উত্তাল মার্চ

Benevolence Does not Cost One Too Much : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

On a Thursday evening I was walking in park. Suddenly, I saw a boy of nearly 12 sitting on the bench. He was carrying some newspapers to sell. He looked very poor and hungry, I came to him and....................

Benevolence Does not Cost One Too Much

On a Thursday evening I was walking in park. Suddenly, I saw a boy of nearly 12 sitting on the bench. He was carrying some newspapers to sell. He looked very poor and hungry, I came to him and said, “Why’re you sitting alone here? Do you have not a home?” The boy said, “I usually get meal once a day with the money I earn from selling newspapers. Today I couldn’t sell any. I’m hungry and weak.” I asked his name, His name was Rubel, and he had not a family. I took Rubel to a nearby restaurant. I called the waiter, and told him to bring a plate of chicken tehari for the boy. The waiter brought it, and Rubel ate to his heart’s content. I asked him if he would eat or drink anything else. He said he would like to have a soft drink. I ordered it for him, it was brought, and the poor boy became pleased and drank it. That night I took the boy to my house, and let him sleep. He spent the night and the following day at my house. In the saturday morning, I woke Rubel up, gave him breakfast, and after he had eaten, I took him to a school. I admitted him there for evening session. Then I went to the market and bought a weight machine for Rubel. I gave it to him and told him to earn money measuring people’s weight at daytime with that machine. After earning the whole day, he would go to his school. After attending classes, he would spend the night at the school hostel. Rubel thanked me for everything I did for him. He now saw a light on his future way that he had thought to be engulfed by darkness. He now began to dream of a better life.
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