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The Cunning Fox and The Foolish Crocodile : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once there lived a foolish crocodile. He had seven children. He wanted them to be educated. Accordingly, he brought the children to a fox who lived near by the river where the crocodile lived. The fox gladly accepted the proposal to teach the children....................

The Cunning Fox and The Foolish Crocodile

Once there lived a foolish crocodile. He had seven children. He wanted them to be educated. Accordingly, he brought the children to a fox who lived near by the river where the crocodile lived. The fox gladly accepted the proposal to teach the children. So, the crocodile left all her children with the fox and went back to the river. The fox liked to eat crocodile’s kids. So, he ate one of them and kept the other six. After some days, the crocodile came to see her children. Then the cunning fox showed her the six kids and showed one of them twice. The foolish mother crocodile thought that she saw all the seven of her children and went away. The cunning fox again ate another one of the crocodile’s kids. After some days, the crocodile came and the fox again showed two of them twice. Thus, one day the fox ate all the kids and refused the crocodile to give back her kids because the kids are now educated. They can move now all by themselves. They do not need their mother or any assistance.


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