পহেলা বৈশাখ

Grammar : Simple to Compound - Transformation of Sentence

Simple to Compound

Rule — 1

Simple Sentence এ (to + verb) দ্বারা উদ্দেশ্য বুঝালে উক্ত Sentence কে Compound Sentence এ রূপান্তর করার সময় to এর পরিবর্তে subject + want / wanted to ব্যবহৃত হয়। তারপর verb ও বাকি অংশ বসবে। শেষে and so / and therefore ব্যবহার করে to এর পূর্বের অংশ ব্যবহার করতে হবে। [বাক্যের শুরুতে অবশ্যই কর্তা বসবে।]

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
to + verb = ___ and ___

উদাহরণ :—

Simple : He goes to the library to read there.
Compound : He wants to read and so he goes to the library.

Simple : Della saves money to buy a gift.
Compound : Della wants to buy a gift and so she saves money.

Simple : He worked hard to succeed in life.
Compound : He wanted to succeed in life and so he worked hard.

Practice more :

Simple : The farmer irrigated the land to produce bumper crops.
Compound : The farmer wanted to produce bumper crops and so therefore he irrigated the land.

Simple : They helped him to make him a doctor.
Compound : They wanted to make him a doctor and so they helped him.

Simple : He reads more to succeed.
Compound : He wants to succeed and so he reads more.

Simple : The fishermen go to the river to catch fish.
Compound : The fisherman wants to catch fish and so he goes to the river.

Simple : They write to me to keep relation.
Compound : They want to keep relation and so they write to me.

Rule — 2

Simple Sentence এ যদি in order to থাকে তবে Compound করতে in order to এর বাম পাশের অংশটুকু (v + o) — এমন করে সাজাতে হবে অর্থাৎ একে imperative sentence এর মতন করে গঠন করতে হবে এবং in order to তুলে দিয়ে সেখানে and (you will) বসাতে হবে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
in order to + verb = ___ and ___

উদাহরণ —

Simple : You must work hard in order to succeed.
Compound : Work hard and (you will) succeed.

Simple : Do it in order to get money.
Compound : Do it and (you will) get money.

Simple : Drink milk in order to get vitamins.
Compound : Drink milk and (you will) get vitamins.

Practice more :

Simple : Study hard in order to pass the exam.
Compound : Study hard and (you will) pass the exam.

Simple : Love others in order to be loved by them.
Compound : Love others and (you will) be loved by them.

Simple : Do it in order to earn money.
Compound : Do it and (you will) earn money.

Rule — 3

Besides + non finite verb ___ দ্বারা গঠিত simple sentence কে compound sentence এ রূপান্তর করার সময় উক্ত phrase টির পরিবর্তে not only ব্যবহার করে phrase টিকে Co–ordinate clause এ রূপান্তর করতে হয়। তারপর but aslo ব্যবহার করে দ্বিতীয় Co–ordinate clause গঠন করতে হয়।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
Besides + V (ing) = Not only ___ but also ____.

উদাহরণ —

Simple : Besides eating a mango, he ate an apple.
Compound : He ate not only a mango but also an apple.

Simple : Besides robbing the poor child, he also murdered her.
Compound : He not only robbed the poor child but also murdered her.

Simple : Besides supporting me, he also helped me with money.
Compound : He not only supported me but also helped me with money.

Rule — 4

Notwithstanding, in spite of, despite ইত্যাদি দ্বারা গঠিত phrase দ্বারা simple sentence গঠিত হয়। এই ধরনের simple sentence কে compound sentence এ রূপান্তর করার সময় phrase টিকে Co–ordinate clause এ রূপান্তর করতে হবে এবং দ্বিতীয় Co–ordinate clause এর পূর্বে but/yet ব্যবহার করতে হবে। উল্লেখ্য Notwithstanding, in spite of, despite ইত্যাদি তুলে দিতে হবে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
Notwithstanding, in spite of, despite = ___ but ___

উদাহরণ —

Simple : In spite of/despite his hard work, he did not succeed.
Compound : He worked hard, yet he did not succeed.

Simple : Notwithstanding his popularity, he was not elected.
Compound : He was popular, but he was not elected.

Simple : In spite of his riches, he was unhappy.
Compound : He was rich but unhappy.

Note :
↬ দুটি Clause এর মাঝে একই Subject ব্যবহার করা সর্বোত্তম।

Practice more :

Simple : In spite of his being poor, he is happy.
Compound : He is poor but happy.

Simple : In spite of running fast, I could not catch the train.
Compound : I run fast but could not catch the train.

Simple : In spite of his property, he is not unhappy.
Compound : He is poor but not unhappy.

Rule — 5

Owing to, because of, for, due to, on account of ইত্যাদি দ্বারা গঠিত phrase দ্বারা simple sentence গঠিত হয়। এই ধরনের simple sentence কে compound sentence এ রূপান্তর করার সময় phrase টিকে Co–ordinate clause এ রূপান্তর করতে হবে এবং দ্বিতীয় Co–ordinate clause এর পূর্বে and so/and therefore ব্যবহার করতে হবে। উল্লেখ্য Owing to, because of, for, due to, on account of ইত্যাদি তুলে দিতে হবে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
because of/on account of/Owing to/Due to = ___ and ___

উদাহরণ :

Simple : Owing to illness, he could not attend the meeting.
Compound : He was ill and so could not attend the meeting.

Simple : He could not go to school on account of his illness.
Compound : He was ill and could not go to school.

Simple : Because of their playing well, they won the match.
Compound : They played well and so they won the match.

Practice more :

Simple : Because of his experience, he got the job.
Compound : He had experience and so he got the job.

Simple : The teacher punished the boy for disobedience.
Compound : The boy was disobedient and therefore the teacher punished him.

Simple : Because of his being ill, he can not move.
Compound : He is ill and so he can not move.

Rule — 6

Participle phrase দ্বারা গঠিত Simple sentence কে Compound sentence এ পরিণত করার সময় উক্ত phrase টিকে অর্থানুসারে Co—ordinate clause এ রূপান্তর করতে হবে এবং উক্ত clause এর পরে Coordinating conjunction ' and ' ব্যবহার করে দ্বিতীয় Co–ordinate clause গঠন করতে হবে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
Present Participle phrase/ V.(ing) = ___ and ___

উদাহরণ —

Simple : Opening the door, he entered the room.
Compound : He opened the door and entered the room.

Simple : The weather being fine, we started for Dhaka.
Compound : The weather was fine and we started for Dhaka.

Simple : Having finished the work, he went to London.
Compound : He finished the work and went to London.

Practice more :

Simple : Disappointed, he left the place.
Compound : He was disappointed and left the place.

Simple : Closing the door, I went back to work.
Compound : I closed the door and went back to work.

Simple : Hearing a noise, he woke up.
Compound : He heard a noise and woke up.

Simple : Coming home, he began to work.
Compound : He came home and began to work.

Simple : Seeing the police, the thief ran away.
Compound : The theif saw the police and ran away.

Simple : Drinking water, the writer wanted to save money.
Compound : The writer drank water and wanted to save money.

Rule — 7

By + gerund দ্বারা গঠিত phrase দ্বারা Simple sentence কে Compound sentence এ পরিণত করার সময় উক্ত phrase টিকে অর্থানুসারে Co—ordinate clause এ রূপান্তর করতে হবে এবং উক্ত clause এর পরে Coordinating conjunction ' and ' ব্যবহার করে দ্বিতীয় Co–ordinate clause গঠন করতে হবে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
By + verb ing–form = ___ and ____

উদাহরণ —

Simple : By reading attentively, you will pass the exam.
Compound : Read attentively and you will pass the exam.

Simple : By reading the book, you will acquire a lot of knowledge.
Compound : Read the book and you will acquire a lot of knowledge.

Simple : By eating fruits and vegetables, you can get vitamins.
Compound : Eat fruits and vegetables and you can get vitamins.

Practice more :

Simple : By reading newspaper you can know about many things.
Compound : Read newspaper and you can know about many things.

Simple : By working hard, you can prosper in life.
Compound : Work hard and you can prosper in life.

Simple : By eating a balanced diet, we can be healthy.
Compound : We eat a balanced diet and we can be healthy.

Simple : By studying hard you can pass in the first division.
Compound : Study hard and you can pass in the first division.

Simple : By reading the newspaper you can be wise.
Compound : Read the newspaper and be wise.

Rule — 8

Without + gerund দ্বারা গঠিত phrase দ্বারা Simple sentence কে Compound sentence এ পরিণত করার সময় উক্ত phrase টিকে অর্থানুসারে Co—ordinate clause এ রূপান্তর করতে হবে এবং উক্ত clause এর পরে Coordinating conjunction ' or ' ব্যবহার করে দ্বিতীয় Co–ordinate clause গঠন করতে হবে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
Without + verb ing–form = ____ or/otherwise _____

উদাহরণ —

Simple : Without reading attentively, you will not pass the exam.
Compound : Read attentively or you will not pass the exam.

Simple : Without working hard, you will not succeed in life.
Compound : Work hard or you will not succeed in life.

Simple : Without working hard, you can not succeed in life.
Compound : Work hard otherwise/or you can not succeed in life.

Practice more :

Simple : Without being punctual, you can't prosper in life.
Compound : Be punctual or you can't prosper in life.

Simple : Without reading hard, you can not pass.
Compound : Read hard or you can not pass.

Simple : Without loving others, you can not be loved by them.
Compound : Love others or you can not be loved by them.

Simple : Without giving me fifty taka, you can not take the book.
Compound : Give me fifty taka or you can not take the book.

Rule — 9

Simple sentence এ to + verb দ্বারা গঠিত phrase দ্বারা যখন result প্রকাশ করে তখন তার পূর্বে ব্যবহৃত Adjective/Adverb এর পূর্বে too ব্যবহৃত হয়। এ ধরনের Simple sentence কে Compound Sentence এ রূপান্তর করার সময় too কে very তে রূপান্তর করতে হবেনএবং to এর পরিবর্তে and so বসবে। তারপর Subject + can not/could not ব্যবহৃত হবে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
Too ___ to = Very ___ and ___

উদাহরণ —

Simple : He is too weak to work.
Compound : He is very weak and so he can not walk.

Simple : The poem is too hard for me to understand.
Compound : The is very hard and so I can not understand it.

Simple : He was too late to catch the train.
Compound : He was very late and he could not catch the train.

Practice more :

Simple : He is too weak to walk.
Compound : He is very weak and he can not walk.

Simple : He was too weak to attend the function.
Compound : He was very weak and he could not attend the function.

Simple : He is too weak to walk fast.
Compound : He is very weak and so he can not walk fast.

Simple : The load is too heavy for him to carry.
Compound : The load is very heavy and he can not carry it.

Rule — 10

Being যুক্ত Simple Sentence কে Compound Sentence এ রূপান্তর করতে Being এর বাকি অংশটি যে Tense এ থাকে, Being কেও সেই একই Tense এ গঠন করতে হয়। এবং Sentence দুটির মাঝে and বসে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
Be verb এর ing–form (being) = am, is, are, was, were + ___ and ____

উদাহরণ —

Simple : Being honest, he could not tell a lie.
Compound : He was honest and so he could not tell a lie.

Simple : Being ill, I could not attend the meeting.
Compound : I was ill and so I could not attend the meeting.

Simple : The water being hot, I could not drink it.
Compound : The water was hot and I could not drink it.

Practice more :

Simple : The weather being cold, we can not go out.
Compound : The weather is cold and we can not go out.

Rule — 11

Perfect Participle যুক্ত Simple Sentence কে Compound Sentence এ রূপান্তর করতে Subject বসে + Perfect Participle এর Past perfect form বসে + and বসে + বাকী অংশ বসে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
Perfect Participle (having + v.p.p) = Sub + had + v.p.p + and ____

উদাহরণ —

Simple : Having forgotten him, I went out.
Compound : I had forgotten him and went out.

Simple : Having eaten rice, I went to bed.
Compound : I had eaten rice and went to bed.

Simple : Having done the work, I went home.
Compound : I had done the work and went home.

Practice more :

Simple : Having sold my watch, I bought a shirt.
Compound : I had sold my watch nd bought a shirt.

Simple : The sun having set, we started for home.
Compound : The sun had set and we started for home.

Rule — 12

Adjective যুক্ত Simple Sentence কে Compound Sentence এ রূপান্তর করতে Sentence টিকে Tense অনুযায়ী দুটি Clause এ রূপান্তর করতে হবে এবং দুই clause এর মাঝে and বসবে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
Adjective + noun = __ and ___

উদাহরণ —

Simple : He bought a big fish.
Compound : He bought a fish and it was big.

Simple : I helped a poor boy.
Compound : I helped a boy and he was poor.

Simple : She bought a costly dress.
Compound : She bought a dress and it was costly.

Simple : The girl sang a sweet song.
Compound : The girl sang a song and it was sweet.

Practice more :

Simple : They took care of the orphan boy.
Compound : The boy was orphan and they took care of him.

Simple : I am sure of his success.
Compound : He will success and I am sure of it.

Simple : Truly he is an honest man.
Compound : He is an honest man and it is true.

Simple : Hannaan is good student.
Compound : It is Hannan and he is a good student.

Rule — 13

Suddenly, surely, truly, certainly, surprisingly, accidentally adverb যুক্ত Simple Sentence কে Compound Sentence এ রূপান্তর —

Simple : Truly he will help me.
Compound : He will help me and it is true.

Simple : Suddenly his mother died.
Compound : His mother died and it was sudden.

Simple : Accidentally I meet him at the station.
Compound : I meet him at the station and it was accidental.

Simple : Surely he will come.
Compound : He will come and it is sure.

Simple : Surprisingly he made a good result.
Compound : He made a good result and it was surprising.

Simple : Certainly they will attend the meeting.
Compound : They will attend the meeting and it is certain.

Rule — 14

Simple Sentence এ Both _____and থাকলে তা Compound করার নিয়ম :— প্রথমে both এর জায়গায় not only এবং and এর জায়গায় but also বসে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
Both ___ and = not only ___ but also

উদাহরণ —

Simple : He is both honest and polite.
Compound : He is not only honest but also polite.

Simple : The man is both wise and learned.
Compound : The man is not only wise but also learned.

Simple : I like both ice cream and chocolate.
Compound : I like not only ice cream but also chocolate.

Simple : Both Rahim and Karim are good friends.
Compound : Not only Rahim but also Karim are good friends.

Simple : He took coffee and ice cream.
Compound : He took not only coffee but also ice cream.

Rule — 15

Simple Sentence এ Immediately after এবং Verb এর সাথে ing থাকলে তা Compound করার নিয়ম —Immediately after এর পরিবর্তে ___ and at once ___ বসে।

বিকল্প বুদ্ধি
Immediately after + v.ing = ___ and at once ____

উদাহরণ —

Simple : Immediately after seeing the police, the thief ran away.
Compound : The thief saw the police and at once he ran away.

Compound to Simple

Simple to Compound ভালোভাবে জানা থাকলে অপরটির প্রয়োজন নেই। বিপরীত নিয়মে পড়লেই হবে।

আজিবুল হাসান

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