পহেলা বৈশাখ

Grammar : Complex to Compound - Transformation of Sentence

Complex to Compound

Rule — 1

Complex Sentence এর Subordinate clause যদি since, as বা when দিয়ে শুরু হয়, তবে সেক্ষেত্রে তাকে Compound Sentence করতে হলে,

(i) Subordinate clause এ ব্যবহৃত since, as বা when উঠে যায়,
(ii) দুটি Clause এর মাঝে ব্যবহৃত and so, so, hence বা therefore বসে।

কৌশল :
Since, As বা When থাকলে and / and so / therefore / so

উদাহরণ —

Complex : Since the weather was bad, we did not go outside.
Compound : The weather was bad and so we did not go outside.

Complex : When the thief saw the police, he ran away.
Compound : The thief saw the police and ran away.

Complex : Since he was small, he could not work hard.
Compound : He was small and so he could not work hard.

Practice more :

Complex : Since the writer was young, he could not refuse the proposal of the lady guest.
Compound : The writer was young and could not refuse the proposal of the lady guest.

Complex : Since he was a very good student, he could attend the math Olympiad.
Compound : He was a very good student and he could attend the math Olympiad.

Complex : As he was absent, I did not go there.
Compound : He was absent and so I did not go there.

Complex : Since she was not interested in the matter, I did not talk to her.
Compound : She was not interested in the matter and so I did not talk to her.

Complex : As the man was honest, everyone respected him.
Compound : The man was honest and so everyone respected him.

Rule — 2

Sub–ordinate clause যদি though বা although দিয়ে সূচিত হয়, তবে সেক্ষেত্রে তাকে Compound Sentence করতে হলে,

(i) Though বা Although তুলে দিতে হয়,
(ii) দুটি clause এর মাঝে but বা yet বসাতে হয়।

Though বা Although থাকলে but / yet

উদাহরণ —

Complex : Though he is poor, he is honest.
Compound : He is poor but honest.

Complex : Though he worked hard, he could not pass the exam.
Compound : He worked hard but could not pass the exam.

Complex : Although the man much riches, he wants more.
Compound : The man much riches but he wants more.

Practice more :

Complex : Though he tried to pray, he could not get rid of the curse.
Compound : He tried to pay but could not get rid of the curse.

Complex : Though he was a brilliant student, he could not pass the medical admission test.
Compound : He was a brilliant student but he could not pass the medical admission test.

Complex : Though it was raining, I went out without an umbrella.
Compound : It was raining but I went out without an umbrella.

Complex : Though he was very honest, he was not elected chairman.
Compound : He was very honest but he was not elected chairman.

Complex : Though I had a car, I went there on foot.
Compound : I had a car but I went there on foot.

Rule — 3

Sub–ordinate clause যদি Relative pronoun who, which অথবা that দিয়ে সূচিত হয়, তবে সেক্ষেত্রে তাকে Compound Sentence করতে হলে,

(i) দুটি Clause —ই অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।এবং Relative pronoun — who, which বা that তুলে দিয়ে সেখানে and বসাতে হবে।
(ii) দুটি clause এর object দ্বিতীয় clause এর Subject হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হবে।

কৌশল :
Relative pronoun ( who, which অথবা that ) থাকলে and

উদাহরণ —

Complex : I saw a boy who was lame.
Compound : I saw a boy and he was lame.

Complex : The man bought a pen which was lost.
Compound : The man bought a pen and it was lost.

Complex : The writer took a cabin that was small.
Compound : The writer took a cabin and it was small.

Practice more :

Complex : He helped the man who was a poor rickshaw puller.
Compound : He helped the man and he was a poor rickshaw puller.

Complex : He got a medal that was gold.
Compound : He got a medal and it was gold.

Rule — 4

Sub–ordinate clause টি যদি as / since / in order that / that দিয়ে সূচনা হয়ে থাকে এবং Main clause এর কাজের ফলাফলের কারণ নির্দেশ করে, তবে সেক্ষেত্রে তাকে Compound Sentence করতে হলে,

(i) Sub– ordinate clause এর ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহৃত since, as, that in order বা that তুলে দিতে হয়।
(ii) দুটি clause এর মাঝে and / and so / so / therefore / বা for বসাতে হয়।

কৌশল :
As, Since, In order that, That থাকলে and / and so / so / therefore / for

উদাহরণ —

Complex : As the boy was truthful, he was rewarded.
Compound : The boy was truthful so he was rewarded.

Complex : As the man was, he could not attend the meeting.
Compound : The man was ill and so he could not attend the meeting.
or, Compound : The man could not attend the meeting for he was ill.

Rule — 5

If যুক্ত Complex Sentence এর Subordinate clause টি যদি Affirmative Sentence হয় এবং Main clause এর কাজের ফলাফলের কারণ বা শর্ত হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে সেক্ষেত্রে তাকে Compound Sentence করতে হলে,

(i) Sub– ordinate clause এর ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহৃত If + you তুলে দিতে হবে।
(ii) দুটি Clause এর মাঝে and বসাতে হবে।
(iii) Main clause টি অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।

If ................ not থাকলে and

উদাহরণ —

Complex : If you read more, you will know more.
Compound : Read more and you will know more.

Complex : If you run fast, you will catch the train.
Compound : Run fast and you will catch the train.

Complex : If you take regular exercise, you can be healthy.
Compound : Take regular exercise and you can be healthy.

Practice more :

Complex : If you love people, they will love you.
Compound : Love people and they will love you.

Complex : If you study, you will pass.
Compound : Study and you will pass.

Complex : If you eat a balanced diet, you will remain healthy.
Compound : Eat a balanced diet and you will remain healthy.

Complex : If you work hard, you will prosper in life.
Compound : Work hard and you will prosper in life.

Rule — 6

If যুক্ত Complex Sentence এর Subordinate clause টি যদি Negative Sentence হয় এবং Main clause এর কাজের ফলাফলের কারণ বা শর্ত হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে সেক্ষেত্রে তাকে Compound Sentence করতে হলে,

(i) Sub– ordinate clause এর ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহৃত If you do not / Unless you তুলে দিতে হবে।
(ii) দুটি Clause এর মাঝে or বা otherwise বসাতে হবে।
(iii) Main clause টি অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।

কৌশল :
If ................ not = or / otherwise

উদাহরণ —

Complex : If you do not move, you will die.
Compound : Move or you will die.

Complex : Unless you read attentively, you will fail in the exam.
Compound : Read attentively or / otherwise you will fail in the exam.

Complex : If you do not work hard, you can not prosper in life.
Compound : Work hard otherwise you can not prosper in life.

Complex : If you do not speak the truth, nobody will believe you.
Compound : Speak the truth otherwise / or nobody will believe you.

Practice more :

Complex : If you do not work hard, you will not prosper in life.
Compound : Work hard or you will not prosper in life.

Complex : If you do not earn money, you will not be able to live better.
Compound : Earn money or you will not able to live better.

Complex : If you do not respect others, they will not respect you.
Compound : Respect others or they will not respect you.

Rule — 7

কিন্তু If যুক্ত Complex Sentence এর Subordinate clause এর subject যদি 1st বা 3rd person হয়, তবে সেক্ষেত্রে তাকে Compound Sentence করতে হলে,

(i) If তুলে দিতে হয় এবং If এর পরিবর্তে let বসে।
(ii) Subject এর Object form বসে এবং দুটি Clause এর মাঝে অর্থ অনুসারে and / or / otherwise ইত্যাদি বসে।
(iii) Main clause টি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।

কৌশল :
If ................... not.... ( 1st / 3rd person ) থাকলে Let ........... and / or / otherwise

উদাহরণ —

Complex : If I do not move, I will die.
Compound : Let me move or I will die.

Complex : If he loves his neighbours, they will love him.
Compound : Let him love his neighbours and they will love him.

Rule — 8

So ............... that যুক্ত Complex Sentence থাকে, তবে সেক্ষেত্রে তাকে Compound Sentence করতে হলে,

(i) So এর পরিবর্তে very এবং that এর স্থলে and / and so / so / hence / therefore বসে।
(ii) main clause টি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।

কৌশল :
so ........... that থাকলে very .............. and

উদাহরণ —

Complex : He is so weak that he can not walk.
Compound : He is very weak and so he can not walk.

Complex : The box is so heavy that I can't carry it.
Compound : The box is very heavy and so I can't carry it.

Complex : The boy is so weak that he can not walk.
Compound : The boy is very weak and he can not walk.

Complex : The problem was so difficult that we could not solve it.
Compound : The problem was very difficult and we could not solve it.

Rule — 9

That clause যুক্ত Complex Sentence কে Compound Sentence এ রূপান্তর —

(i) that এর পরের clause টি প্রথমে বসে।
(ii) দুটি clause এর মাঝে and বসে।

কৌশল :
............ that...... থাকলে ........... and ............

উদাহরণ —

Complex : We know that he is honest.
Compound : He is honest and we know it.

Complex : I am sure that he will come.
Compound : He will come and I am sure of it.

Complex : The man declared that he was innocent.
Compound : The man was innocent and he declared it.

Practice more :

Complex : I know that it is very expensive.
Compound : It is very expensive and I know it.

Complex : He works hard that he will succeed in life.
Compound : He will succeed in life and he works hard.

Complex : He said that he had gone to Dhaka.
Compound : He had gone to Dhaka and he said this.

Complex : We saw that the man entered the room.
Compound : The man entered the room and we saw it.

Complex : She knew that her husband was honest.
Compound : Her husband was honest and she knew it.

Rule — 10

As soon as / the moment দ্বারা গঠিত clause দ্বারা যখন Complex Sentence বুঝায়, তখন উক্ত Sentence কে Compound Sentence করার নিয়ম,

(i) as soon as / the moment কে তুলে দিতে হবে।
(ii) কমা তুলে দিয়ে as soon as / the moment এর পরিবর্তে and immediately / at once বসাতে হবে।

কৌশল :
As soon as / the moment + subject .............. থাকলে ............. and immediately / at once + ............

উদাহরণ —

Complex : As soon as he got the news, he started for home.
Compound : He got the news and immediately he started for home.

Complex : The moment the teacher entered the room, the students became silent.
Compound : The teacher entered the room and immediately / at once the student became silent.

Practice more :

Complex : As soon as we reached the station, the rain started.
Compound : We reached the station and the rain started at once.

(১) No sooner had / hardly had / scarcely had ইত্যাদির ক্ষেত্রেও উপরোক্ত নিয়ম প্রযোজ্য।

যেমন —

Complex :— Hardly had we reached there when the rain started.
or, Complex : Scarcely had we reached there when the rain started.
or, Complex : No sooner had we reached there than / before the rain started.
Compound :— We reached there and the rain started at once.

Complex :— Hardly had she heard the news when she started weeping.
or, Complex : No sooner had she heard the news than / before she started weeping.
or, Complex : Scarcely had she heard the news when she started weeping.
or, Complex : As soon as she heard the news, she started weeping.
Compound :— She heard the news and started weeping at once.

Some important example

Complex : The doctor came after the patient had died.
Compound : The patient died and then doctor came.

Complex : The rain had started before we reached home.
Compound : The rain started and then we reached home.

Complex : We went to the dining room after the work had been completed.
Compound : The work was completed and then we went to the dining room.

Complex : The farmer had ploughed the land before he sowed the seeds.
Compound : The farmer ploughed the land and then he sowed the seeds.

Complex : I was happy when I heard the good news.
Compound : I heard the good news and was happy.

Azibul Hasan

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