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Paragraph : Helen Keller

Helen Keller

Helen Keller is one of the greatest women in the world. She is a great humanitarian. She worked for the disabled people who were sick and injured. Helen was able to achieve many goals in life. She was born in 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama. She came from a family that depended on cotton plantations. Helen was born quite healthy but she had a high fever after her birth. She became blind, deaf and dumb. This could not stop her from her path. She was suggested to get herself admitted into "Perkins School for the Blind" in Boston. Annie Sullivan greatly helped Helen to communicate. She gradually completed her higher education. She learnt reading through a special technique called Braille. Annie Sullivan interpreted textures and texts to her. Helen Keller spent the rest of her life trying to make it easier for disabled people to learn. This great woman breathed her last on June 1, 1968, a few weeks short of her 88th birthday.


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