পহেলা বৈশাখ

Letter to your friend thanking for present on your birthday

Imagine, you are Nabila/Nabil of 9 Mymensingh Road, Dhaka-1000. Your friend Rashida/Rashid of 34/C Broadway Lane, Chattogram has sent a present on your birthday.

Now, write a letter to your friend thanking her/him for the present.

9 Mymensingh Road, Dhaka-1000
20 April 2020

My dear Rashida,
I am very glad to receive your present on my birthday. You know that bird watching is one of my hobbies. And for this purpose, a pair of binoculars is a must. I was looking for a good pair because the one which I have is not so good. In the Dhaka market, good binoculars are not available. The binoculars presented by you is very good and powerful.

Many thanks for this gift. Henceforth, whenever I shall use the binoculars, I shall feel the warmth of your feeling for me.

Thanking you again.

Yours sincerely,
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