আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Grammar : Assertive to Exclamatory - Transformation of Sentence

Assertive to Exclamatory

Rule — 1

Assertive sentence এ ব্যবহৃত Adjective এর পূর্বে an/a Article থাকলে,

(i) প্রথমে what বসে।
(ii) a/an সহ Adjective + Noun টি বসে
(iii) Adjective এর পূর্বে very বা gteat বাদ যায়।
(iv) Assertive sentence এর subject + verb বসে।
(v) Exclamatory sign (!) বসে।

What + a/an + Adjective + Noun + Subject + Verb + (!)

অনেক সময় a/an এর পরে শুধু Noun ব্যবহৃহ হয়ে থাকে। উদাহরণ :

Assertive : It is a very delicious coconut.
Exclamatory : What a delicious coconut it is!

Assertive : You are a great cheat.
Exclamatory : What a cheat you are!

Assertive : It is a very fine bird.
Exclamatory : What a fine bird it is!

Assertive : He is a great fool.
Exclamatory : What a fool he is!

Assertive : He is a student.
Exclamatory : What a student he is!

Assertive : It is a very hot day.
Exclamatory : What a hot day it is!

Practice more :

Assertive : He is a great liar.
Exclamatory : What a liar he is!

Assertive : I am a great fool.
Exclamatory : What a fool I am!

Assertive : It's a very nice idea.
Exclamatory : What a nice idea it is!

Assertive : He is a very good player.
Exclamatory : What a good player he is!

Assertive : It is a very fantastic book.
Exclamatory : What a fantastic book it is!

Assertive : He is a great man.
Exclamatory : What a great man he is!

Rule — 2

Assertive sentence এ ব্যবহৃত Adjective এর পূর্বে a/an Article না থাকলে,

(i) প্রথমে How বসে।
(ii) Adjective Word টি বসে
(iii) Assertive sentence এর subject + verb টি অপরিবর্তিত অবস্থায় বসে।
(iv) Exclamatory sign (!) বসে।

How + Adjective + Subject + Verb + (!)

উদাহরণ :

Assertive : This place is very charming.
Exclamatory : How charming this place is!

Assertive : The rose is very beautiful.
Exclamatory : How beautiful the rose is!

Assertive : The day is very cool.
Exclamatory : How cool the day is!

Assertive : She is very nice.
Exclamatory : How nice she is!

Practice more :

Assertive : The man is very tall.
Exclamatory : How tall the man is!

Assertive : The room is very large.
Exclamatory : How large the room is!

Assertive : He is very foolish.
Exclamatory : How foolish he is!

Assertive : He works very nicely.
Exclamatory : How nicely he works!

Assertive : She is very talktive.
Exclamatory : How talktive she is!

Assertive : The cobra is very poisonous.
Exclamatory : How poisonous the cobra is!

Rule — 3

Assertive Sentence এ wish থাকলে Exclamatory করার নিয়ম :

(i) Subject + wish উঠে যেয়ে If / Would that বসে।
(ii) দ্বিতীয় clause বা wish এর পরের অংশটুকু বসে।

Subject + If/Would that + 2nd clause (বাকি অংশ) + (!)

উদাহরণ :

Assertive : I wish I were a king.
Exclamatory : Would that I were a king!
or, Exclamatory : If I were a king!

Assertive : I wish I saw you.
Exclamatory : If I saw you!

Assertive : I wish I could do it.
Exclamatory : If I could do it!

আবার, Wish + দ্বিতীয় অংশে had থাকলে শুরুতে Had বসে। উদাহরণ :

Assertive : I wish I had seen her.
Exclamatory : Had I seen her!

Assertive : I wish I had the wings of a bird.
Exclamatory : Had I the wings of a bird!

Assertive : I wish I had a bosom friend.
Exclamatory : Had I a bosom friend!

Practice more :

Assertive : I wish I had so much money.
Exclamatory : Had I so much money!

Assertive : I wish I had a grand house.
Exclamatory : Had I a grand house!

Assertive : I wish I had been a king.
Exclamatory : Had I been a king!

Assertive : I wish I were a good player.
Exclamatory : If I were a good player!

Assertive : I wish I were a bird.
Exclamatory : If I were a bird!

Rule — 4

Assertive sentence এ Rejoice, It is a matter of joy / It is a matter of sorrow / It is a matter of surprise থাকলে Exclamatory করার নিয়ম :

(i) Rejoice বা It is a matter of joy/sorrow/surprise থাকলে Hurrah বা Bravo বা Alas বসে,
(ii) Rejoice বা It is a matter of joy/sorrow/surprise এর পরের অংশ অপরিবর্তনীয় অবস্থায় বসে।
(iii) Sign of exclamation (!)

Hurrah / Alas + (!) + It is a matter of joy / sorrow / surprise that এর পরের অংশটুকু।

উদাহরণ :

Assertive : It is a matter of joy that we have won the game.
Exclamatory : Hurrah! We have won the game.

Assertive : It is a matter of sorrow that he is dead.
Exclamatory : Alas! he is dead.

Assertive : I regret that the man is dead.
Exclamatory : Alas! the man is dead.

Practice more :

Assertive : I regret that I shot the albatross one day.
Exclamatory : Alas! I shot the albatross one day.

Assertive : It is a matter of sorrow that I am undone.
Exclamatory : Alas! I am undone.

Assertive : It is a matter of joy that we have become victorious.
Exclamatory : Hurrah! we have become victorious.

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