পহেলা বৈশাখ

An Idle Farmer / Consequence of Idleness : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once upon a time, there lived an idle farmer. He had a few plots of land but he did not plough them well. He had a kitchen garden. One day, he saw....................

An Idle Farmer / Consequence of Idleness

Once upon a time, there lived an idle farmer. He had a few plots of land but he did not plough them well. He had a kitchen garden. One day, he saw that the fencing around the garden was broken by a herd of goats. The farmer said, “I will repair the fence tomorrow.” But the next day he would totally forget it. One day, while sitting in the yard, he noticed that some goats had entered the garden. He told his wife, who was cooking, to tend the goats. When his wife went to the garden, a dog entered the kitchen and was snatching something. She took a heavy piece of wood and threw it to the dog. The wood missed its aim and hit the little son of the farmer who was playing in the yard. The son got seriously injured. At this, the farmer understood the consequence of his idleness and promised that he would not leave today’s work for tomorrow.


  1. What is the moral of the story?

    1. Idleness is the mother of misfortune

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