উত্তাল মার্চ

The Ungrateful Snake : Completing Story

Read the clues of the story. Complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

It was a bitter cold. A farmer was passing by a bush. He saw a snake almost dead in cold. The farmer felt pity for the snake and brought it home. He lit fire .................... He gave .................... The snake became alright. The farmer’s young son .................... No sooner had he approached near it .................... about to bite him. The farmer .................... He realized .................... So he .................... The snake ....................

The Ungrateful Snake

It was a bitter cold. A farmer was passing by a bush. He saw a snake almost dead in cold. The farmer felt pity for the snake and brought it home. He lit fire and warmed the snake up. He gave a cup of milk to the snake to drink. The snake became alright. The farmer’s young son liked the snake and wanted to play with it. No sooner had he approached near it than the snake spread its hood and was about to bite him. The farmer standing nearby. He realized that a venomous snake should not be believed. So he took a stick and hit the snake with it. The snake lay dead.


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