পহেলা বৈশাখ

Application for providing WiFi facility in the college library

Suppose, your college has not yet set up Wi-Fi facility. As a result, you are not in a good position to get benefit of sending or receiving data from different places in the country or overseas. So, write an application to the Principal of your college asking for setting up Wi-Fi facility.

20 October 2022

The Principal
'X' College, Bogura

Subject : Application for providing Wi-Fi facility in the college library.

We, the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that for a long we have been thinking of having Wi-Fi connection (সংযোগ) in the college library. We are living in the age of information and technology. We have to send and collect various data to and from different places of the country and even to and from overseas countries. We have to go to a cyber cafe for the same. If a Wi-Fi connection is introduced (চালু করা) in our college library, it will benefit us greatly. In addition (উপরন্তু), we will be able to gather more information related to our study, which will help us to cut a good figure in the exam.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to introduce a Wi-Fi connection on our college library and oblige (বাধিত করা) us thereby.

Obediently yours,

Rashedul Islam
2nd year Science
On behalf of the students of your college. 
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