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Composition : Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency

  • What juvenile delinquency is?
  • How teenagers are being involved?
  • How are the personal and social lives being affected?
  • Suggest the ways to come out of this crisis.

Juvenile delinquency is unlawful to conduct by minors (under 18), for which there are penalties. A juvenile delinquent is a teenager under the age of eighteen, who breaks a state or federal law by committing a crime.

They are numerous reasons behind a teenager's involvement in juvenile delinquency. Family environment, Lack of social and moral training, Lack of parenting, Physical Abuse At Home, Poverty, Social Transaction, Surrounding Environment and Company, social media

and networking, bad companies, psychological issues etc. are mainly responsible for this. Juvenile Delinquency causes social imbalance and also destroys the normal growth of a teenager delinquent. After being charged with juvenile offences, a teenager may lose his or her freedom while being incarcerated or placed on probation. The delinquency may even have future consequences on the adolescent's college and career choices. Moreover, juvenile delinquency challenges the future of everyone involved. They may believe that there is no future for them outside of a life of crime. In fact, they may be expressing anger or frustration directed against another person or group. Whatever the motive, juvenile delinquency affects too many individuals, families, and communities.

They are many ways to come out of juvenile delinquency but these should be done by all. Education, recreation, community involvement, parent-child interaction, bullying prevention, moral teaching, religious teaching, ending of over pampering etc. can help to a great extent in this sector.

Juvenile delinquency cannot be curbed fully from society. No society can ever completely prevent or eliminate crime. But delinquency and crime can be reduced if we work together.

Same composition collected from another book

Juvenile delinquency is also known as, 'Juvenile Offending'. It involves participation in illegal behaviour by minors. Most legal systems such as juvenile detention centres and courts
suggest specific procedures for dealing with juveniles.

Juvenile delinquency refers to disruptive, or illegal behaviour by children or teenagers. A young person who is yet not an adult and who is guilty of committing a crime is called a 'juvenile delinquent '. A social crime social uns son below 1 line Ed committed by a person below 18 years of age is known as juvenile delinquency.

Juvenile children are not punished like adult criminals as they do not come under the penal section. Such lawbreakers Online are sent to rehabilitative homes.

Juvenile crimes can range from offences such as underage smoking to property and violent crimes. Many children have a tendency to cross the limits set by their parents and elders. They find it adventurous. Delinquent activities include killing someone, attempting suicide, betting, stealing, begging, involving in sexual activities, causing damage to someone's property, etc. Eve teasing done in schools, colleges and on streets is another form of delinquent activity.

Sometimes family plays a significant role in delinquency among children. Lack of parental love contributes to delinquency. The level of parental control and discipline, too much firmness, family disputes, parental separation and family members belonging to criminal backgrounds affect the tender minds of children.

Those children who are brought up by a single parent are more likely to show delinquent tendencies. Children are more likely to miss their school to pass time with delinquent friends when parents are unaware of their daily activities. Online Education Bo Step-parenthood can also contribute to it.

Children with weak physical and mental abilities also show delinquent behaviour. Such children think that by engaging in delinquent actions they will succeed in dealing with their inferiorities and weaknesses. It is also found that mentally retarded children are often used by others to commit crimes.

Stopping children from involving in criminal or antisocial activities is the main objective of Mille preventive measures. As the family is the first school of the child, healthy behaviour among children must be encouraged within online Education Bu the family. It is not always easy for the Government alone to provide financial assistance for preventive measures. Thus, along with the Government, private establishments and groups of people come together to prevent juvenile delinquency. Preventive measures also include activities such as counselling and guiding the youth, arents BD₁ educating parents and providing shelter to delinquent children.

Sumaiya Akter
Karatoa Multimedia College, Bogura.

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