উত্তাল মার্চ

Man Gets Identity with His Work : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

There was a boy named Rakib who hailed from an obscure background. But he was brilliant, diligent and innovative....................

Man Gets Identity with His Work

There was a boy named Rakib who hailed from an obscure background. But he was brilliant, diligent and innovative. He was being brought up in an orphanage. He was a student of the orphanage school. He was a regular and hard-working student there. He was a good painter, too. One day he passed the SSC examination from there. Now the orphanage released him. He took the job of a clerk in a small company office, and maintained his daily needs and study with the money he got from there. He duly passed the HSC exam and appealed to the University. Rakib was selected. He devoted himself to painting and study. He got his graduate and postgraduate degrees in Fine Arts with a brilliant result. Now Rakib applied for a job as designer at a multinational company. They took a recruitment test. He passed the written test and was called for an interview. Rakib was a little bit tensed whether he would be recruited. But the company officials found him a boy of good personality having polite behaviour and smartness. They were also impressed at his innovative vision. Rakib was chosen for the expected job. The organization provides a large amount of salary to the designers. So in a few years’ time, Rakib became a solvent and reputed person. He also started creative painting and won prizes in several art contests. He now became a famous and established person.
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