story collected from another book

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

One day some boys were playing cricket in a school ground. Suddenly they heard a hue and cry nearby. The boys stopped playing then and they went to the spot. They found.....................

Responsible Young Boy

One day some boys were playing cricket in a school ground. Suddenly they heard a hue and cry nearby. The boys stopped playing then and they went to the spot. They found a house set on fire. Instantly (তাৎক্ষণাৎ) they decided to do something for blowing out the destructive fire. They shouted altogether “Fire! Fire! Help!”. The boys tried to gather people to extinguish (নেভানো) the fire. They rushed to the neighbouring houses to collect pitchers, buckets and some other pots to fetch water. They rushed (তীব্র বেগে যাওয়া) to the nearby pond and river. They poured water continuously to put out the devastating (ধ্বংসাত্মক) fire. Within a moment two houses were fully burnt and damaged. Three others were damaged to some extent. The young boys with other adult people did their best to extinguish the fire and rescue (উদ্ধার করা) the dwellers of the house. Every people present there greeted the young boys for their responsible activities.

Almost same story collected from another book

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once a boy named Arif was coming home from his school on foot. Suddenly he noticed a moneybag lying beside the road. He thought for a while.....................

Responsibility of a Young Boy

Once a boy named Arif was coming home from his school on foot. Suddenly he noticed a moneybag lying beside the road. He thought for a while. He was confused to take up the bag as somebody might treat him as a thief. Again he was not such irresponsible as to overlook the matter. So, he shook off hesitation and took the bag to his house. At home, he consulted the fact with his parents and his younger sister. His parents advised him to search for the owner of the bag and his sister found a big amount of money. Inside the moneybag, Arif found a visiting card with phone number. Arif decided to call on the number. A grave male voice answered on the other end. Arif enclosed his identity and the fact of gtting the moneybag. The receiver demanded that he owned that bag with money. Arif tried to test the man if he was speaking the truth. The conversation between them removed Arif’s confusion. Arif became sure of his ownership of the bag. He gave his residence’s address to the man. The man met Arif and thanked him a lot for his responsibility. He also gifted Arif a nice story book.


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