উত্তাল মার্চ

Paragraph : A Terrible Cyclone you Witnessed

A Terrible Cyclone you Witnessed

Many terrible cyclones regularly strike Bangladesh and affect the coastal areas causing great havoc. But the cyclone of April 29, 1991, was unparallel in its atrocity. It affected the whole coastal belt and offshore islands of Chittagong, Cox'sbazar, Noakhali, Bhola and Patuakhali districts. It caused too great a destruction to be described. Everything was destroyed and washed away. Buildings and houses were blown down, giant trees were uprooted and the and the standing crops were destroyed. Many ships, steamers, trawlers and launches were swept away by the strong current of the tidal wave and innumerable cattle were killed. Properties worth crores of taka were damaged. The cyclone affected my family as well. Our house was shaken violently by the terrible cyclone. All the window panes were shattered. It seemed to me then that the cyclone would blow away our house. It is one of the most terrible experiences of my life.
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