আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Composition : Travelling as a Part of Education

Travelling as a Part of Education

By the word travelling we understand a journey, specially a long one with the object of seeing and knowing. Man has a natural instinct to go from one place to another and to acquire knowledge about the unknown. It is a part of education. It broadens our outlook and deepens our intellect.

Travelling is ancient times was very difficult. People had to depend on foot, boats, horses or carts. There were fears of wild animals, robbers and pirates. Roads and communication system were very bad.

In spite of all difficulties, men were undaunted. Ibn Batuta. Marco Polo. Hue En Shang were great travellers. Milton, Gibbon, Byron, Macaulay and Wordsworth widened their knowledge by extensive travelling.

Travelling gives us first hand knowledge of the places we visit. We can see the geographical features, crops, minerals, climate, transport system, etc. of these countries with our own eyes. A traveller gets an opportunity of personal contact with the people their way of life our own eyes. A traveller gets an opportunity of personal contact with the people, their way of life and culture. We can read about the Himalayas or the vastness of the oceans. But we cannot have any clear conception of them unless we can see them with our own eyes. Travelling gives perfection to our bookish or theoretical knowledge. Travelling makes us free from superstitions. Travellers are messengers of peace and help to establish universal brotherhood. By travelling the please of historical importance, we can come in contact with the achievements of the ancient kings and generals.

Travelling enables us to enjoy the most enchanting and splendid scenes of nature. They refresh our minds and act as incentive to creative writings. By seeing the wonderful creations of Allah. men become curious to know more about His power and creation.

Travelling has become very easy and comfortable now. If you can arrange the necessary money, set out on travelling, get rid of monotonous family life and learn more about the world. Joy of adventure combined with joy of knowledge and experience will make out learning perfect.
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