আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Story : Gender Discrimination

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Moriom is a Bangladeshi girl. She is about to finish school but she has no hopes of going into college. Like millions of other parents, Moriom’s parents think that education a daughter is a waste of time and money....................

Gender Discrimination

Moriom is a Bangladeshi girl. She is about to finish school but she has no hopes of going into college. Like millions of other parents, Moriom’s parents think that education a daughter is a waste of time and money. Social prejudices and customs tend to degrade their position. Her parents thought that she has come, as if to add to the suffering of her parents. Her parents want that she would stay at home. Her duty will be to do add jobs around the house such as looking after younger brothers and sisters, collecting fuel, cooking and cleaning, rearing ducks and hens, helping mother in post-harvest activities, etc. But Moriom wants to continue her study. She has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. She wants to be a doctor. But she is much more worried whether she will be able to go ahead with her study or not. She always tries to make her parents understand the importance of female education. Sooner or later she will succeed to make her parents understand and thereby to reach her goal.
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