উত্তাল মার্চ

Experience of a Storm in a River : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Once, in the month of Srabon, I was coming to Dhaka from Barisal by launch. At that time the river was full to the brim. At the beginning of the journey, the sky was clear and the river was calm....................

Experience of a Storm in a River

Once, in the month of Srabon, I was coming to Dhaka from Barisal by launch. At that time the river was full to the brim. At the beginning of the journey, the sky was clear and the river was calm. There was no trace of cloud anywhere. So, the river was calm and quiet. The launch was moving smoothly. We, all the passengers on board, we're in a joyous mood. We were enjoying the beautiful natural scenery on both sides of the river. The rays of the setting sun reflected on the river and the water of the river really looked like pearls. But after the sunset, the total scenario changed. The weather began to turn foul. There were deep clouds in the sky. Very soon a storm began to blow. We, the passengers were terribly upset. The launch was not so big in size. Moreover, as ill-luck would have it, there was no life jacket in the launch. The velocity of the storm went on increasing gradually. The storm made the river water swell. There were heavy waves which crashed against the launch. As a result, the launch went on rocking all the time. It seemed to us the strong waves might cause rift in the launch. We were thinking that we might meet watery graves. So, we all began to utter the name of Allah. With the blessing of Allah, after an hour the storm stopped. We thanked the Almighty Allah. The rest of the journey was smooth. We reached Dhaka at 11:00 am the next day.
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