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The Lion and the Lamb : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

A lion was drinking water from a brook. At the same time, a lamb was also taking water from the downstream of the same brook....................

The Lion and the Lamb

A lion was drinking water from a brook. At the same time, a lamb was also taking water from the downstream of the same brook. The lion saw the lamb. He was hungry and wanted to devour him (lamb). As a result, he was thinking about how to accomplish his evil design. At lest, he hit upon a plan. The lion accused that the lamb was disturbing him by mudding water. But the lamb tried to refute the accusation by saying that he was taking water from downstream. So the question of mudding water on his part did not arise. On the contrary, the lamb replied that it was the lion who was muddying water for him (lamb) as he was drinking water from upstream. Then the lion retorted that perhaps his father was mudding water for him in the last year. Saying this, the lion attacked the lamb and killed him.


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