আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Grammar : Assertive to Interrogative - Transformation of Sentence



Assertive sentence কে Interrogative sentence এ পরিণত করতে হলে আমাদের প্রথমে Verb সম্পর্কে প্রাথমিক কিছু জ্ঞান রাখতে হবে। নিম্নে Verb নিয়ে সংক্ষিপ্ত আলোচনা করা হল :

Verb তিন ধরনের হতে পারে (Verb –এর অন্যান্য Classification বাদ দিয়ে)। যথা :
(i) Verb to be = am, is, are, was, were.
(ii) Verb to have = have, has, had.
(iii) Verb to do = play, call, see, eat, drink, work, cry, weep ইত্যাদি।

[ N.B. : Can, Could, May, Might, Must, Shall, Should, Will, Would ইত্যাদিকে Modal Auxiliary বলা হয়। ]

Rule — 1

To be verb যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে Interrogative করার নিয়ম :

প্রথমে To be Verb বসে + n't (not) বসে + Subject বসে + বাকী অংশ বসে + (?) বসে। যেমন :

Assertive : He is absent from the meeting.
Interrogative : Isn't he absent from the meeting?

Assertive : I was sincere in my duties.
Interrogative : Wasn't I sincere in my duties?

Assertive : They are going to open a bank account.
Interrogative : Aren't they going to open a bank account?

Practice more :

Assertive : He is well.
Interrogative : Isn't he well?

Assertive : They are playing.
Interrogative : Aren't they playing?

Assertive : Smoking is a bad habit.
Interrogative : Isn't smoking a bad habit?

Assertive : Bangladesh is our motherland.
Interrogative : Isn't Bangladesh our motherland?

Assertive : He is a good student.
Interrogative : Isn't he a good student?

Assertive : He is a good man.
Interrogative : Isn't he a good man?

Assertive : It was a good idea.
Interrogative : Wasn't it a good idea?

Assertive : Man is mortal.
Interrogative : Isn't man mortal?

কিন্তু Assertive sentence টি যদি Negative এ থাকে তবে Interrogative করতে হলে,
(i) Assertive sentence এ ব্যবহৃত to be verb টি প্রথমে বসে +
(ii) subject বসে +
(iii) Assertive sentence এ ব্যবহৃত Negative Word যেমন— not, no, never, nothing ইত্যাদি বাদ যায়।
(iv) to be verb (যেটি আগেই বসেছে) এর পর থেকে সবই বসে। যেমন :

Assertive : They are not well.
Interrogative : Are they well?

Assertive : Bangladesh was not free.
Interrogative : Was Bangladesh free?

Assertive : We are not lovers of the surface.
Interrogative : Are we lovers of the surface?

Practice more :

Assertive : He is not a great fool.
Interrogative : Is he a great fool?

Assertive : I was not a good student.
Interrogative : Was I a good student?

Assertive : Jerry was not irresponsible.
Interrogative : Was Jerry irresponsible?

Assertive : I was not sincere in my work.
Interrogative : Was I sincere in my work?

Rule — 2

To have verb (have, has, had) যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে Interrogative করার নিয়ম :
Have / has / had + not + Subject + মূল verb এর past participle + বাকি অংশ + (?)। যেমন :

Assertive : They have gone home.
Interrogative : Haven't they gone home?

Assertive : I have eaten rice.
Interrogative : Haven't I eaten rice?

Assertive : Our college had a well-furnished library.
Interrogative : Hadn't our college a well-furnished library?

Assertive Sentence টি Negative এ থাকে তবে Interrogative করার নিয়ম :
Have / has / had + Subject + মূল Verb এর Past Participle + বাকি অংশ। যেমন :

Assertive : They have not written a letter.
Interrogative : Are they written a letter?

Assertive : Bangladesh has not much prosperity.
Interrogative : Has Bangladesh much prosperity?

Assertive : Ruma had no money.
Interrogative : Had Ruma any money?

Practice more :

Assertive : I have no doubt about that.
Interrogative : Have I any doubt about that?
[ no থাকলে অনেকে any ব্যবহার করে ]

Assertive : He had no good idea.
Interrogative : Had he any good idea?

Assertive : He has not angry.
Interrogative : Has he angry?

Assertive : They have not gone there.
Interrogative : Have they gone there?

Rule — 3

To do verb যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে Interrogative করার নিয়ম :
Do / Does / Did + not + Subject + মূল Verb এর Present Form + বাকি অংশ + (?)। যেমন :

Assertive : Sumon goes home in time.
Interrogative : Doesn't Sumon go home in time?

Assertive : He showed his ability.
Interrogative : Didn't he show ability?

Assertive : I began to look about him.
Interrogative : Didn't I begin to look about him?

Assertive : He goes to school.
Interrogative : Doesn't he go to school?

Assertive sentence টি যদি Negative form এ থাকে তা Interrogative করতে হলে,
Do / Does / Did + Subject + মূল Verb বসে + বাকি অংশ + (?)। যেমন :

Assertive : We do not set out very early in the morning.
Interrogative : Do we set out very early in the morning?

Assertive : Bangladesh does not play well.
Interrogative : Does Bangladesh play well?

Assertive : He did not go to school.
Interrogative : Did he go to school?

Assertive : They did not eat their lunch.
Interrogative : Did they eat their lunch?

Assertive : This dog does not bark.
Interrogative : Does the dog bark?

Practice more :

Assertive : She did not suffer much during last years.
Interrogative : Did she suffer much during last years?

Assertive : We live in hamlets.
Interrogative : Don't we live in hamlets?

Assertive : The man killed the snake.
Interrogative : Didn't the man kill the snake?

Assertive : Mother carries large flasks full of coffee.
Interrogative : Doesn't mother carry large flasks full of coffee?

Assertive : He does not work hard.
Interrogative : Does he work hard?

Rule — 4

Modal Auxiliary যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে Interrogative করার নিয়ম :
Modal Auxiliary + not + Subject + Verb এর মূল form বসে + বাকি অংশ + (?)। যেমন :

Assertive : They will go home.
Interrogative : Will not (Won't) they go home?

Assertive : He can do the work.
Interrogative : Can't he do the work?

Assertive : She should speak the truth.
Interrogative : Shouldn't she speak the truth?

Assertive sentence টি যদি Negative এ থাকে Interrogative করার নিয়ম,
Modal Auxiliary + Subject + মূল Verb + বাকি অংশ + (?)। যেমন :

Assertive : They will not arrive today.
Interrogative : Will they arrive today?

Assertive : I must take nothing.
Interrogative : Must I take anything?

Assertive : She will never come here again.
Interrogative : Will she ever come here again?

[ N.B. Never এর পরিবর্তে ever এবং nothing এর পরিবর্তে anything ]

Practice more :

Assertive : You will never find such a faithful lover.
Interrogative : Will you ever find such a faithful lover?

Assertive : I must do the work.
Interrogative : Mustn't I do the work?

Assertive : We can do the work.
Interrogative : Can't we do the work?

Rule — 5

Everyone / Everybody যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে Interrogative করার নিয়ম :
Who + don't / doesn't / didn't + মূল Verb এর Present Form + বাকি অংশ + (?)। যেমন :

Assertive : Everybody loves his country.
Interrogative : Who doesn't love his country?

Assertive : Everyone attended the function.
Interrogative : Who didn't attend the function?

Assertive : Everyone wishes to be happy.
Interrogative : Who doesn't wish to be happy?

Assertive : Everybody hates a liar.
Interrogative : Who doesn't hate a liar?

বিকল্প নিয়ম

Is there any + Subject + Who doesn't + মূল Verb এর Present form + বাকি অংশ + (?)। যেমন :

Assertive : Every man hates war.
Interrogative : Is there any man who doesn't hate war?

Assertive : Every mother loves her child.
Interrogative : Is there any mother who doesn't love her child?

Assertive : Every girl attends to her cheek.
Interrogative : Is there any girl who doesn't attend to her cheek?

এ জাতীয় বাক্যে must থাকলে interrogative করার সময় does not (doesn't) না বসে will not (won't) বসে। যেমন :

Assertive : Everman must die.
Interrogative : Is there any man who won't die?

Assertive : Everyone must want to live in society.
Interrogative : Is there anyone who won't live in society?

Practice more :

Assertive : Everyone wants happiness.
Interrogative : Who does not want happiness?

Assertive : Everybody loves flowers.
Interrogative : Is there anybody who does not love flowers?

Assertive : Everybody has some desire.
Interrogative : Who doesn't have any desire?

Rule — 6

None / Nobody / No man যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে Interrogative করার নিয়ম :
(i) None / Nobody / No man এর পরিবর্তে who বসে +
(ii) Assertive sentence এর verb এর পর থেকে সব বসে + (?)। যেমন :

Assertive : Nobody can deny it.
Interrogative : Who can deny it?

Assertive : Nobody believes a liar.
Interrogative : Who believes a liar?

Assertive : None can do this.
Interrogative : Who can do this?

None / Nobody / No man যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে Interrogative করা যায়। যেমন :

Assertive : Nobody can deny it.
Interrogative : Can anybody deny it?

Assertive : No one can do this.
Interrogative : Can anyone do this?

Practice more :

Assertive : Nobody could ever count my love for you.
Interrogative : Who could ever count my love for you?

Assertive : Nobody can hit accurately every time.
Interrogative : Who can hit accurately every time?

Assertive : Nobody could ever count my love for you.
Interrogative : Who could ever count my love for you?
or, Interrogative : Could anybody ever count my love for you?

Assertive : No one can do this.
Interrogative : Who can do this?
or, Interrogative : Can anyone do this?

Rule — 7

Introductory there যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে Interrogative করার নিয়ম :
There is no এর পরিবর্তে what / who বসে + প্রদত্ত বাক্যের বাকি অংশ + (?)। যেমন :

Assertive : There is no use of this law.
Interrogative : What is the use of this law?
or, Interrogative : Is there any use of this law?

Assertive : There is no man happier than Jamil.
Interrogative : Who is happier than Jamil?
or, Interrogative : Is there any man happier than Jamil?

There is no এর পরে ব্যক্তির উল্লেখ থাকলে Who বসে এবং ব্যক্তির পরিবর্তে অন্য কিছুর উল্লেখ থাকলে What বসে। তবে উত্তর বাক্যের শুরুতে Is there any ব্যবহার করে Inerrogative করা যায়।

Assertive : There is no use of mobile set for the children.
Interrogative : What is the use of mobile set for the children?
or, Interrogative : Is there any use of mobile set for the children?

Practice more :

Assertive : There is little milk in the glass.
Interrogative : Is there any milk in the glass?

Assertive : There is nothing better than honesty.
Interrogative : Is there anything better than honesty?

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