পহেলা বৈশাখ

A Kind Lion and a Grateful Mouse : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly, a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance, it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion. At this, the lion grew very angry.....................

A Kind Lion and a Grateful Mouse

Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly, a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance, it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion. At this, the lion grew very angry. It caught the mouse and said, “You little creature, how dare you disturb me! I’ll kill you.” The mouse got frightened and said, “Your Majesty, if you kill a little creature like me, it will not bring any credit to you. Please, excuse me for this time.” The lion felt pity and let the mouse go. The mouse thanked the lion and said, “If I get chance, I’ll help you.” The lion laughed and said, “A little creature like you can never help a big creature like me.” After a few days, the lion was caught in a hunter’s net. It tried hard to be free. But failed, So, it began to roar helplessly. Hearing the roar of the lion, the mouse came quickly and said, “Sir, please wait. I’ll help you.” The mouse cut the net with its sharp teeth and set the lion free. The lion was very happy and said, “Thank you little mouse. You have saved my life. Now, I know even a small one can help a big one.”

Same story collected from another book

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once there was a lion sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance, it ran over the face of the lion. It awake the lion. At this, the lion grew.....................

A Small Creature Saves the Life of a Lion / A Lion and a Mouse

Once there was a lion sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance, it ran over the face of the lion. It awake the lion. At this, the lion grew very angry (রাগান্বিত). It roared (গর্জন করা) with anger. The mouse got frightened and started trembling. The lion said, “How dare you disturb me, the small evil? I will kill you.” The mouse fell in great danger. It begged its life to the lion. It also promised to help the lion in future if he needed. Hearing this, the lion laughed at it. He said, “How will a small creature like you help me?” He mocked (বিদ্রুপ করা) at the mouse and relieved (মুক্তি দেওয়া) it. After a few days a hunter set a trap and the lion was caught in it. The lion tried his utmost to escape (পলায়ন করা) from it but failed. The mouse noticed (লক্ষ করা) the situation and decided to help the lion. It started to cut off the net with its sharp teeth. After some time, the lion was able to get out from the trap and thanked the mouse for saving his life. So, nobody should neglect anyone treating as a small creature (প্রাণী).


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