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Paragraph : A Journey by Bus

A Journey by Bus

It was the month of March. One of my uncles was transferred to Rangamati. He told me that the place was very beautiful and asked me to go there. I was overjoyed to find an occasion to visit Rangamati. Five other friends of mine joined me on the journey. We decided to go there by bus. On the appointed day we gathered at Muradpur Bus Terminal at about 6.30 a.m. Then we boarded on a bus bound for Rangamati. At about 7a.m. the bus started its journey. When the bus started running, the passengers of the bus engaged themselves in different activities. Some of the passengers were reading newspapers, some were chatting, some were reading books, some were eating and most of them were just looking outside and enjoying the natural beauty. The views on both sides of the bus were very beautiful. Most of the time the bus went along hilly roads. There were hills on both sides of the bus. When the bus reached near Rangamati I saw a river flowing below the steep side of the hilly road on my right. It offered an exquisite beauty to me. On the other banks of the river stood the lofty, hazy mountains. I could see the monutain tops Covered with fog. It seemed to me that Mountains were ejecting steam. I was quite spellbound. In the river below I found many sailboats and barges plying up and down the river. They were carrying different goods. I also found many rafts of bamboos. People sitting on them carrying them to different places for selling. At last, our bus reached Rangamati. It was about 11 a.m.
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