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The Immortal 7th March : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

7th March 1971 was a day of huge tension. Everybody was eagerly waiting for the leader in the Racecourse Maidan. Military helicopters were patrolling in the sky. Suddenly....................

The Immortal 7th March

7th March 1971 was a day of huge tension. Everybody was eagerly waiting for the leader in the Racecourse Maidan. Military helicopters were patrolling in the sky. Suddenly Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the great leader of the Bengali people, appeared before the microphone on the stage with his high and manly voice, he gave a historic speech before the gathering crowd. Addressing the people as ‘my brother’, Bangabandhu began his speech with the statement that his heart was overflowing with grief. He protested the massacre that had been committed in different cities of the country. He said that Bengal had passed twenty three tragic years of tyranny and oppression. He also said that he had hoped that Bengali people would get their economic, political and cultural freedom after the general election of 1970. But the Pakistani rulers were about to deny that right. Bangabandhu said that the Bengali people had always achieved their rights through bloodshed. And now the rulers had incited the army against them. The great leader called for an all out struggle against their oppression and mass killing. He told the Bengali people to fortify themselves and fight against the invaders with whatever they had with them. He invited to continue the struggle until their goal was achieved. Finally Bangabandhu said that it was the time of struggle for independence. He expressed the hope that the people would free themselves from foreign rule. He ended his speech with the slogan “Joy Bangla”. Bangabandhu’s historic speech aroused the Bengali people. They became united, and fought against the Pakistani janta. Finally on the 16th December 1971, the Pakistani army surrendered and a new country named Bangladesh came into being on the world map.
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