আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Paragraph : Illiteracy in Bangladesh

Illiteracy in Bangladesh

Illiteracy means the inability to read and write. An illiterate person does not know how to read and write. It is compared to darkness. It is obstacles to personal and national development and social curse. Illiteracy is a great problem in Bangladesh. Most of the people of our country can not read and write. For this reason, the literacy rate in Bangladesh is too low. In fact, it is too poor to be imagined. Statistics show that more than 40% people in Bangladesh are illiterate. There are many causes of illiteracy in Bangladesh. Poverty is the root cause of illiteracy. Majority of our people live below poverty line. They do not manage two square meals a day. As a result, they can not send their children to schools. Lack of social awareness is another cause of illiteracy. There are manyhad consequences of illiteracy. Some other problems like poverty unemployment and terrorism are also increasing due to illiteracy. However, we should come forward to remove illiteracy. Primary and secondary education must be made free and compulsory. Mass education programme should be undertaken to remove adult illiteracy from society. Above all, social awareness must be raised. Print and electric media can play vital role in this regard. I believe that Bangladesh will be free from the curse of illiteracy in the days ahead.

Same paragraph collected from another book

Inability to read or write is said to be illiteracy. In fact, it is a serious problem in our country. The illiteracy rate in Bangladesh is only thirty percent. That is seventy percent of the people of Bangladesh in only illiterate. A country cannot develop until her people become literate up to a satisfactory rate. A country may have many sky-scrapers and monuments but it does not mean that the country is well established. Illiteracy is a course. It makes all development efforts impossible. A country cannot progress if illiteracy prevails in it. It prevents all cultural activities of a country. It is really difficult to eradicate illiteracy from a country like Bangladesh which has a vast population. The problem will not be solved single-handed. It is the social responsibility of every literate person to try heart and soul in order to remove illiteracy from the society. It is a matter of joy that the Government of Bangladesh has already taken some important programmes in this regard, such as, 'Universal Primary Education Project '. So we must try our best to remove illiteracy. In order to make Bangladesh a developed country, our today's promise should be 'eradication of illiteracy '-a burning question.
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