উত্তাল মার্চ

Hate the Sin Not the Sinner : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

One day at night I was returning home along with my younger brother. It was a very dark night....................

Hate the Sin Not the Sinner

One day at night I was returning home along with my younger brother. It was a very dark night. There was no transport. Only a few people were returning home from their respective workplaces. Within a few minutes we brothers took a narrow lane. My brother Sohel was carrying my laptop. Suddenly, a boy snatched the laptop from Sohel and ran fast. We started chasing the boy. He was running very fast and entered into another narrow lane. But we didnot give up. After a while we caught him. We were astonished to see that he was a boy of only 12-14 years old. When we caught him, he asked for pardon and requested us not to beat him. He returned the laptop and requested to leave him. I asked him why he did snatching. In reply he said that he had none in this world. He hadn’t eaten anything the whole day. He was very hungry and if he could sell the laptop, he could have managed his food for a few days. We felt pity for him. Then I gave him some money to eat but made him promised to me, took the money and ran away.
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