উত্তাল মার্চ

Composition : The Importance of the Student Community's Participation in Nation-Building Tasks

The Importance of the Student Community's Participation in Nation-Building Tasks

We know that students are the future ladlers of a nation. The participation of the student community of Bangladesh is important in nation-building tasks. If students do not participate in nation-building task, our country will not be able to reach the highest point of prosperity.

Students need to learn skills to work properly for the development of the country. They should be given opportunities so that they can learn how to read, write, think, understand, analyze and discuss the issues their country faces. So, the Government should give them sufficient facilities so that they can acquire proper knowledge.

Modern age is the age of science. Only the students can play important roles in this age of science. They can transform the country into a better place. They also can lead their fellow citizens in the right direction. They can fight to establish a society which will be free from injustice, inequality, tyranny and exploitation.

If students are well-educated, they will be able to prove themselves very helpful in the noble activities for the welfare of the developing country like Bangladesh. Illiteracy is a curse for any nation. So, the students can easily remove illiteracy from a village by spreading education among the rural people. They can motivate the people to control birth by adopting family planning. They can also take part in war to save their country from foreign aggression. They can also play active role to uproot the seed of dowry from the society. Moreover, they can play a significant role to stop child marriage, gambling, drinking, smoking, corruption, superstition and so on.

To sum up, it can be said that without the help of the students no nation can reach the desired goal. In fact, it will be impossible to make our country developed if the students do not participate in nation-building activities.
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