উত্তাল মার্চ

Misfortune of Rafiq : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Rafiq got into the train. He found out his seat and sat down. A few minutes later, another passenger claimed the seat and to his utter surprise, Rafiq discovered that he had got into the wrong train. But it was too late....................

Misfortune of Rafiq

Rafiq got into the train. He found out his seat and sat down. A few minutes later, another passenger claimed the seat and to his utter surprise, Rafiq discovered that he had got into the wrong train. But it was too late. The train had already left the station. There was no way to get down. Rafiq left the seat for the man and told him about his mistake. The man felt sorry and suggested Rafiq setting down at the next station. Rafiq looked at his watch. It was almost 10 pm. So he asked the man how much it would take to reach the next station. The man replied that it would take about an hour. Rafiq lost his heart and got frightened thinking what he would do getting down there. Besides, he had two lac taka in his suitcase. He became pale thinking about upcoming danger. He was also fearful about the snatcher. Finding him thoughtful, the man said that he would also get down at the next station and assured that he would help him to get into an inn. In the meantime, ticket master came and Rafiq managed him showing his ticket. At last the train reached the station. Rafiq got down. The man showed Rafiq the way to the nearest inn. The town was very quiet and there was hardly any people. There were not enough street lights. The road was dark. He was walking along the street. Suddenly, two people emerged and along the street. Suddenly, two people emerged and pointed gun at him. They told him to give them all his belongings. As his refused, one of them loaded the gun and threatened him. He started trembling in fear. His suitcase fell down from his hand. He sat down. They snatched away his suitcase, moneybag. mobile phone, watch, i-phone everything.
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