উত্তাল মার্চ

Ungratefulness / A Wolf and a Crane : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

There lived a wolf in a wood. He killed a lamb, but as he went on eating the flesh, a bone stuck....................

Ungratefulness / A Wolf and a Crane

There lived a wolf in a wood. He killed a lamb, but as he went on eating the flesh, a bone stuck in his throat. This gave him pain and he went without knowing what to do. He was howling on in agony. While moving here and there, suddenly he saw a crane (সারস পাখি) at a distance. He asked the crane towards him and requested it to help him remove his great trouble. The wolf lured (প্রলুব্ধ করা) the crane that it would give a lot of rewards. The greedy crane immediately agreed. It put its long beak (ঠোঁট) into the wolf’s throat and removed the piece of bone. The wolf was relieved of his pain. Then the crane asked for (চাওয়া) the rewards. The wolf laughed at the crane and said, “Why? You have already had sufficient rewards in having been permitted to draw out your beak and head safely from the mouth and jaws of a wolf.” “So I have already rewarded you without biting your head. Runaway from here, else I will kill you.” The crane was very much disappointed and ran away to save its life.

Same story collected from another book

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

There lived a wolf in a wood. He killed a lamb; but as he went on eating the flesh, a bone stuck in his throat. This gave him pain and he went about not knowing what to do. The wolf saw a crane by the side of a stream. The crane looked for fish. “Good Morning, Mr. Crane” said the wolf. “You might be looking for fish, I will give you a good reward if you do me a favour.”....................

The Wolf and the Crane

There lived a wolf in a wood. He killed a lamb; but as he went on eating the flesh, a bone stuck in his throat. This gave him pain and he went about not knowing what to do. The wolf saw a crane by the side of a stream. The crane looked for fish. “Good Morning, Mr. Crane” said the wolf. “You might be looking for fish, I will give you a good reward if you do me a favour.” The crane asked the wolf what favour he wanted. Then the wolf said that a bone had stuck in his throat and he wanted the crane to bring out that bone with the help of his long beak. The crane thought it to be a very easy work and agreed to the proposal. He asked the wolf to open wide his mouth and brought out the bone with his long beak. Then the crane demanded the reward. The wolf said, “Reward! You put your head into my throat and I did not crush the same into pieces. Is it not a reward?” Being afraid the crane flew away to a tree. Sitting on the branch of the tree he said, “You are an ungrateful fellow and God will punish you for this.”
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