উত্তাল মার্চ

Paragraph : Uses and Abuses of Internet

Uses and Abuses of Internet

Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers together globally (বৈশ্বিকভাবে). So, computers are required to get an Internet connection. But in modern technological world, Internet connects mobile phones, tablets, phablets, and many other electrical devices. There are a few types of Internet. Some of the most widely used Internets are Wireless (Radio Frequency bands), mobile (Internet on the go), Hotspots (Wi-Fi technology) Dial-up (home phone service), Broadband, DSL, Cable, Satellite (উপগ্রহ), ISDN, etc. Internet has a large variety of merits. It functions smoothly, easily, and rapidly. A man can dial a number from his computer and link to the Internet that will soon give him a connection in and outside the country according to his desire. It is practically a network of all networks. The business communities, economists, teachers, students, politicians, and other professionals are now seeking necessary help and information through Internet. Businessmen can learn the business trend and the price of commodities in other countries. Economists can similarly learn the economic trend of the world. Students also can go through their desired (ঈন্সিত) books from the libraries without going there. They can seek information regarding admission to different foreign universities. But it is a pity that many people of Bangladesh still don't have access to Internet. Because it is still costly and not available in our country. Some demerits also lurk behind the innumerable merits of Internet. The indecency and nakedness of the forbidden world of Internet have been leading our young generation, virus infection and stealth of information cause great harm to the users of Internet. However, the new country has ushered into (সূচনা করা) a new era of Information. Technology and Internet are the backbones of his modern era.

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