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Paragraph : Population Problem in Bangladesh

Population Problem in Bangladesh

The rapid growing population in Bangladesh is burning question of today. It has created difficulties in every sphere of our life. As it is a serious problem. we have to solve it for the sake of our existence. If we cannot do so, we will have to suffer a lot in near future. a Bangladesh is small country with the density of population of 2018 per square mile in 2018 whereas in the USA it is about 36 in 2018 per square mile. Bangladesh occupies the 8th position among the countries of the world in respect of population. Her growth rate of population is 1.03%. in 2018. If this growth rate continues, the population of Bangladesh will be double within the next thirty years. If it really happens, the nation will fall into a great trouble. There are many causes of rapid growth of population. The growth of population in the country the result of two main variables- the birth rate and the death rate. There is a large difference between the two rates, that's why the growth of population is high. Climatic influence, superstition, and poverty are some of the main causes of high rate of birth. Due to the socio-economic condition, a large section of our people wants male children. They think those male children will add to their family income and with the hope of male children, they take more children. It creates problems of food, clothing, housing, health, education and other spheres of life. If this population explosion is not checked immediately, people will have to make their houses in agricultural land and forest and they will have to starve (অনাহারে থাকা). A family must not consist of more than two children. Early marriage must be totally banned. Our womenfolk must be made aware of better and prosperous life. Then only we can get rid of this problem.
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