পহেলা বৈশাখ

No One can Live Alone : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once upon a time, there lived a person in a remote village. He loved to lead a life having freedom. So, he decided not to....................

None can Live Alone

Once upon a time, there lived a person in a remote village. He loved to lead a life having freedom. So, he decided not to marry in life. He thought that marriage might take away his freedom. He thought that having a family would be a burden on him and he would lose freedom. So, he went to a forest and began to lead a care-free life. He made a hut in the forest. He collected fruits from the trees and ate them. The whole day, he used to move freely in the forest. There was none to disturb his peace. He began to enjoy full freedom there. After some days, he began to feel very lonely as there was none to talk to him. So, he left the forest and came back to the village and married woman.


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