পহেলা বৈশাখ

A Kind Farmer and an Ungrateful Kitten : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title of it:

Once on a winter day a farmer was coming back home. On the way, he saw a kitten laying by the side of a road. The kitten was very weak and was about to die from cold. The farmer was a kind-hearted man.……

A Kind Farmer and an Ungrateful Kitten

Once on a winter day a farmer was coming back home. On the way, he saw a kitten laying by the side of a road. The kitten was very weak and was about to die from cold. The farmer was a kind-hearted man. He felt pity for the kitten. He took the kitten home and then wrapped it with warm cloth. After a while, the kitten became alright and started to play with his daughter. The farmer's little daughter wanted to take the kitten on her lap. But as soon as the little girl caught it, the ungrateful kitten scratched and bit on the girl's hand. Blood started to flow from the wound. The neighbours and her family members became surprised to see this. As a consequence, they advised the farmer to keep the kitten out of the home. The farmer also became very angry at the kitten. At last, he took the kitten away and threw it in a distant field.
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