পহেলা বৈশাখ

Success Consists in Hard Work and Determination : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Liton is a brilliant student. Though he wants to make good result, he does not attend classes regularly. Rather, going to a coaching center, he memorises answers from guide books and sheets and finds that he cannot cut a good figure in the exams. One day his class teacher called him and....................

Success Consists in Hard Work and Determination

Liton is a brilliant student. Though he wants to make good result, he does not attend classes regularly. Rather, going to a coaching center, he memorises answers from guide books and sheets and finds that he cannot cut a good figure in the exams. One day his class teacher called him and asked him why he depended on guide books and memorized answers without understanding anything. Liton said, "I have been doing that since childhood. Both of my parents are illiterate and so, they can’t help me with my studies. In the coaching center, the teachers only provide sheets and advise us to memorize the answers." hearing this, the teacher became very disappointed. He said to Liton, "Listen Liton! Ours is a creative curriculum. In this method of teaching, memorization will never help you by any means. You have to read and understand your textbooks properly and then, you will be able to be answer the creative questions. I know, you’re a brilliant student and you have the capability to handle the creative curriculum". Now Liton understood his fault and promised his class teacher that he would no longer be dependent on coaching center, guide books and sheets. He said to his teacher, "I would, from now, be regular and attentive to the classes and note down the lectures." his teacher became happy and said, "That’s very good. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to come to me."
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