পহেলা বৈশাখ

Grammar : Completing Sentence (60+ Rules)

Completing Sentence

Rule  01

So that / in order that
যাতে / যার ফলে

Structure :
Sub + verb + so that / in order that + sub + can / may / could / might + verb present form + other words

Example : 
You should study hard so that ________.
You should study hard so that you can pass the exam.
তোমার খুব ভালোভাবে পড়া উচিত যাতে তুমি পরীক্ষায় পাস করতে পারে।

I bought a dictionary in order that _______. 
I bought a dictionary in order that I could learn words.
আমি একটি ডিকশনারি কিনেছিলাম যাতে আমি শব্দ শিখতে পারি।

নোট :
১ম clause টি present tense হলে may / can আর past tense হলে might / could বসে।

We eat so that ________.
We eat so that we may live.
আমরা খাই যাতে আমরা বাঁচতে পারি।

The boy reads more so that _______. 
The boy reads more so that he can make a good result

The farmers sow good seeds so that _______.
The farmers sow good seeds so that they may have a good harvest.

The lady flattered the writer so that _______.
The lady flattered the writer so that she could exploit the writer.

নোট :
so that এর পরিবর্তে that  থাকলেও উপরোক্ত নিয়ম প্রযোজ্য। তবে কেউ যদি দ্বিতীয় clause টিতে negative অর্থ প্রকাশ করতে চায়, তবে নিম্নের নিয়ম অনুসরণ করতে হবে— 

Structure :
প্রথম clause + so that + প্রথম subject বা অন্য যে কোন subject + can not / could not / may not / might not + verb + ___.

Example : 
I closed the door of my room so that _______.  
I closed the door of my room so that he may not enter the room.

He bears my educational expenses so that _______. 
He bears my educational expenses so that I may not fall in the exam.

The police sent the convict to jail so that _________.
The police sent the convict to jail so that he might not escape punishment

The Caliph went out in disguise so that _______. 
The Caliph went out in disguise so that anyone might not recognise him

Rule  02

so ___ that
এতই ___ যে

Structure :
Sub + verb + so + adjective / adverb + that + subject + verb + other words. 

Example : 
He is so clever that ______.
He is so clever that he can solve any problem easily.
সে এতোই চালাক যে সে যেকোনো সমস্যা খুব সহজেই সমাধান করতে পারে।

She was so weak that ______.
She was so weak that she could not walk at all.
সে এতই দূর্বল যে সে আদৌ হাঁটতে পারে না।

The load is so heavy that _____. 
The load is so haevy that he can not carry.
বোঝাটি এতোই ভারি যে সে বহন করতে পারে না।

The man was so ill _______.
The man was so ill that he could not move an inch.

The sailors, throats were so dry ______. 
The sailors, throats were so dry that they could not speak a single word.

Many farmers are so poor that _____.
Many farmers are so poor that they can not keep body and soul together

Rule  03

In spite of / despite

Structure :
In spite of/ despite of + noun phrase + subject + verb + other words. 

Example : 
In spite of his illness, ______. 
In spite of his illness, he went to school.
তার অসুস্থতা সত্ত্বেও সে স্কুলে গিয়েছিল।

Despite being poor, ______.
Despite being poor, he could continue his studies.
দরিদ্র হওয়া সত্ত্বেও সে তার পড়ালেখা চালিয়েছিল।

_______ in spite of being sick.
He attended the meeting in spite of being sick.
অসুস্থ হওয়া সত্ত্বেও সে মিটিংয়ে অংশগ্রহণ করেছিল।

In spite of his poverty _____.
In spite of his poverty, he is honest.

In spite of her having merit _____.
In spite of her having merit, she failed in the examination

Despite his good qualification ____. 
Despite his good qualification, he did not get a suitable job.

______, despite of his innocence. 
The boy was punished, despite of his innocence. 

Rule  04

Because of / on account of / owing to, due to
জন্যে / কারণে

Structure :
Because of / owing to / due to / on account of + noun phrase + subject + verb + other words. 

Example : 
Because of drought _______.
Because of drought, crops did not grow well last year.
খরার কারণে গত বছর ফসল ভালো হয়নি।

He has succeeded on account of ______.
He has succeeded on account of his hard-working.
সে তার কঠোর পরিশ্রমের জন্য সফল হয়েছে।

_____ because of rain.
He could not go out because of rain.
বৃষ্টির কারণে সে বাহিরে যেতে পারল না।

Everybody loves him because of _____. 
Everybody loves him because of his honesty

On account of his illness, _____.
On account of his illness, he could not attend the meeting

______ due to fog.
The writer dared not drive at night due to fog. 

Rule  05

Instead of / In lieu of

Structure :
Instead of / In lieu of + noun / gerund phrase + subject + verb + other words. 

Example : 
Instead of going there, ____. 
Instead of going there, we stayed at home.
সেখানে যাওয়ার পরিবর্তে আমরা বাড়িতে থাকলাম।

______ instead of learning his lessons.
He went to bed, instead of learning his lessons.
পড়ার পরিবর্তে সে ঘুমিড়ে পড়ল।

_____  I took economics. 
In lieu of history, I took economics.
আমি ইতিহাসের পরিবর্তে অর্থনীতি নিয়েছিলাম।

In stead of ______. 
In stead of history he took logic.

The boy bought pens instead of _____.
The boy bought pens instead of pencils.

He ate fish in lieu of _____. 
He ate fish in lieu of meat

Rule  06

Too ____ to
এত যে ____ না

Structure :
Subj + verb + too + adjective/ adverb + (for+ noun/ pronoun) + to + verb present form + other words.

Example : 
He is too young _______. 
He is too young to carry the load.
সে এতো ছোটো যে বোঝা বহন করতে পারে না।

The problem is too difficult for him _______. 
The problem is too difficult for him to solve it.
সমস্যাটি তার জন্য এতোটাই কঠিন যে সে সমাধা করতে পারে না।

She talked too fast ______. 
She talked too fast to understand.
সে এত দ্রুত কথা বলল যে তা বুঝার মতো না।

The man is too old ______. 
The man is too old to work.

He is too dishonest _____. 
He is too dishonest to speak the truth

You are too short _____. 
You are too short to touch the roof

The girl was too silly ______. 
The girl was too silly to understand any simple matter

Rule  07

Enough to

Structure :
Subject + verb + too + adjective / adverb + (for+ noun / pronoun) + to + verb present form + other words.

Example : 
The girl is Intelligent enough to ______. 
The girl is Intelligent enough to solve the problem.
মেয়েটি সমস্যাটি সমাধান করার জন্য যথেষ্ট বুদ্ধিমতী।

The load is light enough for the boy ______. 
The load is light enough for the boy to lift.
বোঝাটা ছেলেটার উত্তোলনের জন্য যথেষ্ট হালকা।

He is intelligent enough to _______. 
He is intelligent enough to control the situation.
পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণে আনার জন্য সে যথেষ্ট বুদ্ধিমান।

Rule  08

Due to / owing to
জন্য / কারণে

Structure :
subject + verb + other words + due to + noun / adjective phrase. 

Example : 
______ due to his illness. 
He could not go to school due to his illness.
অসুস্থতার কারণে সে স্কুলে যেতে পারে নি।

Owing to dense fog _____. 
Owing to dense fog, they arrived late.
ঘন কুয়াশার কারণে তারা দেরিতে পৌছাল।

_______, due to poverty. 
He had to leave study, due to poverty.
দারিদ্রতার কারণে তাকে পড়াশোনা ছাড়তে হয়েছিল।

______, due to fog. 
The writer dared not drive at night, due to fog. 

Rule  09

In case of
ক্ষেত্রে, যদি এমন হয়

Structure :
In case of + noun / gerund phrase + subject + verb + other words.

Example : 
In case of power failure, _____. 
In case of power failure, we will use the generator.
বিদ্যুৎ ব্যর্থতার কারণে আমরা জেনারেটর ব্যবহার করব।

They will punish you in case of _____.
They will punish you in case of any mistake.
যদি তুমি কোনো ভুল করো তাহলে তারা তোমাকে শাস্তি দেবে।

In case of their laziness _____.
In case of their laziness, they will not prosper in life.
তাদের অলসতার ফলে তারা জীবনে উন্নতি করতে পারবে না।

I will come tomorrow in case ____. 
I will come tomorrow in case Jamal wants me.

I want to stay at home in case ______. 
I want to stay at home in case, he comes.

He will carry an umbrella in case ______. 
He will carry an umbrella in case it rains

Rule — 10

It is time / It is high time
এটাই উপযুক্ত সময়

Structure :
It is time / It is high time + subject + verb এর past form + other words.

Example :
It is time you _______. 
It is time you went to school.
এটাই তোমার যাওয়ার উপযুক্ত সময়।

It is time ________. 
It is time we started our work.
এটাই আমাদের কাজ শুরু করার উপযুক্ত সময়।

It is high time _______. 
It is high time we did something.
এটাই আমাদের কিছু করার উপযুক্ত সময়।

It is high time _______. 
It is high time we took medicine

It is time to ______.
It is time to leave the place

It is time for _______.
It is time for us to attack the enemy

It is time _____.
It is time we went home. (উচিত অর্থে)

It is time they _____. 
It is time they earned their livelihood

Rule  11

As if / as though
যেন / এমন ভাবে যেন

Structure —1 :
Present indefinite + as if / as though + past indefinite (be = were) + extension. 

Structure —2 :
Past indefinite + as if / as though + past perfect (be = had been) + extension. 

Example : 
He talks as if ______. 
He talks as if he knew everything.
সে এমন ভাবে কথা বলে যেন সে সবকিছু জানে।

He behaved as though ____.
He behaved as though he had gone mad.
সে এমন আচরণ করল যেন সে একজন পাগল হয়েছিল।

He behaves as if _____. 
He behaves as if he were a mad.
সে এমন আচরণ করে যেন সে পাগল।

He tells the matter as if ____.
He tells the matter as if he knew it.

He told the matter as if he ____. 
He told the matter as if he had known it.

He donates money as if he ____.
He donates money as if he were a rich man.

She proceeded as though it ____. 
She proceeded as though it did not speak.

Rule  12

Let alone
প্রশ্নই আসে না / তো দূরের কথা

Structure :
Subject + verb + other words + let alone + noun phrase. 

Example : 
_____ let alone education.
The poor people do not get food, let alone education.
দরিদ্র লোকেরা খাবারই পায় না, শিক্ষা তো দূরের কথা।

He will not even get third division, let alone ______.
He will not even get third division, let alone first division.
সে এমন কি থার্ড ডিভিশনই পাবে না ফাস্ট ডিভিশনের প্রশ্ন তো আসেই না।

I can not swim a kilometre, let alone ______. 
I can not swim a kilometre, let alone ten kilometres.

The old farmer can not visit a small town let alone ______. 
The old farmer can not visit a small town let alone a big city.

Rule  13

I wish / would that
যদি এমন হত

Structure :
I wish / would that + sub + were / could be + Other words. 

Example :
I wish I _____. 
I wish I were a bird.
আমি যদি একটা পাখি হতাম।

Would that I ______. 
Would that I could be a child again.
আমি যদি আবার শিশু হতাম।

Would that he _____. 
Would that he was alive.
সে যদি আজ বেঁচে থাকত।

I wish I _______. 
I wish I were a king.

Would that he ____.
Would that he alive today.

Rule  14

Had better / would better
বরং ভাল / তবুও

Structure :
Subject + had better/ would  better (not) + verb present form + other words

Example : 
You had better ______. 
You had better go away from here.
তোমার বরং এখন এখান থেকে চলে যাওয়াই ভাল।

I had better _______. 
I had better not talk with him any more.
আমার তার সাথে আর বরং কথা না বলাই ভাল।

You had better ______.  
You would better start your journey now.
তোমার বরং এখন ভ্রমণ শুরু করাই ভাল।

I had better _____.
I had better ring him at once.

You had better ____.
You had better leave the place.

Rule  15

Though / Although

Structure :
Though / although + subject + verb + other words + subject + verb + other words. 

Example :
_______ although he was innocent.
He was punishment although he was innocent.
যদিও সে নির্দোষ তবুও তাকে শাস্তি দেওয়া হয়েছিল।

Though he is rich, ______. 
Though he is rich, he leads a miserable life.
যদিও সে ধনী তবুও সে দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত জীবন যাপন করছে।

_________  though he was very poor. 
He has completed his study though he was very poor.
যদিও সে খুব দরিদ্র ছিল তবুও সে তার পড়াশোনা শেষ করেছে।

Though he is poor, ________.
Though he is poor, he is large-hearted.

He could not catch the bus ______.
He could not catch the bus although he ran fast

Rule  16

Would you mind
আপনি কি কিছু মনে করবেন

Structure :
Would you mind + verb + ing + other words 

Example : 
Would you mind ______?
Would you mind lending me your pen?
আপনি কি আপনার কলমটা আমাকে ধার দিতে কিছু মন করবেন?

Would you mind ______?
Would you mind passing the salt?
আপনি কি লবণটা পার করে দিতে কিছু মনে করবেন?

Would you mind ______?
Would you mind have a cup of tea?
এক কাপ চা পান করতে আপত্তি করবেন কি?
Would you mind _______?
Would you mind taking a cup of tea?

Would you mind _______?
Would you mind opening the door?

Rule  17

Would you like
আপনি পছন্দ করবেন কি

Structure :
Would you like + to + verb + other words 

Example : 
Would you like _______?
Would you like to go with me?
আমার সাথে যেতে আপনি পছন্দ করবেন কি?

Would you like _______?
Would you like to have lunch now?
দুপুরের খাবার খেতে পছন্দ করবেন কি?

Would you like _______?
Would you like to sing a song now?
একটা গান গাইতে পছন্দ করবেন কি?

Rule  18

Know how to
জানি কিভাবে

Structure :
Subject + know how to + verb base form

Example :
He knows how to ____. 
He knows how to swim.
সে জানে কিভাবে সাঁতার কাটতে হয়।

I know how to ____. 
I know how to cook.
আমি জানি কিভাবে রান্না করতে হয়।

They know how to ____. 
They know how to dug a canal.
তারা জানে কিভাবে একটা খাল খনন করতে হয়।

Rule  19

Would rather

Structure :
Subject + would rather + verb base form + other words 

Example :
I would rather read a book  _______.
I would rather read a book than watch T.V.
আমার বরং টিভি দেখার চেয়ে একটা বই পড়াই ভাল।

She would rather leave  _______.
She would rather leave than stay here.
তার এখানে থাকার চেয়ে চলে যাওয়া ভাল।

He would rather go to college  _______.
He would rather go to college than stay at home.
তার বাসায় থাকার চেয়ে বরং কলেজে যাওয়া ভাল।

I would rather die _______.
I would rather die than beg.

He would rather drink tea _____.
He would rather drink tea than coffee

Rule  20

As / since / because
যেহেতু / কারণ

Structure :
As / since / because + subject + verb + other words + subject + verb + other words 

Example : 
As he was sick, he could not attend the meeting.
যেহেতু সে অসুস্থ ছিল, তাই সে মিটিংয়ে আসতে পারে নাই।

I could not buy a car, because it was very costly.
যেহেতু কার গাড়িটা খুব ব্যয়বহুল, তাই আমি এটা কিনতে পারি নাই।

Since it was raining heavily, they could not come.
যেহেতু মুষল ধারে বৃষ্টি হচ্ছিল, তাই তারা আসতে পারে নাই।

As he behaved rough ______.
As he behaved rough, he was punished.

He was rewarded as _______. 
He was rewarded as he was truthful

Since body and mind go together, _______. 
Since body and mind go together, illness of one inevitably affects the other

Crops did not grow well since ______. 
Crops did not grow well since there was drought

Rule  21

As long as

Structure :
Subject + verb + other words + as long as + subject + verb + other words 

Example : 
You are safe as long as ________.
You are safe as long as I am with you.
যতক্ষণ পর্যন্ত আমি তোমার সাথে আছি, ততক্ষণ তুমি নিরাপদ।

As long as there is law, _______.
As long as there is law, criminals will be punished.
যতক্ষণ আইন আছেই, ততক্ষণ অপরাধিরা শাস্তি পাবেই।

As long as we are honest ______. 
As long as we are honest, God will help us.
যতক্ষণ আমরা সৎ থাকব, স্রষ্টা আমাদের সাহায্য করবেন।

Wait here as long as _____. 
Wait here as long as it rains.

Allah will be with us as long as _____. 
Allah will be with us as long as our aim is honest

He worked as long as ______.
He worked as long as he could

Rule  22

Till / Until

Structure :
Subject + verb + other words + till/ until + subject + verb + other words.

Example : 
Please wait here until I _______.
Please wait here until I come back.
আমি না আসা পর্যন্ত দয়া করে এখানে অপেক্ষা কর।

They walked until _______. 
They walked until they reached the river bank.
তারা নদী তীরে পৌঁছানো না পর্যন্ত হাঁটতেই থাকল।

They prayed for God untill _______. 
They prayed for God untill it rained.
বৃষ্টি না হওয়া পর্যন্ত তারা স্রস্টার কাছে প্রার্থনা করতেই থাকল।

Wait until  ________.
Wait until the rain stops

Wait for me until ______.
Wait for me until I come back.

Rajib's mother will be nursing him till _______.
Rajib's mother will be nursing him till he comes round.

Rule  23


Structure :
If যুক্ত Dependent clause + Main clause 

Example : 
If you help me, _______.
If you help me, I shall help you.
যদি তুমি আমাকে সাহায্য কর, তবে আমি তোমাকে সাহায্য করব।

If I were you ______. 
If I were you, I would not do this.
আমি যদি তুমি হতাম তবে একাজ করতাম না।

I would buy the car if _______.
I would buy the car if I possessed money.
আমার যদি টাকা থাকত আমি গাড়িটা কিনতাম।

If I were a king ______.
If I were a king, I could help the poor.

If he comes, ______.
If he comes, I shall go

She will not go out if ______.
She will not go out if it rains.

Rule  24

Providing that / Provided / provided that

Structure :
Providing that / provided that যুক্ত Dependent clause + Independent clause 

Example : 
You could get the job providing that _______.
You could get the job providing that you had good results.
তোমার যদি ভাল ফলাফল থাকত তবে তুমি চাকুরীটা পেতে।

Don't forget to visit the museum provided that ________.
Don't forget to visit the museum provided that you go there.
তুমি যদি সেখানে যাও তবে যাদুঘরে যেতে ভুলো না।

In case of your indolence ______. 
In case of your indolence you can not prosper in life.
যদি তুমি অলস হও তবে জীবনে উন্নতি করতে পারবে না।

The plane will take off in time provided _____. 
The plane will take off in time provided the weather is good

We shall start our journey tomorrow provided that ______. 
We shall start our journey tomorrow provided that it does not rain.

I will agree to go providing that _______. 
I will agree to go providing that my expenses are paid.

He will shine in life provided that ______. 
He will shine in life provided that he works hard.

We shall start the programme provided ______. 
We shall start the programme provided circumstances favour us.

Rule — 25

Unless (if ___ not)

Structure :
Unless যুক্ত Dependent clause + Independent clause 

Example : 
They will miss the train unless ________. 
They will miss the train unless they walk fast.
তারা যদি দ্রুত না হাঁটে তবে ট্রেন ফেল করবে।

You can not caste your vote unless ________. 
You can not caste your vote unless you are 18 years or above.
যদি তোমার বয়স ১৮ বছর না হয়, তবে তুমি ভোট দিতে পারবে না।

Man can not succeed unless __________. 
Man can not succeed unless he works hard.
মানুষ সফল হতে পারবে না যদি না সে পরিশ্রম করে।

Unless you read attentively, ________. 
Unless you read attentively, you will fail.

Unless you start at once, ________.
Unless you start at once, you will miss the train.

Come at 8 o'clock unless ________. 
Come at 8 o'clock unless I phone

He will shine unless ________. 
He will shine unless he works hard.

Rule  26

So much / So many ___ that
এত বেশি ___ যে

Structure :
Sub + verb + so much + uncountable noun / so many + countable noun (plural words) + other words + that + sub + verb + other words. 

Example : 
He spoke so beautifully that _______. 
He spoke so beautifully that we are impressed.
সে এত সুন্দরভাবে বলল যে আমরা অভিভূত হয়েছি।

The forest had so many _________. 
The forest had so many trees that she could not count.
বনের মধ্যে এত সংখ্যক গাছ ছিল যে সে গুনতে পারল না।

Knowing English is so ________ 
Knowing English is so important that can not described in words.
ইংরেজি জানাটা এতই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ যে ভাষায় বর্ণনা করা যায় না।

You have so much intelligence ________. 
You have so much intelligence that you can get a job.

I have not so much time _______. 
I have not so much time that I can accompany you all day long.

You have so much money _________. 
You have so much money that you can buy a ticket.

There are so many problems _________. 
There are so many problems that I can not solve them.

There are so many stars in the sky _________. 
There are so many stars in the sky that we can not count them.

They plucked so many flowers _________. 
They plucked so many flowers that the garden became empty.

Rule  27

The place where
সেই স্থান যেখানে

Structure :
Subject + verb + the place where + sub + verb + other words 

Example : 
This is the village where ______.
This is the village where I was born.
এটা সেই গ্রাম যেখানে আমি জন্মগ্রহণ করেছিলাম।

This is the place where ________. 
This is the place where many heroic sons have laid down.
এটা সেই স্থান যেখানে অনেক বীর সন্তান জীবন দিয়েছেন।

It is the cafe where ________. 
It is the cafe where visitors from different countries come.
এটা সেই রেস্তোরাঁ যেখানে বিভিন্ন দেশ থেকে দর্শনার্থীরা আসে।

Rupgonj is a place where ______.
Rupgonj is a place where Tareq was born.

A railway station is a place ________.
A railway station is a place where trains stop and start from.

Paris is the city ________.
Paris is the city where UNESCO headquarter is.

Rule  28

The time when
সেই সময় যখন

Structure :
Subject + verb + the time when + sub + verb + other words 

Example : 
1952 is the time when _______. 
1952 is the time when language movement started.
১৯৫২ সাল সেই সময় যখন ভাষা আন্দোলন শুরু হয়েছিল।

This is the season when _______. 
This is the season when migratory birds fly down here.
এটা সেই ঋতু যখন পাখিরা উড়ে আসে।

It is the time when _______. 
It is the time when we should come forward to help the poor.
এটা দরিদ্রদের সাহায্য করার জন্য এগিয়ে আসার সময়।

Saturday is the day ______. 
Saturday is the day when the week begins.

1971 is the year _______.
1971 is the year when Bangladesh became independent

10 P.M. is the time ______.
10 P.M. is the time when we go to bed.
Rule  29

Not only ____ but also
শুধু তাই নয় _____ আরো

Structure :
sub + verb + not only clause + but also clause 

Example : 
He is not only a footballer _______. 
He is not only a footballer but also a singer.
সে শুধু একজন ফুটবল খেলোয়াড় নয়, একজন গায়কও বটে।

Not only it rained heavily ______. 
Not only it rained heavily but also there was flood.
শুধু প্রচণ্ডভাবে বৃষ্টি নয়, বন্যাও হয়েছিল।

Not only Karim _____.
Not only Karim but also Rahim was present there.
শুধু করিম নয়, রহিমও সেখানে উপস্থিত ছিল।

Not only Rakib _____.
Not only Rakib but also Shakib is my friend

She likes not only ice cream _______. 
She likes not only ice cream but also chocolate

Rule  30

Either _____ or
হয় _____ অথবা

Structure :
Sub + verb + either যুক্ত clause + or যুক্ত clause 

Example : 
Either Tutul ________. 
Either Tutul or Mitul broke the glass.
হয় টুটুল অথবা মিটুল গ্লাসটা ভেঙেছিল।

They live either Chattogram ________. 
They live either Chattogram or in Sylhet.
তারা হয় চট্টগ্রাম না হয় সিলেট থাকে।

Either he will come _______. 
Either he will come or I shall go.
হয় সে আসবে না হয় আমি যাব।

Rule  31

Neither ____ nor
এটাও না _____ ওটাও না

Structure :
Sub + verb + neither যুক্ত clause + nor যুক্ত clause 

Example : 
They were given neither food ________. 
They were given neither food nor water.
তাদেরকে খাবার দেওয়া হয়নি, পানিও দেওয়া হয় নি।

Neither Rimu _______. 
Neither Rimu nor Shimu went there.
সেখানে রিমুও যায় নি, শিমুও যায় নি।

She will neither eat ______. 
She will neither eat nor go to College.
সে খাবেও না কলেজেও যাবে না।

Rule  32

The + Comparative degree
চেয়ে বেশি / যত তত

Structure :
The + Adjective / Adverb এর comparative form + other words + the + Adjective / Adverb এর comparative form + other words.

Example : 
Rahim is cleverer than ______.
Rahim is cleverer than Karim.
রহিম করিমের চেয়ে বেশি চালাক।

Mina is not intelligent _______. 
Mina is not intelligent than Rina.
মিন রিনার চেয়ে বেশি বুদ্ধিমান নয়।

The more you sleep, ________. 
The more you sleep, the more you became lazy.
তুমি যতবেশি ঘুমাবে, তত বেশি অলস হবে।

The more you laugh, _______. 
The more you laugh, the less disease you have.
তুমি যত বেশি হাসবে, তত কম রোগ হবে।

Rule  33

As __ as,  so____ as, such ____ as, same _____ as
মত / একই

Structure :
As / So / same / such যুক্ত clause + as যুক্ত clause 

Example : 
Take only such food as _____.
Take only such food as you relish.
শুধুমাত্র সে খাদ্যই খাও, যেগুলোতে তোমার রুচি হয়।

Tina is as meritorious as ______. 
Tina is as meritorious as Mina.
টিনা মিনার মতই মেধাবী।

He is so fast as ______. 
He is so fast as his friend.
সে তার বন্ধুর মতই দ্রুত।

Rule  34

পাছে / যাতে না

Structure :
Sub + verb + other words + lest + sub + modal (should / might) + verb এর base form + other words 

Example :
Keep the key in safe place lest ________. 
Keep the key in safe place lest it might be lost.
চাবিটা নিরাপদ স্থানে রাখ, যাতে হারিয়ে না যায়।

Walk very quickly lest ______.
Walk very quickly lest you should miss the train.
খুব দ্রুত হাঁটো নইলে ট্রেন ফেইল করবে।

Walk carefully lest _______. 
Walk carefully lest you should fall down.
খুব সচেতন হয়ে হাঁটো, নইলে পড়ে যাবে।

He ran away lest _______.
He ran away lest he might / should be seen.

He walked fast lest _______. 
He walked fast lest he should / might reach school in time.

The officer was sympathetic to the poem lest _________. 
The officer was sympathetic to the poem lest he should go away.

The house owner treated the servant well lest ________.
The house owner treated the servant well lest he should leave the house.

Rule  35

After / before / When 

Structure 1 :
Clause (past indefinite tense) + after + clause (past perfect tense)

Structure 2 :
Clause (past perfect tense) + before + clause (past indefinite tense)

Example :
He started business after ________. 
He started business after he had finished his study.
সে তার পড়াশোনা শেষ করার পর ব্যবসা শুরু করেছিল।

The patient had died before _________. 
The patient had died before the doctor arrived.
ডাক্তার পৌঁছাবার পূর্বেই রোগীটি মারা গেল।

Come to dinning table when __________. 
Come to dinning table when you have finished your lesson.
তোমার পড়া শেষ হলে খাবার টেবিলে এসো।

Rule  36

No sooner had _____ than
Hardly had _____ when
Scarcely had ______ when/ before
করতে না করতেই / হতে না হতেই

Structure :
No sooner / hardly / Scarcely যুক্ত clause + than / when / before যুক্ত clause 

Example :
No sooner had we stepped _______.
No sooner had we stepped than the rain started.
আমরা বাহিরে বের হতে না হতে বৃষ্টি শুরু হল।

Hardly had the police seen the thief __________. 
Hardly had the police seen the thief when the thief ran away.
চোরটি পুলিশকে দেখতে না দেখতে পালিয়ে গেল।) 

Scarcely had we reached the station ________. 
Scarcely had we reached the station before the train left.
আমরা স্টেশনে পৌঁছতে না পৌঁছতে ট্রেনটি ছেড়ে দিল।

No sooner had I gone out _______.
No sooner had I gone out than he came.

Scarcely had we reached the meeting _________. 
Scarcely had we reached the meeting when the chief guest arrived

Scarcely had we reached the station _______.
Scarcely had we reached the station when the train left

Rule  37

Feel like
কোনো কিছু করতে পছন্দ করা বা ইচ্ছে করা

Structure :
Sub + feel like + verb + ing + other words 

Example :
Now I feel like _______. 
Now I feel like visiting the place.
এখন আমার স্থানটি দেখতে ইচ্ছা করছে।

I feel like _______. 
I feel like sleeping now.
আমার এখন ঘুম পাচ্ছে।) 

They feel like ________. 
They feel like leaving the place.
তারা স্থানটা ত্যাগ করতে চাচ্ছে।

I feel like ________. 
I feel like going to market

Rule  38

Not a position
অনুকূলে না থাকা

Structure :
Sub + verb + not a position + to + verb এর base form + other words. 

Example : 
I am not a position ______.
I am not a position to sing a song.
আমি এখন একটা গান গাওয়ার মতো অনুকূলে নেই।

He is not a position ______.
He is not a position to do the work.
সে এখন কাজ করার মতো অনুকূলে নেই।

They were not a position ______.
They were not a position to refuse the proposal.
তারা প্রস্তাবটা প্রত্যাখান করার মতো অনুকূলে ছিল না।

Rule  39

Can not but / Could not but
না করে পারি না / পারলাম না
Structure :
Sub + can not but/ could not but+ verb + other words.

Example : 
I can not but _______. 
I can not but laugh at his work.
তার একাজ দেখে আমি না হেসে পারি না।

I could not but ______. 
I could not but help him.
আমি তাকে সাহায্য না করে পারলাম না।

He could not  _______. 
He could not but punish him.
সে তাকে শাস্তি না দিয়ে পারে না।

They can not but _______.
They can not but go there.
তারা সেখানে না গিয়ে পারে না।

Rule  40

Can not help / could not help
না করে পারি না / পারলাম না  

Structure :
Sub + can not help/ could not help + verb + ing + other words.

Example : 
I can not help ______. 
I can not help doing the work.
আমি কাজটা না করে পারি না।

He can not help ______.
He can not help reading the book.
সে বইটা না পড়ে পারে না।

I could not help ______. 
I could not help going to college.
আমি কলেজে না গিয়ে পারলাম না।

Rule  41


Structure :
Subject + should + verb এর base form + other word 

Example : 
We should respect ______. 
We should respect our elders.
আমাদেরই বড়দের শ্রদ্ধা করা উচিত।

You should not neglect _____. 
You should not neglect your lessons.
তোমার পড়াশোনা অবহেলা করা উচিত নয়।

We should love  ______. 
We should love our country.
আমাদের দেশকে ভালবাসা উচিত।

Rule  42

Shall / Will
ব, বে, বেন

Structure :
Subject + shall/ will+ verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
He will take whatever _______.
He will take whatever he likes.
সে যা খুশি তাই নেবে।

I shall _______. 
I shall go to my village.
আমি আমার গ্রামে যাব।

We will help _______. 
We will help the helpless man.
আমরা অসহায় লোকটাকে সাহায্য করব।

Rule  43

Would / used to
ত, তে, তাম, অতীতকালের নিত্যদিনের কর্ম

Structure :
Subject + would / used to + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
We would play with _____.
We would play with my friends in my childhood.
আমরা আমাদের ছেলেবেলার বন্ধুদের সাথে খেলতাম।

I used to _______. 
I used to swim in the river in my village.
আমি আমার গ্রামের নদীতে সাঁতার কাটতাম।

The children used to ______. 
The children used to fear seeing the giant in the garden.
শিশুরা বাগানে দৈত্যকে দেখে ভয় পেত।

Rule  44

Can / Could
পারা, সামর্থ্য, যোগ্যতা

Structure :
Sub + can / could + verb এর base form + other words

Example : 
I can drive ______. 
I can drive a car.
আমি গাড়ি চালাতে পারি।

I could remember ______.
I could remember some vivid pictures of my childhood.
আমি আমার শৈশবের কিছু স্পষ্ট স্মৃতি মনে করতে পারতাম।

He can write _____.
He can write poem.
সে কবিতা লিখতে পারে।

Rule  45

পারা, সম্ভাবনা

Structure :
Subject + may + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
It may _______.
It may rain today.
আজ বৃষ্টি হতে পারে।

He may _______. 
He may go there.
সে সেখানে যেতে পারে।

Mr. Rakib may teach us ______. 
Mr. Rakib may teach us in our class.
জনাব রাকিব আজ আমাদের ক্লাস নিতে পারেন।

Rule  46

পেরেছিল, পারত, পারতাম

Structure :
Subject + might + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
He might _______. 
He might help me in my danger.
সে আমার বিপদে সাহায্য করতে পারত।

The crops might ______. 
The crops might be grown well.
শষ্যগুলো ভালোই জন্মাতে পারত।

He might  _______. 
He might come home yesterday.
সে গতকাল বাড়ী আসতে পারত।

Rule  47

প্রয়োজন / দরকার

Structure :
Subject + need + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
We need to learn ______.
We need to learn our lessons carefully.
আমাদের খুব ভালোভাবে পড়াশোনা করা উচিত।

They need ________. 
They need a doctor in their village.
তাদের গ্রামে একজন ডাক্তার প্রয়োজন।

The child needs _______. 
The child needs proper nurture.
শিশুটির সঠিক পরিচর্যা প্রয়োজন।

Rule  48

সাহস করা

Structure :
Subject + dare + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
I dare to ______.
I dare to cross the river by swimming.
আমি সাঁতার কেটে নদীটি পার হওয়ার সাহস করি।

Freedom fighters dared to ______. 
Freedom fighters dared to struggle with our enemies.
মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা আমাদের শত্রুদের বিরুদ্ধে সংগ্রাম করতে সাহস করেছিল।

How dare you are!
তোমার এত বড় সাহস!

Rule  49


Structure :
Subject + must + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
I must ______.
I must go there.
আমি সেখানে অবশ্যই যাব।

We must _______. 
We must submit to our lot.
আমাদেরকে ভাগ্যের কাছে অবশ্যই নত স্বীকৃত করতে হবে।

We all must _______. 
We all must die.
আমাদের সকলকে অবশ্যই মরতে হবে।

Rule  50

Ought to

Structure :
Subject + ought to + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
We ought to _______. 
We ought to love our country.
আমাদের দেশকে ভালবাসা উচিত।

We ought to _______. 
We ought to make the best use of time.
আমাদের সময়ের সদ্যবহার করা উচিত।

They ought to _______. 
They ought to help the poor.
তাদের গরীবদের সাহায্য করা উচিত।

Rule 51

Have to / has to
বাধ্যতা মূলক কাজ

Structure :
Subject + have to/ has to + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
He has to ________. 
He has to do the work.
তাকে কাজটা করতে হবে।

He has to _______. 
He has to come today.
আজ তাকে আসতে হবে।

I have to _______. 
I have to finish my work quickly.
কাজটি আমার খুব দ্রুত শেষ করতে হবে।

Rule — 52

Had to
অতীত কালের বাধ্যতামূলক কাজ

Structure :
Subject + had to + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
He had to ______. 
He had to go there.
আমাকে সেখানে যেতে হয়েছিল।

I had to ______.
I had to do the work.
কাজটা আমাকে করতে হয়েছিল।

They had to ______.
They had to tolerate much oppression.
তাদেরকে অনেক অত্যাচার সহ্য করতে হয়েছিল।

Rule — 53

Am to / is to / are to
ক্রিয়া + হয়েছিল

Structure :
Subject + am to / is to / are to + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
I am to ______.
I am to read the book today.
আমার বইটা আজ পড়ার কথা।

He is to ______.
He is to go to school.
তার স্কুলে যাওয়ার কথা।

They are to ______.
They are to come back home.
তাদের বাড়িতে ফিরে আসার কথা।

Rule — 54

was to / were to
ক্রিয়া + হয়েছিল

Structure :
Subject + was to/ were to + verb এর base form + other words 

Example : 
They were to _______. 
They were to come to my sister's wedding.
আমার বোনের বিয়েতে তাদের আসার কথা ছিল।

We were to _______. 
We were to go there.
আমাদের সেখানে যাওয়ার কথা ছিল।

I was to _______. 
I was to meet with him.
তার সাথে আমার দেখা করার কথা ছিল।

Rule — 55

Should have
উচিত ছিল

Structure :
Subject + should have + verb এর past participle form + other words 

Example : 
You should have _____.
You should have gone to see him.
তোমার তাকে দেখতে যাওয়া উচিত ছিল।

You should have _____.
He should have done the work.
তার কাজটা করা উচিত ছিল।

We should have _____.
We should have helped her.
আমাদের তাকে সাহায্য করা উচিত ছিল।

Rule — 56

Must have
অবশ্যই + ক্রিয়া + থাকবে

Structure :
Subject + must have + verb এর past participle form + other words 

Example : 
You must have heard _____. 
You must have heard the name of Hazi Mohammad Mohoshin.
তোমরা অবশ্যই হাজী মুহম্মদ মহসীনের নাম শুনে থাকবে।

You must have _______.
You must have visited the historical place like Paharpur.
তোমরা পাহাড়পুরের মতে একটা ঐতিহাসিক জায়গা অবশ্যই পরিদর্শন করে থাকবে।

Rule — 57

By + noun / gerund phrase
কোন কিছু দ্বারা

Structure :
By + noun/ gerund phrase + Subject + verb + other words 

Example : 
By working hard, ______. 
By working hard, they could succeed.
তারা কঠোর পরিশ্রমী করে সফল হতে পেরেছিল।

_______ by boiling it.
We can purify water by boiling it.
ফুটানোর মাধ্যমে আমরা পানি বিশুদ্ধ করতে পারি।

_______ by studying hard.
A student can make a good result by studying hard.
একজন ছাত্র খুব ভালোভাবে পড়াশোনার মাধ্যমে ভাল রেজাল্ট করতে পারে।

By reading more, ______.
By reading more, we can learn more.

Rule — 58

Without + noun / gerund
কোন কিছু ছাড়া

Structure :
Without + noun/ gerund phrase + Subject + verb + other words 

Example : 
Without studying properly, ______. 
Without studying properly, you can not pass the exam.
সঠিকভাবে পড়াশোনা ছাড়া তুমি পরীরয় পাস করতে পারবে না।

______ without following the instructions.
They can not operate it without following the instructions.
তারা নির্দেশনগুলো অনুসরণ করা ছাড়া এটা চালাতে পারবে না।

Without working hard, ______. 
Without working hard, none can prosper in life.
কঠোর পরিশ্রম ছাড়া কেউ জীবনে উন্নতি করতে পারে না।

Without reading more, ______.
Without reading more, you can not pass.

Without taking physical exercise, ______.
Without taking physical exercise, we can't keep our body fit.

______ without writing much.
He will not able to write well, without writing much. 

Rule — 59

To be

Structure :
feel, suppose, imagine, report discover, know, judge assume ইত্যাদি verb এর পর 'to be' বসিয়ে incomplete sentence কে complete করতে হয়। যেমন—

I know him to be _____.
I know him to be honest

We felt the decision to be _____.
We felt the decision to be wise.

We discovered the guard to be _____. 
We discovered the guard to be faithful

The lady is reported to be _____.
The lady is reported to be a spy

We supposed him to be ______.
We supposed him to be a gentle man.

He was judged to be ______.
He was judged to be guilty

He never imagined himself to be _____. 
He never imagined himself to be great.

We assumed him to be _____.
We assumed him to be innocent

Rule — 60

If + Conditional 

if + conditional যুক্ত incomplete sentence কে complete করার নিয়ম:

(1) if যুক্ত clause টি present indefinite  tense হলে principal clause টি future indefinite tense হবে।

Structure :
If + Present + Future  

Example :
If it rains, _____.
If it rains, we shall not go

If he wants _____.
If he wants I shall help him

If you play in the rain, _______.
If you play in the rain, you will catch cold.

(2) if যুক্ত clause টি past indefinite tense এর হলে principal clause টি past conditional (sub + would / might / could + verb এর base form) হয়।

Structure :
If + Past Indefinite + Past Conditional 

Example :
If he came, _______. 
If he came, I would go.

If I had a typewriter, _______.
If I had a typewriter, I would type the letters

If they wanted _______.
If they wanted, we would help them.

(3) if যুক্ত clause টি past perfect tense এর হলে principal clause টি perfect conditional (sub + would have / could have / might have / + verb এর past participle) হবে। example : 

If I had seen him, ______.
If I had seen him, I might have told him the news.

If they had started earlier, _______.
If they had started earlier, they could have got the train.

If she had tried ______.
If she had tried, she could have succeeded.

(4) If যুক্ত clause এ subject এর পরে were থাকলে principal clause এ subject এর পর might / could / would + _____ বসে। যেমন—

If I were a king, _______.
If I were a king, I could help the poor.

If I were you, ________.
If I were you, I would not do this

Rule  61

Had + Sub + Verb এর Past Participle

Subordinate clause টিতে had + verb এর past participle থাকলে principal clause টি perfect conditional হয়।

Example :
Had I seen him, _______.
Had I seen him, I would have given him the news.

Had I possessed a vast property, _______. 
Had I possessed a vast property, I would have established a college

Had he wanted ________.
Had he wanted they would have helped him.

Azibul Hasan


  1. Nice Post, Very Helpfull

  2. It's a very nice post. I think it has been beneficial to all.

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