আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Paragraph : Birds of Bangladesh

Birds of Bangladesh

Birds are beautiful creatures of nature and sources of joy and pleasure. They enrich our natural beauty. Bangladesh is a unique abode of birds. Various species of birds are seen in our country. In Bangladesh, there are about 575 species of birds. Among them, there are both migratory and domestic birds. About one-third of them are guest or migratory birds which come in September or October and live up to February or March. The rest are domestic birds. The most familiar but the least liked bird in Bangladesh is the crow. It is a bird of prey. It is very cunning. People usually dislike it because of its ugly appearance and harsh voice. The common plundering birds are the kite. the seagull, the kingfisher etc. They have keen eyes. sharp claws and nails and sweeping nature. They swoop down upon their prey and carry it away. Because of their nature, they are called plundering birds. The dove is a mild bird. It may be called a song bird as it Is also noted for its songs. The pigeon is a small pet bird. Some people keep them as their hobby. The snipe, the bittern, the heron and the teals are called game birds as they are hunted and killed for food or sports. The cuckoo is the most popular song bird. It appears. with the coming of spring. The parrot, the maina, the chandana, the shyama, the koel and the shalik are popular singing birds. The doel is the national bird of Bangladesh. The tuntuni, the babui and the swallow are called. tailor birds. The sparrow is a very small bird. It is very active and alert. Again the vulture is a common bird. It feeds upon the flesh of dead animals. Birds add charm and beauty to the flora and fauna of our country. It is our moral responsibility to help them survive.
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