উত্তাল মার্চ

Too Much Greed, Too Much Sufferings : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher’s shop. He ran away with it and at last went to a stream. There was a plank across....................

Too Much Greed, Too Much Sufferings

Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher’s shop. He ran away with it and at last went to a stream. There was a plank across the stream. The dog was running over the plank. He looked down into the stream at the time of running over the plank across stream and saw clearly a dog’s shadow in the water. The greedy dog thought that there was another dog carrying a piece of feat. So he quickly jumped into the water. In doing so that dog lost the piece of meat from its mouth. The piece of meat was carried away by the flow of the river. There was no other dog. The one of had attacked was its own shadow. The greedy dog was soaking wet and with great difficulties reached the shore. The greedy dog went home sluggishly. His stomach was getting even hungrier. The dog thought that too much greed had resulted in such misery.

Same story collected from another book

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once upon a time, a greedy dog steal a piece of meat from a nearby house, and holding it in his mouth he began to cross the river over a narrow bridge.....................

A dog and a piece of meat

Once upon a time, a greedy dog steal a piece of meat from a nearby house, and holding it in his mouth he began to cross the river over a narrow bridge. Suddenly, he looked down from the bridge into the canal. He saw another dog carrying a piece of meat in his mouth. The dog stopped on the bridge and looked down very carefully. He became greedy to get the another piece of meat. In fact, he saw his own image in the clear water of the canal and took it for another dog. So, he howled at the image. Instantly, the piece of meat fell into the water. The dog jumped following the piece of meat that was dropping. Alas! He failed to get it. He somehow swam to the other bank of the canal and remained unfed.
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