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Tour to a Historic Mosque City : Completing Story

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Study tour to any unknown places is thrilling to all. When we were in H.S.C first year, I along with thirty of my classmates went on a study tour....................

Tour to a Historic Mosque City

Study tour to any unknown places is thrilling to all. When we were in H.S.C first year, I along with thirty of my classmates went on a study tour to the Shat Gombuj Mosque in Bagerhet. It was a winter holiday. We all students got up the bus in the morning. Some teachers accompanied us. With some intervals, the bus reached Bagerhat in the afternoon. We went to see the historic mosque. We came to know many things from a guide. He took us from here to three in the mosque area, and told us many things about it and Begrhat. The mosque city was originally called Khalifatabad. It was a Muslim colony, founded by the Turkish general and saint Ulugh Khan Jahan in the 15th century. Its infrastructure reveals significant technical skills. Its planning was combined by Mughal and Turkish architecture. We came to know that Khan Jahan had built a network of roads, bridges, public buildings and reservoirs to make the city habitable. The multidomed Shat Gambuj Mosque is the most remarkable of its 360 mosques. The mosque is unique as it has 60 pillars and 77 domes. It is well-ventilated and well-lighted. The west wall in the interior has 11 mihrabs decorated with stonework and terracotta. By evening, our visit to this great mosque came to an end. After evening prayer, we had a quick tour to different areas of Bagerhat city, and came to know a lot of information. We stayed at a hotel that night, and started our return journey in the following morning. I shall never forget this study tour in my life.
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