উত্তাল মার্চ

Punishment of a Liar : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

There lived a shepherd boy in a pastoral area. He kept a flock of sheep near a forest. In the forest, there lived a wolf. At times, the wolf would come out and kill lambs and farmers. The shepherd boy had....................

Punishment of a Liar

There lived a shepherd boy in a pastoral area. He kept a flock of sheep near a forest. In the forest, there lived a wolf. At times, the wolf would come out and kill lambs and farmers. The shepherd boy had a bad habit of telling lies. He used to make a fun with villagers shouting “Wolf! Wolf! Help!” The villagers would think that the young shepherd boy might be in danger. The villagers would rush to save the shepherd boy with sticks, spears (বর্শা) and tools. But they would find no wolf. Seeing the villagers, the shepherd would laugh at them. The villagers would become annoyed (বিরক্ত করা) and return to their work. The liar shepherd would make the same fun few and far between. The villagers would come forward to protect the boy and return home being annoyed. But one day a wolf really came. The shepherd boy shouted to his highest voice. The villagers heard his shouting but they did not extend (প্রসারিত করা) their helping hands. They did not come to rescue the shepherd. The wolf killed all his sheep. The boy cried loudly and asked for help. But nobody came. The wolf also killed the shepherd. The poor unfortunate (হতভাগ্য) shepherd lost his life for telling lies. So, we should never tell a lie.

Same story collected from another book

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Long, long ago, there lived a cowboy in a certain village. He used to tend cows in a nearby field beside the forest. The cowboy was a great liar. He enjoyed himself making fun with people. He often cried out, “Wolf! Wolf!” The kind-hearted villagers heard his cry and rushed to the spot with sticks to save the cowboy. But when they came near, they found no wolf and the cowboy laughed at them.....................

Nobody Believes a Liar

Long, long ago, there lived a cowboy in a certain village. He used to tend cows in a nearby field beside the forest. The cowboy was a great liar. He enjoyed himself making fun with people. He often cried out, “Wolf! Wolf!” The kind-hearted villagers heard his cry and rushed to the spot with sticks to save the cowboy. But when they came near, they found no wolf and the cowboy laughed at them. After a few days, the boy made the same fun. The villagers again ran to the field. But they found no wolf and the boy laughed at them. The villagers became very angry and advised the boy not to make that kind of fun in future. But one day a wolf really came and it started to kill the cows one by one. The cowboy was frightened and started shouting, “Wolf! Wolf! Help! Help!” But none came to help him. The villagers heard him but thought that the boy was again making fun of them. The wolf killed a number of his cows and then killed the cowboy. So we should never make fun by telling lies.


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