উত্তাল মার্চ

Return from the Door of Death : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

It was a fine sunny day. Almost all the workers were busy with their daily activities in a factory. Suddenly there was a crashing sound....................

Return from the Door of Death

It was a fine sunny day. Almost all the workers were busy with their daily activities in a factory. Suddenly there was a crashing sound. I noticed my colleagues running back and forth, screaming. It took me a moment or two to realise that something ominous (অশুভ) was going to happen. As soon as I along with others moved 20 feet towards the staircases (সিঁড়ি), the building began collapsing giving me the feeling of a lift going down at speed. Darkness engulfed (গ্রাস করা) the entire place with thick clouds of dust. I heard screams (চিৎকার) around me. My heart started pounding. After some time, a ray of hope emerged when I saw a faint (ম্লান) light. A lot of things and memories came across my mind. I was thinking about my wife and children. Suddenly I saw the hole of an exhaust fan around 20 feet away. With every bit of energy in me, I crawled to the hole. Some rescuers (উদ্ধারকারী) saw me after I had started screaming for help. They assured me that they would rescue me and told me not to worry. They tride their best to rescue me and finally I was able to come out. I saw many of my colleagues trapped in debris (ধ্বংসস্তূপ) still alive and they could not move, as walls and machines had fallen on them. How terrible that moment was for me!


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