উত্তাল মার্চ

Power of Positivity : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Liton is a brilliant student. Thought he wants to make a good result, he does not attend classes regularly. Rather going to a coaching centre, he memorized answers from guidebooks and sheets and finds that he cannot cut a good figure in the exams. One day, his class teacher called him and took....................

Power of Positivity

Liton is a brilliant student. Thought he wants to make a good result, he does not attend classes regularly. Rather going to a coaching centre, he memorized answers from guidebooks and sheets and finds that he cannot cut a good figure in the exams. One day, his class teacher called him and took him to the Headmaster’s room. Both the Headmaster and the class teacher forbade him to go to coaching centre and follow guidebooks. They also advised him to attend classes regularly. Liton was very obedient to his teachers. He followed the instruction of his teachers. He stopped going to coaching centre. He became very regular in his class. He attended both theoretical and practical classes. He began to do well in the periodic exams. He overcame all his shortcomings and drawbacks. In the public exam, he made an outstanding result which pleased everyone.
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