আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Grammar : Comparative to Superlative - Changing Degrees

Comparative to Superlative

Rule — 1

than any other যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Superlative Degree করার নিয়মাবলী :

(i) Comparative sentence এর Subject ও Verb টি বসে।
(ii) the বসে।
(iii) Comparative degree এর Superlative form বসে।
(iv) than any other পর থেকে সব বসে।

Subject + Verb + the + Comparative degree এর Superlative form + than any other এর পরের অংশ।

উদাহরণ :

Comparative : Saila is more meritorious than any other student.
Superlative : Saila is the most meritorious student.

Comparative : Rajshahi is hotter than any other city in Bangladesh.
Superlative : Rajshahi is the hottest city in Bangladesh.

Comparative : Ruma is younger than any other member of this family.
Superlative : Ruma is the youngest member of this family.


Other এর পরে Plural Noun থাকলে Superlative এর পর of all বসে।

Comparative : He is taller than all other boys.
Superlative : He is the tallest of all boys.

Comparative : Rahaman is poorer than any other men in this village.
Superlative : Rahaman is the poorest man of all men in this village.

Practice more :

Comparative : It is bigger than any other building in this city.
Superlative : It is the biggest building in this city.

Comparative : Ramadan is holier than any other month for Muslims.
Superlative : Ramadan is the holiest month for Muslims.

Comparative : The knife is sharper than all other knives.
Superlative : The knife is the sharpest of all knives.

Comparative : Kazi Nazrul Islam is more famous than any other poet in Bengali literature.
Superlative : Kazi Nazrul is the most famous poet in Bengali literature.

Rule — 2

Than most other / than few other যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Superlative Degree করার নিয়মাবলী :

(i) Comparative sentence এর Subject এবং Verb টি বসে।
(ii) One of the বসে।
(iii) Comparative degree এর Superlative form বসে।
(iv) than most other / many other পর থেকে সব বসে।

Subject + Verb + One of the + Comparative degree এর Superlative form + than most other / than few other এর পরের অংশ।

উদাহরণ :

Comparative : Bogura is bigger than most other cities in Rajshahi.
Superlative : Bogura is one of the biggest cities in Rajshahi.

Comparative : Rakib is better than most other students.
Superlative : Rakib is one of the best students

Comparative : Gold is more precious than most other metals.
Superlative : Gold is one of the most precious metals.

Practice more :

Comparative : Sheraton is more expensive than most other restaurants in Bangladesh.
Superlative : Sheraton is one of the most expensive restaurants in Bangladesh.

Comparative : She is more faithful than most other girls.
Superlative : She is one of the most faithful girls.

Comparative : Milk is more nutritious than most other foods.
Superlative : Milk is one of the most nutritious foods.

Comparative : Strategy is more important than any other things in the examination.
Superlative : Strategy is one of the most important things in the examination.

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