উত্তাল মার্চ

Fill in the blanks using appropriate sentence connectors

Fill in the blanks using
Appropriate Sentence Connectors

 1  Bangladesh is a developing middle income country. (a) — many people cannot afford to Internet facilities (b) — virtual devices. (c) —, they are not skilled enough to operate virtual devices. (d) — virtual technology is. (e) — necessary (f) — effective weapon to control COVID-19 transmission. (g) —, this may be one of the causes of increasing COVID-19 transmission in Bangladesh. (h) —, virtual technologies are termed as Virtual Reality (VR) through (i) — face to face interaction can be reduced between the doctors (j) — infected COVID-19 patients. (k) — Virtual Reality offers an imperative role for fighting pandemic (COVID-19), through audiovisual based virtual communication. (l) — it is beneficial for remote sites for exploring telemedicine, planning, treatment and controlling of the infections. (m) —, it provides proper awareness to the people regarding COVID-19. (n) — through live video streaming, it helps to improve surveillance systems on the ongoing situation.
See Answer
(a) Here; (b) and; (c) At the same time; (d) But; (e) not only; (f) but also; (g) So; (h) However; (i) which; (j) and; (k) Firstly; (l) Secondly; (m) Moreover; (n) In addition to that.

 2  A lion was drinking water from a brook. (a) — a lamb was also drinking water from the downstream of the same brook. The lion saw the lamb and decided to devour it. (b) —, he was thinking about how to accomplish his evil design. (c) — he hit upon a plan. (d) —, the lion complained that the lamb was disturbing him by muddying water. But the lamb said that he was drinking water from downstream. (e) —, the questions of muddying water on his part did not arise here. (f) — the lamb argued that it was the lion that was muddying the water for him as he was drinking water from upstream. (g) —, the lion retorted that the lamb spoke ill of him a year ago. (h) —, the lamb said that he was not born a year ago. The lion grew into a rage. (i) —, he said that perhaps his father spoke ill of him last year. (j) —, the lion had the right to take revenge and kill the lamb. (k) — the lamb argued that it was his father not he. (l) — the lion did not pay heed to the, lamb. (m) —, the lion wanted to eat the lamb. (n) —, he blamed the lamb intentionally just to eat it.
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(a) Incidentally; (b) So; (c) Then; (d) At first; (e) So; (f) Moreover; (g) Then; (h) But; (i) Therefore; (j) So; (k) Again; (l) But; (m) Actually; (n) So.

 3  Mobile phone has added a new dimension to our communication system. It has made the world closer to us. (a) —, it has made worldwide communication easier. We use it for our day-to-day communication. (b) —, it has been part and parcel in our life as we cannot go for a single day without using it. We use it for rapid communication. (c) —, mobile phone is not free from defect. It has some negative sides as well. (d) —, excessive use of mobile phone may damage our hearing power. (e) — it is a means of money wastage. (f) —, it is seen that many underworld crimes are being committed with the use of mobile network. (g) —, the radiation from mobile phone may cause cancer to the users. (h) —, we are aware of these harmful effects. (i) — we are mobile phone. (k) — it will cause a damage to our health in many ways. (l) —, we should be aware of using it properly. (m) — we must not use it excessively. (n) —, we should make our children aware of the bad impacts of using mobile phone.
See Answer
(a) Moreover/Besides/Thus; (b) In fact/Indeed/Obviously; (c) However; (d) Truly speaking; (e) In addition/Besides; (f) Usually; (g) Furthermore; (h) Apparently; (i) But; (j) However; (k) Otherwise; (l) Hence/So; (m) And/Again; (n) Besides.

 4  Many people think that money can do everything in life. (a) — it is a must for our life, it is not the thing that necessarily brings happiness. (b) —, happiness is absolutely a psychological matter. The person who is contented with what he gets and (c) — he has, is really happy. Money can do something with happiness (d) — it cannot give us happiness. (e) — we can see that the richest men of our society are not the happiest men. (f) —, they lead a life burdened with cares and anxieties (g) — pass sleepless nights. (h) —, there are a large number of poor men (i) — are happy and enjoy a sound sleep. (j) — poor people have nothing to worry about. (k) —, rich people cannot sleep. (l) — their wealth keeps them worried, they cannot sleep. (m) —, we should not hanker after money only. (n) —, money cannot ensure happiness.
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(a) Though; (b) Actually/In fact/Indeed; (c) what; (d) but; (e) So/Therefore; (f) Instead/Rather; (g) and; (h) On the other hand; (i) who; (j) Because; (k) Sometimes/Ironically; (l) As: (m) So; (n) In fact/Because/However.

 5  Trees are a vital part of our environment. (a) —, they bear a great impact on the climate. (b) — we are not kind and careful about them. (c) —, we destroy trees at random. (d) —, one day the country will bear the consequence of the greenhouse effect. (e) — ours is an agricultural country, our economy depends on agriculture. (f) —, trees play a vital role on our climate. (g) —, trees keep the soil strong and protect it. (h) —, trees save us from flood and many other natural calamities. (i) —, trees provide us timber which is of great use specially in construction works and for making furniture. (j) —, they provide us with oxygen. (k) — we inhale oxygen to live. (l) —, we depend on trees in many ways. (m) —, trees are our best friends. (n) —, we must not destroy trees indiscriminately.
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(a) Actually/In fact; (b) Yet/Still/But; (c) Rather; (d) As a result/Consequently; (e) As/Since; (f) In addition/Besides; (g) For example/Firstly; (h) Secondly; (i) Thirdly; (j) Again; (k) And; (l) Thus; (m) That is why; (n) Therefore.

 6  Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a) — possesses this uncommon quality, is the happiest man in the world. Truly speaking, a man should have trustworthiness (b) — nobody believes a liar. A liar may prosper for the time being, (c) — ultimately, he goes to the dogs. (d) —, we should be honest in our life. It is believed that honesty is the best policy (e) — dishonesty is the sign of downfall. God helps those who are honest. (f) — dishonest people are cursed. Childhood is the best time (g) — children should be taught honesty. It is seen that children follow their parents, (h) — parents should be honest. (i) — they should be allowed to mix with those friends who are really honest. (j) — parents should tell stories of honest people to children. (k) —, they can tell the story of our Prophet (Sm). (l) —, parents should teach children how to distinguish between right and wrong (m) —, children build up their character. (n) —, parents can show the path of honesty to children.
See Answer
(a) who; (b) because/as/since; (c) but; (d) So; (e) whereas; (f) But/On the contrary; (g) when; (h) hence/so/therefore; (i) And; (j) Moreover; (k) For example; (l) Besides; (m) Thus; (n) In fact/Truly speaking.

 7  It was the night before my math exam in the 2nd semester. I could not do better in the math exam of 1st semester. (a) —, I was really serious about the exam. (b) —, I was careful enough not to spend a single moment in vain. But, the night did not pass smoothly at all. (c) —, it was full of mishaps. (d) —, the electricity went out. I waited for it for about an hour, however, there was no sign of its coming. (e) — I lighted a candle and began to study again. The flickering light of the candle was creating problems for me. Soon, I began to feel a bad headache. I really wanted to get rid of it. (f) —, I left my reading room and stood in the balcony for some time. I began to feel better, but could not stay there for long. (g) —, I left the place. (h) —, I went to my reading room again. (i) — I could not concentrate on my study. (j) — my tension began to rise. I thought (k) — I would not be able to finish my preparation. I became (l) — worried that I felt nervous. (m) — the electricity came and I could finish my study within two hours. (n) —, I went to bed with a happy mind.
See Answer
(a) So/Therefore/Hence; (b) Moreover; (c) Actually/Truly speaking; (d) Suddenly/ All of a sudden; (e) Then; (f) So; (g) Soon/After a little while; (h) However; (i) But; (j) So; (k) that; (l) so; (m) Meanwhile; (n) At last/Then.

 8  We cannot walk on a road in the darkness without light. (a) —, we cannot step forward in our life without education. (b) —, throughout the ages, education has always been compared to light and (c) —, ignorance has been compared to darkness. (d) — the light of education enlightens us. (e) — it broadens our mind and widens our outlook. (f) —, it is education which helps us to become good citizens. (g) —, education creates good citizens and ensures the smooth development of a country. (h) —, ignorance stands in the way of development of an individual. (i) —, ignorance has a detrimental effect on the overall development of a nation. (j) —, an ignorant person cannot understand the necessity of development. (k) — he cannot assess the way of development. (l) —, he might be an obstacle to development. (m) —, he might discourage others to work for development. (n) —, we should come forward to educate every single person of our country and thereby, ensure the development of our country.
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(a) Similarly/Likewise/In the same way; (b) So/Therefore; (c) on the other hand/on the contrary; (d) True that/In fact; (e) Besides/Moreover; (f) In fact/Surely/Again; (g) Thus/Therefore; (h) On the contrary/On the other hand; (i) Moreover/Besides; (j) For example; (k) Even; (l) Again; (m) Besides/Moreover; (n) So/Therefore.

 9  Time and tide wait for none. (a) —, no one can stop the onward march of time. (b) —, we should not waste a single moment in vain. (c) —, we should make the proper use of every single moment of our life. (d) —, the students should understand the value of time. It is a matter of great regret that some of the students pass away their valuable time in Facebook. (e) —, they kill their time. (f) —, they cannot prepare their lessons well. (g) —, they always have a poor preparation for the examination. (h) —, they cannot do well in the exam. (i) —, they don't stop wasting time. (j) — they continue to waste their time using cell phone and Facebook till it is too late for them. (k) — parents have a great role. (l) —, they can make their children realize (m) — they should use time properly. (n) —, they should not allow their children to use cell phone all the time.
See Answer
(a) and; (b) So; (c) Rather/Instead; (d) Specially; (e) Virtually/As a matter of fact/Thus; (f) Doing so (g) Therefore; (h) As a result/Consequently; (i) Yet; (j) Rather; (k) However; (l) Because; (m) that; (n) Besides/Moreover.

 10  Unemployment is a great problem in our country. (a) —, it is the burning question of the day. (b) —, almost all the countries of the world suffer from the curse of unemployment problem. (c) — Bangladesh is the worst sufferer of this so-called problem. (d) — nowhere in the world this problem is so acute as in our country. (e) —, there are many reasons behind it. (f) —, our country is idustrially backward. (g) —, our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life. (h) —, it has little provision for vocational training. (i) —, most of our students prefer general education. (j) —, they cannot realize the importance of technical education. (k) —, they do not want to take vocational training. (l) — vocational training can help them to get jobs easily. (m) —, our students, and youths have a false sense of dignity. (n) —, they run after jobs blindly.
See Answer
(a) In fact/Actually/Really; (b) At present/Now; (c) But/However; (d) It is true that: (e) Obviously; (f) Firstly/First; (g) Secondly; (h) Thirdly; (i) In addition/Moreover/Besides; (j) Even; (k) So; (l) But; (m) Besides/Moreover; (n) That is why/Hence.

 11  The gifts of science are uncountable, (a) — we cast our eyes, we see the wonders of science. Satellite TV channels are the means through (b) — we can see and hear the events (c) — are happening all over the world. (d) —, today we have specialized satellite channels on almost every interest. (e) — people now have more choices and more freedom about television programmes. Satellite channels help us a lot by reporting on climatic conditions of different parts of the world. (f) —, we can be aware of storms, cyclones and tidal bores. (g) —, satellite channels are helping us to a great extent to enrich our own culture and tradition. (h) — satellite channels are playing a favourable role, it is (i) — doing harm to our young and new generation. (j) — still we cannot deny the immense benefits we are getting from satellite channels. (k) —, we can entertain ourselves by the programmes telecast on different channels. (l) —, some programmes are highly educative. (m) —, we can see informative programmes on these channels. (n) —, satellite channels enrich us in many ways.
See Answer
(a) Wherever; (b) which; (c) that; (d) In fact/Really; (e) Therefore; (f) Thus; (g) In addition/ Moreover/Besides; (h) Although/Though; (i) also; (j) But; (k) For example; (l) Besides; (m) Again; (n) Thus.

 12  Honesty is a noble virtue. The man possessing this invaluable quality, is the happiest man on earth, (a) —. To be honest, a man should have trustworthiness. (b) — nobody trusts a liar. A lair may prosper for the time being. (c) —, he goes to the dogs. (d) —, we should be honest. It is said that honesty is the best policy. (e) —, dishonesty is the sign of downfall. God helps those who are honest. (f) —, dishonest people are cursed. (g) —, children should be taught honesty from childhood. It is widely observed that children follow their parents. (h) —, parents should be honest and upright in their business of life. (i) — parents are honest in their way of life, children will be honest. (j) — children usually follow their parents. (k) —, children should be allowed to mix with those (l) — are honest. (m) —, parents should teach moral and religious lesson to children. (n) —, parents can play an important role to make their children honest.
See Answer
(a) indeed/no doubt; (b) Because; (c) But ultimately; (d) So/Therefore; (e) On the other hand/ Whereas; (f) On the contrary; (g) So/Therefore/That is why; (h) In this connection/As a matter of fact/Hence; (i) If; (j) Because; (k) Besides; (l) who; (m) Moreover; (n) Thus.

 13  Education is essential in our life. (a) — we are not properly educated, we cannot live an honourable life in society. It teaches us (b) — how to earn but also how to spend. (c) —, it teaches (d) — to live in amity with others in society. (e) —, we must get proper education. (f) —, we should bear in mind (g) — education is not only what we learn at educational institutions but also (h) — we learn outside these institutions. (i) —, we learn the basic education from our family. (j) —, we develop the sense of morality from our parents. (k) —, we learn from society how to behave towards others. (l) —, we develop the civic sense from society. (m) —, education is a life-long process. It begins just after our birth (n) — ends only in death.
See Answer
(a) If; (b) not only; (c) Moreover; (d) how; (e) So; (f) At the same time; (g) that; (h) what; (i) Indeed; (j) Thus/In this way/ In fact; (k) Again; (l) Moreover; (m) In fact/Obviously; (n) and.

 14  (a) — I was walking along the road the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leather purse lying on the pavement. I picked it up and opened it to see (b) — I could find out the owner's name. There was nothing inside. It had some small change (c) — a rather old photograph - a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old who looked like the woman's daughter. I put the photograph back (d) — took the purse to the police station. (e) — I it to the sergeant-in-charge. Before I had left, the sergeant made a note of my name and address in case the owner of the purse wanted to write and thank me. That evening, I went to have dinner with an uncle and aunt of mine. They had also invited another person, a young woman, (f) — there would be four people at table. The young woman's face was familiar (g) — I could not remember where I had seen it. I was quite sure (h) — we had not met before. During conversation, however, the young woman happened to mark (i) — she had lost her purse that afternoon. I at once remembered where I had seen her face. She was the young woman in the photograph (j) — she was now much older. (k) —, I was confused about the woman. (l) — my uncle and aunt ensured that she must be the owner of the purse. (m) —, I told her everything about the purse. (n) —, we went to the police station and the woman got her purse back.
See Answer
(a) While; (b) whether/if; (c) and; (d) and; (e) Then/There; (f) so; (g) but; (h) that: (i) that: (j) but; (k) So; (l) However; (m) Then; (n) At last.

 15  Man is a social being. (a) —, man cannot live alone. (b) —, man has been living together from time immemorial. Living in society is not an easy task. We have to follow certain rules and regulations of society. (c) —, we should be cooperative. (d) —, we must help others when they are in need. (e) —, we have to be careful not to hurt others by our words or activities. (f) —, we must control our emotions and behave rationally towards others. (g) —, we should not think and live only for us. (h) —, we should always think and work for the betterment of society. (i) —, we should remain prepared to sacrifice our lives for the greater interest of society. (j) —, we can get a cooperative (k) — peaceful society. (l) — we do not work for others, we will not get any help from others as well. (m) —, we must sacrifice our lives for society. (n) —, sacrificing our lives for society makes us immortal.
See Answer
(a) So; (b) In fact; (c) Firstly; (d) That is to say/In other words; (e) Secondly; (f) Besides/So (g) Thirdly; (h) Rather/Instead; (i) Finally; (j) Then; (k) and; (l) If; (m) So; (n) Thus.

 16  Mobile phone has become an essential gadget for everybody (a) — it has become very popular. (b) —, it has created a number of problems. It has (c) — advantages (d) — disadvantages (e) —, it helps to connect people. (f) —, it helps to exchange information. (g) —, it can be used for various purposes. (h) —, it has a few disadvantages (i) — can cause a lot of troubles. (j) —, many students are getting addicted to it. (k) —, they spend more time using it. (l) — most of them cannot do well in the examinations. (m) —, many of them are getting involved in criminal activities through it. (n) —, its advantages are more than its disadvantages.
See Answer
(a) as; (b) But/However; (c) both; (d) and; (e) Firstly; (f) Secondly; (g) Thus; (h) However: (i) which; (j) Nowadays; (k) So; (l) As a result; (m) Moreover; (n) Yet.

 17  Unemployment is a great curse. (a) —, all the countries of the world suffer from the curse. (b) — nowhere in the world this problem is so acute as in our country. (c) —, there are many (b) — reasons behind it. (d) —, our country is industrially backward. (e) —, our traditional education system is not service-oriented. (f) —, our students and youths have a false sense of dignity. (g) —, they run after jobs only. (h) —, unemployment problem should be removed at any cost. (i) — our education system should be changed. (j) — we should put emphasis on technical education. (k) —, we should motivate our students to take vocational training (l) —, vocational training can make our students skilled. (m) —, more mills and factories should be established. (n) —, we have to try to change the attitudes of our students.
See Answer
(a) At present/Now/In fact; (b) But/Truly speaking; (c) Obviously/However; (d) Firstly/First: (e) Secondly; (f) Thirdly; (g) So/Therefore; (h) However; (i) With this end in view/For this: And; (k) At the same time; (l) because; (m) Moreover; (n) Above all/Finally.

 18  Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. (a) —, her economy and prosperity depend on agriculture. (b) —, our agriculture depends on the mercy of nature. (c) —, if there is sufficient rain, people can plough their lands and sow seeds in time. (d) —, they can reap a good harvest. (e) —, if it does not rain in time, the farmers cannot grow the crops easily and they do not have a good harvest. (f) —, without water, our agriculture is lifeless. The rain is not always beneficial to our agriculture. (g) — sometimes, it rains so much that it causes floods. (h) —, our crops go under water and most often, they are totally destroyed. (i) —, the farmers who constitute the most part of our professional people, lose everything. (j) —, we can safely conclude that our economy depends on rain. (k) — we have to reduce the dependence on rain. (l) —, we will not be able to produce the crops (m) — we need for our survival. (n) —, we have to use water from different other sources using technology.
See Answer
(a) So; (b) Again/But; (c) Hence; (d) As a result/In that case; (e) But/On the other hand; (f) True that/In fact; (g) Because; (h) Then; (i) Consequently: (j) Therefore/Hence; (k) But; (l) Otherwise; (m) that; (n) Hence.

 19  Rangpur Town Hall is a place of cultural activities. (a) — in 1971, it became a torture cell used by the Pakistani army. (b) —, the army brought here innocent Bangalees. After that, they started to bring Bangalee women here. Among them, Mansura Begum was one who was the wife of a freedom fighter. (c) — she was young and beautiful, she drew the attention of local collaborators. (d) —, they informed the Pakistan Army. (e) —, the Pakistan Army abducted Mansura. On the day of occurrence, Pakistani soldiers surrounded her house. (f) — they searched her husband who joined the Mukti Bahini. (g) — they found her father-in-law, they started to beat him mercilessly. The old man got unconscious. (h) — the barbarous soldiers did not stop beating him. Mansura rushed to her father-in-law, grabbed his bleeding body and begged the army personnels not to kill him (i) — they did not listen to her. They picked up the old man on the military truck. (j) —, they pulled and dragged Mansura on to the truck. (k) —, people came to know (l) — they had died because of dragging on to the truck. (m) —, we come to know how brutally the Pakistan Army tortured and killed us. (n) —, they continued their barbarous activities for nine months.
See Answer
(a) But; (b) At that time; (c) As/Since; (d) So/Accordingly; (e) Then/After that; (f) Afterwards; (g) When; (h) But; (i) but; (j) Finally/At last/At the end; (k) Later on; (l) that; (m) Thus; (n) In fact.

 20  We must be aware of the dangers of smoking. It is harmful to us in various ways. It causes various diseases (a) — blood pressure, heart attack, bronchitis, cancer, etc. (b) —, it pollutes air. (c) —, smoking causes harm to (d) — the smokers (e) — the non-smokers who remain by them. (f) —, we should give up smoking. (g) —, it is (h) — a great addiction to get rid of. (i) — nothing is impossible for us. (j) —, we have to realize (k) — it only damages our health. (l) —, we have to leave the company of those (m) — smoke. (n) —, we must be determined to give it up.
See Answer
(a) such as/like; (b) At the same time; (c) Besides/Moreover; (d) both/not only; (e) and/but also; So/Therefore; (g) However; (h) but; (i) Indeed; (j) Firstly; (k) that; (l) Secondly; (m) who; (n) Finally.

 21  Time is a special resource that you cannot store or save for future use. (a) — it is managed properly to gain success. The skills of managing time properly are called time management skills. (b) — these skills are necessary for job hunting and career success. (c) —, it is essential to improve these skills. (d) —, there are several useful strategies that can be used to improve your time management skills. (e) —, have a clear goal in mind. (f) —, set up your priorities. (g) —, block out time for your high priority activities first and protect that time from interruptions. (h) —, set a deadline to do them and try your best to stick to it. (i) — your skills will help you avoid stress in completing any work successfully. (j) —, managing time is a great skill. (k) — doing any work in time, is very important. (l) — you cannot develop this skill, you cannot do any work in time. (m) — your stress will increase (n) — interrupt your work.
See Answer
(a) Rather; (b) And; (c) So/Therefore/Nowadays; (d) However; (e) Firstly; (f) Secondly; (g) Thirdly; (h) Fourthly; (i) Then; (j) However; (k) Actually/Obviously; (l) If; (m) Even/Rather; (n) and.

 22  Water is a vital element of the environment (a) — this element is polluted in many ways. (b) —, farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their field. (c) — rain and flood wash away these chemicals, they get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds (d) — pollute it. (e) —, mills and factories throw their poisonous chemicals and waste product into water. (f) —, water insanitary vehicles also pollute water by dumping food waste and human waste into it. (g) —, insanitary latrines and unsafe drains also contribute to water pollution. Water is called life. (h) —, we cannot allow this pollution to continue. We have to raise awareness about it. (i) — people are aware about pollution, it might be possible to prevent it. We know (j) — total prevention is impossible. (k) — we can certainly reduce it. (l) — people can realize the bad impact of pollution, they will avoid polluting water. (m) —, laws should be enforced strictly. (n) — we fail to check water pollution, we will suffer.
See Answer
(a) but; (b) Firstly/First; (c) When/As; (d) and; (e) Secondly/Second; (f) Thirdly/Third; (g) In addition/Besides/Moreover; (h) That's why/So/Therefore; (i) If/When; (j) that; (k) But; (l) Provided that; (m) Above all; (n) If.

 23  We should always keep in mind (a) — all kinds of physical exercise are not suitable for all. (b) — different people have different capacities. (c) —, harder exercise (d) — wrestling and gymnastics are suitable for young people (e) — they have energy to perform them. Weaker and old people should take the milder exercise (f) — walking, jogging and, free hand exercise. Overexercise never does good (g) — it breaks down the health. (h) —, we should always take those exercises (i) — will suit us. Physical exercise is important for the preservation of good health. (j) —, the goal of physical exercise is to keep good health. (k) — without good health, we cannot enjoy life. (l) — we cannot have good health, we cannot have sound mind. (m) — without sound mind, we cannot be happy. Physical exercise (n) — builds up our character.
See Answer
(a) that; (b) Because; (c) For example/For instance; (d) like; (e) as/since/because; (f) such as/like; (rather; (h) So; (i) which/that; (j) Again; (k) Because; (l) If; (m) And; (n) also.

 24  The writer had been trying hard to put a finish to an extremely difficult literary work. (a) — she badly needed a very lonely place. (b) — she hired a cabin. (c) — it belonged to an orphanage on the Carolina mountains. (d) — it was a very cold place. (e) — the place was isolated from all human habitations. (f) — this situation caused her to look for firewood (g) — was available there but not ready for fire. (h) —, she requested the orphanage authority to send someone to the cabin, (i) — could chop well. The authority sent an underaged boy named Jerry. Jerry looked so small in size that the writer felt hesitated to appoint him for doing a heavy job like chopping. (j) — the boy insisted on his doing the job. (k) — she unwillingly appointed him to see (l) — he could do. After an hour and a half she went back of the cabin (m) — Jerry had been chopping. (n) — she saw that a huge pile of wood had been cut which made her say, "You have done as much as a man."
See Answer
(a) For this purpose; (b) With this end in view; (c) In fact; (d) However; (e) Moreover; (f) As a result; (g) which; (h) Finding no other way; (i) who; (j) But; (k) So; (l) what; (m) where; (n) To her utter surprise.

 25  One day Nasruddin Hojja was mending a hole on the roof of his two-storey house. (a) — he saw someone calling from below. (b) — he saw there a man standing at the foot of the stairs. (c) — the man was asking him to get down (d) — listen to him. He thought (e) — the man had something important to say. (f) — Hojja was quite curious. (g) — he climbed from the roof down the stairs. (h) — he came near, the man said that he wanted some financial help. (i) — Hojja became furious. (j) — Hojja decided to teach him a good lesson. (k) — he told the man to climb up the stairs with him. (l) — they both got to the rooftop, Hojja said to the man, "Sorry, I have no money." (m) —, the man asked why Hojja had made him climb up the stairs only to say that he had no money. (n) — Hojja replied, "Why have you made me climb all the way downstairs to ask for money instead of shouting from below?"
See Answer
(a) Suddenly; (b) Looking down: (c) With a hint: (d) and; (e) that; (f) At this; (g) So: (h) As; (i) At this; (j) Consequently; (k) Therefore; (l) When; (m) Being greatly annoyed; (n) Spontaneously.

 26  Once upon a time, there was a king called Midas. He was extremely fond of gold. (a) — he had a lot of it, he wanted more. He thought (b) — he had the golden touch, he would be the happiest man. (c) — a wise god granted his wish. One day (d) — the king was sitting in his garden, a ripe apple fell beside him. The king picked it up. (e) — he touched it, the apple turned into gold. (f) — he could hardly believe his eyes. (g) — whatever he touched, everything turned into gold. The king entered his palace. (h) — his little daughter ran up to him, he took her in his arms (i) — she turned into gold. King Midas, (j) — loved his daughter very much, was struck with horror (k) — felt sorry for his wish. (l) —, he apologized to the god. (m) — the wise god took the golden touch away (n) — the girl became human again.
See Answer
(a) Though; (b) if; (c) Instantly; (d) when; (e) When/As; (f) But; (g) Thus; (h) As soon as; (i) and; (j) who; (k) and; (l) Immediately; (m) Then; (n) and.

 27  Once there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The ant was very industrious. (a) —, the grasshopper was very lazy. (b) —, he used to pass away his time in singing and sleeping. He sis not work at all. (c) —, he used to go before the ant and ask him to take some rest. (d) —, the ant continued with his work. (e) —, he collected a huge amount of food. (f) —, the winter came and covered everything with snow. (g) —, there was no food available on the fields. The grasshopper could not take food from the fields. (h) —, he did not have any food in his house. (i) —, he went to the ant to beg for some food. The ant helped him but that was too small for him to pass the winter. (j) —, the grasshopper understood the necessity of work. (k) —, there are some people in our Society (l) — do not understand the importance of hard work. They lead their life (m) — idly (n) — they have to repent the whole life.
See Answer
(a) But/On the other hand; (b) That's why; (c) Sometimes/Now and then; (d) But; (e) Thus; (f) Later/Eventually; (g) That is why; (h) Moreover; (i) So; (j) Finally/Then; (k) Similarly; (l) who; (m) so; (n) that.

 28  Health is one of the most important phenomena in human life. (a) —, a healthy man can earn money and accumulate wealth. (b) —, health is compared to wealth. (c) —, it is health that can give us bliss and make us happy. (d) —, health alone can enable us to enjoy our life to the full. (e) —, it is not easy to have a sound health. For this, we have to maintain some certain rules and habits. (f) —, we have to take a balanced diet. (g) —, we must take physical exercise regularly. (h) —, we have to be early risers. (i) —, we have to lead a decent life. We are to avoid excessive tension or anxiety. (j) — anxiety tells upon our health. (k) — every day we have to spend some time in praying. (l) — prayer is essential for our mental health. (m) — we must maintain cleanliness. (n) —, we can attain good health and consequently, wealth also.
See Answer
(a) Because; (b) So; (c) In fact; (d) Moreover; (e) But/However; (f) Firstly; (g) Secondly; (h) Thirdly; (i) Fourthly; (j) Because; (k) So/Therefore; (l) Because; (m) Finally; (n) Thus.

 29  We have some memorable days in our life. We do not forget them. (a) —, we often remember them vividly. My first day at school is such a memorable day in my life. My mother took me to my school. (b) —, I was very nervous when I found so many new faces there. I got myself introduced to some of them. (c) —, I shared my interests with them. (d) —, I got rid of my nervousness gradually. There were no classes on that day. (e) —, the teachers came one by one and introduced themselves to us. All of them seemed very cordial. (f) —, I developed a special liking for our Headmistress who was an old but smart lady. (g) —, I took her as a model from the very first day. (h) —, she was second to my mother. She attracted my attention for some special qualities. (i) — she was lively. (j) — her speech revealed her piety. (k) — she spoke to us affectionately like a mother. (l) — my first day at school took me to a new world. (m) —, it was the beginning of a new life. (n) —, it remains as an eternal source of joy for me.
See Answer
(a) In fact; (b) At first; (c) Then; (d) Thus; (e) But/Yet; (f) But; (g) Actually; (h) In fact; (i) Firstly; (j) Secondly; (k) Because; (l) However; (m) Indeed; (n) So/Thus.

 30  Computer is one of the wonders of modern science. (a) — it performs three functions. (b) —, it receives data. (c) — it processes data by various computations. (d) —, it emits data. (e) — every computer has a machine language of its own and accordingly it works. The machine language varies from machine to machine. But (f) — computer means digital computer. A digital computer can do hundreds of things more efficiently (g) — an analogue computer. It (h) — keeps account (i) — finds out defects of other machines and tells about their solution. (j) — it is said that computer has made our life easier and more enjoyable. (k) — it is not an unadulterated blessing. (l) — it has some dark aspects too. (m) — young boys and girls spend a lot of time on it playing video games and watching various obscene programmes. (n) — they are getting detached from normal social life.
See Answer
(a) Mainly; (b) Firstly/First; (c) Secondly/Second, (d) Thirdly/Third; (e) Generally; (f) nowadays; (g) than; (h) not only; (i) but also; (j) However/Therefore/So; (k) Still/But; (l) Rather; (m) Nowadays; (n) Consequently/As a result/Thus.

 31  Early rising is one of the best habits that a man can possess. The benefits of early rising are man many. (a) — if we get up early, we get enough time to work. (b) — we can enjoy the fresh air of the morning which refreshes our body and mind. (c) — we can take some exercise or a walk. In the morning, nature smiles with colourful flowers and chirping of birds. (d) — early rising takes us to close contact with wonderful world of nature. (e) — in the morning our brain can work more efficiently than other parts of the day. (f) — in the morning our brain remains fresh. (g) — in the morning a silent atmosphere prevailing we can concentrate on our activities fully. (h) — if we do not get up early in the morning, we suffer a lot. (i) — we do not have enough time to do our work. (j) — we cannot finish our works in time. (k) — late rising tells upon our health. (l) — we can never enjoy the freshness of nature. (m) —, we cannot pray to Allah in a silent atmosphere. (n) —, we should make a habit of rising early and stay sound both physically and mentally.
See Answer
(a) Firstly; (b) Then; (c) Secondly; (d) Thirdly; (e) More importantly; (f) Because; (g) Besides; (h) On the other hand; (i) First of all; (j) So; (k) Secondly; (l) In addition; (m) More importantly; (n) So.

 32  English is very important in the present context. Learning English is useful to us in many ways. (a) — it is an international language. To communicate with foreign countries and organizations, we cannot but learn English. (b) — to get higher education we must learn English. (c) — most of the books on science and technology are written in English. (d) —, to get a good job (e) — better salary we have to have good working knowledge of English. (f) — it is clear that English Occupies an important place in the present world. To learn English, we are to attach importance to four skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing. (g) — each of these skills is equally important in communicative English. (h) — in the class an atmosphere is created (i) — learners can develop all these skills in them. (j) — they are asked to practise it greatly outside the classroom. (k) — they can speak with their friends in English. (l) — they find themselves in various situations, they can express themselves in English. (m) — they can read widely. (n) — they have to listen to CNN on TV.
See Answer
(a) Firstly; (b) Secondly; (c) Because; (d) Moreover; (e) or; (f) Thus; (g) Actually; (h) This is why; (i) so that; (j) In addition/Besides; (k) For example; (l) When; (m) Moreover; (n) Also/In addition.

 33  Liberation War is the greatest event in our history of thousand years. (a) — the freedom fighters are the greatest sons of our country, (b) — we feel proud of them. When it was the Battle of Plassey in 1757, the sun of independence disappeared from this Bengal for about two centuries. (c) — the people had to undergo a state of utter exploitation and disregard throughout the long span of colonialism. (d) — that could not wipe out the aspiration of people for liberation. (e) —, a number of mass movements took place in this Bangla. (f) —, in a critical juncture of history in 1947, two states namely India and Pakistan were born. (g) — this land called East Bengal later East Pakistan fell up on the issue of religion. (h) —, the partition could not change the fate of the people of the then East Pakistan. (i) — the ruling class from West Pakistan maintained the same mentality of the past colonial masters. (j) — the extent of repression and deprivation went to such an extremity that the Pakistani rulers attacked our language. In 1948, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the then Governor General of Pakistan declared (k) — Urdu would be the only state language of Pakistan. (l) — the brave sons of this country protested vehemently against this unjust declaration. (m) — the language movement reached its climax, Pakistani rulers imposed section 144 on all kinds of meetings, seminars etc. (n) — the heroic sons were not to be defeated and eventually they established Bangla as one of the state languages of Pakistan.
See Answer
(a) And; (b) Certainly; (c) As a result; (d) But; (e) Therefore; (f) However; (g) But; (h) Actually; (i) Because; (j) Consequently; (k) that; (l) But; (m) When; (n) But.

 34  Bangladesh is a small country but has a huge population (a) — many poor children poverty line, (b) — they cannot afford to educate their children. (c) — many poor children either drop out of school after just a few years or simply do not go to school at all. (d) — this situation, we have far too many students to educate compared to the number of institutions available. (e) — Bangladesh needs more schools, colleges and universities to provide for the increasing number of students. (f) — financial and resource constraints, the government cannot fund the requisite number of educational institutions. (g) —, every educational institution is over crowded (h) — class size is unusually large. (i) — facilities in these institutions are poor, students do not get a standard education. (j) — many educational institutions in Bangladesh are institutions are troubled with politics and violence. (k) — institutions are closed down to avoid clashes between rival groups of students. (l) — students' education process gets hindered. (m) — this crisis has to be overcome. (n) — the nation is bound to face a critical time in the course of time.
See Answer
(a) and; (b) and so; (c) Besides; (d) Despite; (e) So; (f) But owing to; (g) As a result; (h) and; (i) As; (j) Moreover; (k) So; (l) Consequently/As a result/Thus; (m) However; (n) Otherwise.

 35  Health is the root of all happiness. (a) – one cannot enjoy a good health without taking adequate care of body and mind. People (b) — are always under mental stress and suffer from anxieties cannot enjoy a good health. (c) — to enjoy good health, it is also necessary to keep our mind sound. Doctors say (d) — simple and carefree life is more conductive to health. Many people, (e) —, are not aware of health rules. They (f) — take physical exercise (g) — take proper food. (h) —, a huge number of people of our country live below poverty line. (i) — they cannot afford to eat good food. (j) — they cannot enjoy good health. (k) —, awareness about health rules (l) — following them are very important in maintaining good health. (m) — only healthy people can contribute to the national development. (n) — we must be careful of our health.
See Answer
(a) But; (b) who; (c) So; (d) that; (e) however; (f) neither; (g) nor; (h) In fact/Moreover; (i) However; (j) So; (k) Indeed; (l) and; (m) Because; (n) So/Therefore/Hence.

 36  Leisure is the moment (a) — a man is totally free from his work. In leisure, a man is (b) — free from work but also from worries and tension. (c) —, it is a time (d) — a man is his own master and the mind is relaxed (e) — the body is at rest. (f) — our life is full of duties. By performing our duties one after another, it seems (g) — our life is an exhausting business. This is the tragedy of our life that we cannot avoid our work and worries. (h) — leisure helps us to break this chain and enable us to refresh ourselves and to revive our spirit. Leisure breaks the monotony of existence with a touch of variety. (i) — leisure is always a source of joy whenever it comes. (j) — everybody should try to find leisure and to enjoy it to make the life happy and peaceful. We should bear in mind (k) — work and rest are inseparably connected. (l) — we must refrain from working continuously. (m) — we'll make our life pleasant and enjoyable by working and having leisure at regular intervals. (n) — our life will be beautiful and meaningful.
See Answer
(a) when; (b) not only; (c) In other words; (d) when; (e) and; (f) Truly speaking; (g) that; (h) But; (i) Thus; (j) So; (k) that; (l) So/Therefore; (m) Rather; (n) Only then.

 37  Dowry is a social curse. This system prevails in our society. (a) — there is no written law about this system. (b) — it is in vogue in our society. (c) — this tradition has developed from Hindu culture. (d) — it is a tradition that exposes our narrow mentality. (e) — it is an inhuman torture for both the brides and their guardians. (f) — the bridal guardians have to suffer a lot to meet up the demand of the bridegroom. (g) —, the brides are to undergo mental and even physical torture in their laws' houses for being unable to pay the dowry. So this social curse must be removed. (h) —, laws against dowry should be enforced strictly. (i) — female education is to be ensured. (j) — educated women becoming conscious can take legal action against this injustice. (k) – employment opportunities for women have to be created (l) — they can be self-reliant. (m) — this evil will vanish from society. (n) — public awareness should be increased through social or mass media.
See Answer
(a) However/But; (b) Still/Yet; (c) In fact; (d) However; (e) Moreover; (f) Because; (g) Besides; (h) Therefore/And so; (i) Alongside/side by side; (j) Because; (k) Moreover; (l) so that; (m) Only then; (n) This is why/so.

 38  A teacher is a highly enlightened and educated man. No man can be a teacher (a) — he has proper qualification. A teacher should have some qualities. He must have elaborate knowledge of the subject he teaches. He must not give students wrong idea or teaching. A student cannot forget (b) — he learns from his teacher at the first time. (c) — a teacher is to make presentation of his lessons in a decent manner (d) — his students can catch easily and interestingly. (e) — once his student loses interest, he can never regain it. A teacher is a tutor, a father and a friend to his students. He takes loving care of his students in all matters. (f) —, he looks after their education, helps in distress, gives them his edifying association and always keeps them on the right track. He is always called the architect of a nation (g) — a lawyer, a doctor, an artist, a poet, a writer (h) — a person may be, he is created by the teacher. (i) —, a Minister, a Prime Minister, a President - all are his creations. (j) — he is considered to be the nation builder. (k) — unfortunately now teachers are not in good state. (l) — they are not properly evaluated. (m) — they are given inadequate salaries. (n) — their economic and social condition is pitiable.
See Answer
(a) unless; (b) what; (c) So; (d) so that; (e) If; (f) For example; (g) because; (h) whoever; (i) Even; (j) Undoubtedly/So; (k) But; (l) Because; (m) So/Therefore; (n) Consequently/As a result.

 39  There was a time (a) — life in a village was the life of peace and happiness. Gone are those days when the villagers had enough and to spare, (b) — the nation lived in the villages. (c) — a village is not a comfortable place to live in. Those (d) — live in villages, fall into three classes, namely, the rich, the middle class and the toiling mass. The rich are very few, (e) — they turn away from the village and usually live in towns. Some of the middle class people are land-holders. (f) — they do not cultivate the land themselves. (g) — the vast majority of the villagers belong to the toiling masses. (h) — the village is also full of dirty politics. There are some shrewd people I who keep up quarrels, rivalries and litigations among the rival groups to get some financial benefits out of them. (i) — the life of the villagers is a sad tale of woes and sufferings. (j) — we must not forget that (k) — the villages die out, the fate of our nation will be sealed forever. (l) — villages must be reconstructed at any cost and village life should be restored to its former state. (m) — we have to remove illiteracy from villages. (n) — the government has to take up multifarious programmes to develop the standard of rural life.
See Answer
(a) when; (b) and; (c) But now; (d) who; (e) because; (f) But; (g) On the other hand; (h) Now; (i) On the whole; (j) But; (k) if; (l) So/Therefore; (m) With this end in view; (n) Alongside.

 40  Truthfulness is the greatest and most important of all human virtues. It is important to build up the character of a man. A man (a) — character is not good is not loved by anybody. (b) — we should always speak the truth. Our society cannot exist (c) — we all be liars. A truthful man keeps his word. So, people depend upon (d) — he says. They give him responsible work. He is he not afraid of anybody. He may be poor, (e) — he lives a peaceful and happy life, because he knows that he is pure in mind and he is right. (f) —, the word of a truthful man has a great value. (g) — his words carry more weight than documents. A truthful man, (h) —, has a clear conscience and does not fear anybody. (i) — his mind is free from anxiety (j) — constantly troubles a liar. (k) — his enemies respect him, and his respect is more important than any costly jewel. (l) — we must develop the habit of speaking the truth from our childhood. (m) — we should always remember (n) — we are accountable to Allah for our unjust activities.
See Answer
(a) whose; (b) So; (c) if; (d) what; (e) but; (f) In fact; (g) Sometimes; (h) thus; (i) So; (j) and; (k) Even; (l) So/Therefore; (m) In this respect; (n) that.

 41  Education is the backbone of a nation. A country can improve very rapidly (a) — it has educated people who can lead the country from the front. In respect of education, universities hold the key to produce scholar sons for the motherland. (b) — universities of our country always play the most important role. One person (c) — wants to get admitted to a university should complete the HSC-level. Procedure of admission to universities in our country is challenging (d) — very much competitive. In each year, a lot of students pass the HSC Exam and sit for the admission test for university. The whole process is (e) — lengthy and also not totally fair. (f) — the universities give a circular for the admission test. They give the minimum qualification for the students. (g) — according to the various disciplines (h) — vary from varsity to varsity, the examinations take place. (i) — a student is to take a good preparation (j) — he can get an opportunity to study in his desired university. (k) — obviously a student wanting to enter a university must study well especially at SSC and HSC levels. (l) — many questions are made out the text books of these levels. (m) — after HSC exam, he should read various books including newspaper to enrich his general knowledge. (n) — he can be successful in attaining his goal.
See Answer
(a) if; (b) For this reason; (c) who; (d) as well as; (e) somewhat; (f) First; (g) Then; (h) which; (i) So; (j) so that; (k) Hence; (l) Because; (m) Therefore; (n) Thus/In this way.

 42  The environment refers to the air, water and land in (a) — people, animals and plants live. (b) —, human beings, animals, plants, air, water and soil are the main elements of the environment. (c) — the natural forces such as storms, cyclones and earthquakes a part of this environment. (d) — climate is a condition of the environment. All things (e) — make up the environment are interrelated. The way in (f) — animals and plants are related to each other and to their surroundings is known as ecology. The ecosystem is a complex web (g) — links animals, plants and every other life form in the biosphere. All these things hang together. The system is in a steady state of dynamic balance (h) — means that by altering any part of the web you can affect all the other parts. (i) —, the destruction of forests may have serious ecological consequences on humans and animals. (j) —, it is the responsibility of human beings to prevent the environment from being spoilt. (k) — to make life healthy and comfortable we should keep the environment clean and danger-free. (l) — often people spoil the environment by doing unwise things and (m) —, endanger their lives. (n) —, ecological imbalance causes changes in the world's climate and brings about different kinds of natural disasters.
See Answer
(a) which; (b) So; (c) Also; (d) Thus; (e) that; (f) which; (g) that; (h) which; (i) For example; (j) So; (k) And; (l) But; (m) as a result; (n) Thus.

 43  The computer is a fairly recent invention. It has greatly benefited us (a) — brought about revolutionary changes in our life. Any device (b) — helps people perform mathematical calculations may be called a computer. (c) — the abacus is also a simple computer. Today (d) —, the term computer refers to a special kind of electronic machine (e) — can perform mathematical calculation. It can (f) — solve complex mathematical problem quickly and accurately, (g) — perform many operations (h) — and at the same time without any confusion. (i) — the computer has become very sophisticated and can perform many complicated tasks. (j) — we can call it "an electronic brain". (k) — it has some dark aspects also. (l) —, young people spend a lot of time on computer, ignoring their regular activities. They are so addicted to computer (m) — they cannot maintain their normal social relation and (n) — they are getting detached from real life.
See Answer
(a) and; (b) that; (c) As such; (d) however; (e) that; (f) also; (g) and; (h) easily; (i) Gradually/At present; (j) This is why; (k) But; (l) Now; (m) that; (n) thus/as such.

 44  Air is an important element of our environment. (a) —, clean air is essential for our life. (b) —, is air is polluted in many ways. (c) —, one thing that pollutes air is smoke. Smoke is produced from different sources. (d) —, we make fire to cook food and it creates smoke. (e) — buses and trucks plying in the roads emit smoke. (f) —, the burning of coal in the of smoke. (h) —, we melt tar for road constructions which produces black smoke. (i) —, all these smokes mix with the air and pollute it. (j) —, smoke from different sources is causing ecological imbalance. (k) — owing to this ecological imbalance, many species of animals and trees are being extinct. (l) —, we must be careful about the emission of smoke. (m) —, the industrially developed countries have great roles to play. (n) — it is they who are greatly responsible for huge emission of smoke or carbon dioxide.
See Answer
(a) And; (b) But; (c) In fact; (d) Firstly; (e) Secondly; (f) Thirdly; (g) Fourthly; (h) Fifthly/Lastly; (i) However; (j) Thus; (k) And; (l) So; (m) In this respect; (n) Because.

 45  Smoking has become very common and fashionable, especially among young boys. This habit usually begins at school (a) — boys try to experiment with every new thing (b) — they can lay their hands on. (c) —, a teenager may take a few puffs from his friend's cigarette; (d) — comes a time when it becomes an indispensable part of his life. Several puffs lead to the formation of a habit. (e) — he becomes a chain-smoker. This smoke is toxic (f) — the nicotine in the cigarette is known to cause cancer, It is ironic that (g) — the smoker is aware of the ill effects of smoking, he does not give it up. (h) —, tobacco companies are doing very well all over the world. Every packet of cigarettes has a warning inscribed on it: 'Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’. (i) —the smoker hardly reads this warning and (j) — he reads it, he never pays heed to it. (k) — smoking can be stopped by a strong willpower and every person has the capacity to give it up. (l) — in order to enjoy a lengthy life we have to get rid of this evil. (m) — we can save money by giving up smoking. (n) — let us get determined to give up this harmful habit forever.
See Answer
(a) when; (b) that; (c) Initially/In the beginning; (d) then; (e) Very soon; (f) and; (g) unless; (h) Moreover; (i) Yet; (j) even if; (k) However; (l) So; (m) Moreover; (n) Therefore.

 46  Self-confidence is essential to attain success in life. (a) — a person having self-confidence has won half battle. Self-confidence enables a man to prosper by creating some other virtues needed for success. (b) — when a self-confident man fails to attain success, he grows determined to reach his goal. This determination gives rise to some other virtues in him. (c) —, he becomes diligent. He does not yield to failure. (d) — he endeavours more in the process. (e) — he becomes more sincere in his work. (f) — he becomes successful. (g) — a man devoid of self-confidence stumbles at every step. (h) — he loses vitality to go ahead. (i) — he does not try once more. (j) — he is heard to curse his fortune. (k) — the brave who have self-confidence can have their names enlisted in the list of the greatest men on earth. (l) — this process has been going on since prehistoric time. (m) — we must follow the track of the greatest people. (n) — we have to be failure in life and lament.
See Answer
(a) In fact; (b) For example; (c) First; (d) Rather; (e) Secondly; (f) Finally; (g) On the other hand; (h) Naturally; (i) Even; (j) Finally; (k) In fact; (l) And; (m) So; (n) Otherwise.

 47  Democracy is certainly a powerful thing in human civilization. (a) — without true democracy no nation can enjoy happiness and prosperity. (b) — we must practise democracy in the true sense of the term. Now let us see (c) — true democracy is. (d) — democracy is of the people, by the people and for the people. (e) —, in democracy common people elect the best people to work for their welfare. (f) — in a democratic country people should have some qualities. (g) — they have to be educated (h) — they can choose the best leaders or representatives. (i) — they should be aware that administration is fair and strict in conducting election. (j) — they should have enough ability and bravery to criticize the government (k) — it deviates from the right track. (l) — people can enjoy the good result or outcome of democracy. (m) — democracy is a continuous process. (n) — to maintain the continuity and superiority of democracy people must be progressive and conscious.
See Answer
(a) Truly speaking; (b) So; (c) what; (d) Definitively; (e) More clearly; (f) So; (g) Firstly; (h) so that; (i) Secondly; (j) Thirdly; (k) when; (l) Only then; (m) Obviously; (n) And.

 48  Climate change is one of the greatest problems the world is now faced with. (a) — there are many reasons behind this problem. (b) — temperature rise is mainly esponsible for it. (c) — many factors are connected with temperature rise. Everyday huge amounts of carbon dioxide is emitted across the world. (d) — this carbon dioxide in the air is increasing for various reasons. (e) — with the rapid industrialization across the world, mills and factories are increasing (f) — they are emitting huge amounts of carbon dioxide. (g) — increasing vehicles also produce great amounts of carbon dioxide. (h) — trees which absorb carbon dioxide are being destroyed at large. (i) — in order to reduce the emission of carbon we have to stop burning fossil fuels and coals in mills and factories, and vehicles. (j) — we have to rely on solar power or renewable energies (k) — we can get rid of carbon emission. Hopefully, some countries have started this process. (l) — we can hope that people of the world realizing the direness of the situation will act wisely against temperature-rise and climate change. Then (m) — human beings (n) — all species of animals and plants on this earth will remain safe.
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(a) However; (b) In fact; (c) Again; (d) And; (e) Firstly; (f), and; (g) Secondly; (h) Thirdly; (i) Therefore; (j) Instead; (k) so that; (l) So; (m) not only; (n) but also.

 49  Nowadays, we often face various natural calamities. (a) — human beings are greatly responsible for these disasters. According to science, climate change is the consequence of temperature rise. Temperature is rising up for some reasons. Animals, (b) — we should know, breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. (c) — trees take in carbon dioxide (d) — produce oxygen. (e) — trees and animals are mutually dependent on each other. Now, people are cutting trees indiscriminately. (f) — the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing. (g) — vehicles, mills and factories are belching huge amounts of carbon dioxide. This increased amount of carbon dioxide is mainly responsible for temperature-rise (h) — leads to different types of natural disasters (i) — storms, cyclones, floods, droughts, Sidr etc. (j) — to get rid of temperature-rise and natural calamities, we must (k) — control emission of carbon dioxide (l) — plant more and more trees. (m) — for achieving our ends, we have to raise consciousness among people. (n) —, all government and non-government organisations of the world have to work unitedly.
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(a) It is true that; (b) as; (c) On the other hand; (d) and; (e) Thus; (f) As a Consequence/Consequently; (g) Besides; (h) which; (i) such as; (j) So; (k) not only; (l) but also; (m) And; (n) Alongside/side by side.

 50  Gender discrimination in Bangladesh begins at birth. Most parents want to have children (a) — they can, when they are older, supplement their family income and help with the domestic work. In the existing socio-economic set-up, male children are best suited to this purpose. (b) — girls are born to an unwelcome world. (c) —, they are assigned, (d) — confined to domestic chores. Some of these girls may be at school. But all their work — domestic or academic stops (e) — they are married off, which is the prime concern of the parents about their daughters. (f) —, they are ill-treated by the in-laws (g) — they fail to fulfil their demands. They have to do (h) — the members of the in-law family want and (i) — they want. (j) —, the girls can contribute a little to the socio-economic development of the nation, (k) — if we want to develop our country, we have to change our outlook. We should realize (l) — no nation can go ahead leaving the women folk behind. (m) — we have to involve women in the development process of the country. (n) — women can truly contribute to the nation when they are properly educated and Skilled.
See Answer
(a) so that; (b) Unfortunately/In fact; (c) Truly; (d) rather; (e) as soon as; (f) However/But; (g) If; (h) whatever; (i) as; (j) So; (k) Therefore; (l) that; (m) So; (n) And.

 51  Teaching is a noble profession. (a) — teachers are the nation builders, (b) — teachers play a central role in the process of classroom activities. (c) — they deliver knowledgeable speeches. (d) — they organize the system of education. (e) — they also implement national curriculum, syllabus and set up objectives of learning. (f) — they motivate the learners effectively (g) —, the physical facilities of most of the educational institutions of our country do not support the teachers in their noble endeavours. (h) — the teachers are not evaluated properly and so they are to lead a miserable life with low income. (i) — they are to live under constant poverty. (j) —, we cannot expect them to give a standard education to the students of our country right now. (k) — the government should take proper steps so that they can live comfortably. (l) —, the government has to train the teachers adequately so that they can teach the students properly. (m) — we have to create skilled teachers. (n) — the education of our children will not be fruitful.
See Answer
(a) Indeed/Truly; (b) First/Firstly; (c) Second/Secondly; (d) In this way/Thus; (e) And; (f) Besides/Moreover/Apart from these; (g) though; (h) Unfortunately; (i) In fact; (j) Hence/So; (k) Therefore: (l) Alongside/Moreover; (m) That is to say; (n) Otherwise.

 52  All our surroundings including air, water, soil, trees and animals make up our environment. (a) — the normal relations among these elements of nature are disturbed, the ecological balance is hampered and it is called environmental pollution. Our environment is getting polluted in many ways. In major cities and towns motor vehicles, mills and factories are creating fume and smoke (b) — they pollute air. (c) — man makes fires to cook food, to make bricks, to melt tar for road construction and to do many other things. (d) — fires create smoke and pollute the air. (e) — railway engines and powerhouses create smoke by burning coal and oil and this smoke pollutes the air. (f) — water, another vital element of the environment like air, is also polluted in many ways. (g) — man pollutes water by throwing waste into it. (h) — chemicals, fertilizers and insecticides get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds, and thus pollute water. (i) — mills and factories, water vehicles, unsafe drains and unsanitary latrines are also responsible for water pollution. (j) — the noise of motor vehicles, mill and factories, aeroplanes, domestic appliances, radios, cassette players, CDs, televisions etc. pollute sound and this polluted sound affects our hearing. (k) — the government (l) — all classes of people should come forward to solve this problem. (m) — without good environment our existence and civilization will be at stake. (n) — good environment is a prerequisite for the flourish of human civilization.
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(a) If/When; (b) and/thus; (c) Moreover/Besides; (d) Again; (e) In addition; (f) Similarly; (g) Usually; (h) Besides: (i) Moreover; (j) Similarly; (k) So/Therefore; (l) as well as/along with; (m) Because; (n) In fact.

 53  Traffic jam is one of the most frustrating problems in Bangladesh. (a) — all efforts, it has taken a very serious shape in Dhaka city. (b) — rapid growth of population and the increasing number of vehicles, this problem has got an acute shape. (c) — our population, roads have not increased. (d) — Dhaka city is full of rickshaws. Rickshaw pullers (e) — follow the traffic rules nor maintain a queue while waiting to proceed. (f) — untimely loading, unloading of goods of trucks, unauthorized markets by the road side, unwise parking of vehicles, public meeting, processions etc. cause traffic jam. (g) — cause of traffic jam is narrow roads. (h) — traffic jam occurs at office time and also at the time when the offices break. (i) — traffic jam is so heavy that it blocks half a kilometre. (j) — it kills our valuable time and causes great sufferings to the patients being carried in the ambulance. (k) — it hinders our national development. (l) — effective measures should be taken to solve this problem. (m) — we will lag behind. We should bear in mind (n) — smooth and unhindered activities lead to national economic growth.
See Answer
(a) Despite; (b) With: (c) In accordance with/In proportion to; (d) At present; (e) neither; (f) In addition: (g) Another; (h) In fact/True that; (i) Sometimes/Often; (j) As a result; (k) Thus (l) So/therefore; (m) Otherwise; (n) that.

 54  Climate change is the most pressing issue at the moment across the world. The cause of climate change can be divided into two categories- one is (a) — natural cause and the other is created by men. Climate is changing rapidly (b) — results in the rise of the earth's average temperature (c) — the consequences of the global climate are leaving a bad impact on the developing countries to face natural calamities and poverty. Bangladesh, for its geographical locations, is (d) — to be the most affected. It may be predicted (e) — one meter of sea level rise will submerge about one-third of the total area of Bangladesh, (f) — will uproot 25-30 million people of Bangladesh. (g) —, the Maldives is also one of the worst victims of climate change. (h) — the developed countries are greatly responsible for climate change. They are contaminating the whole world in the name of industrialization (i) — urbanization. (j) — the international organizations should work unitedly (k) — seriously to make these countries aware of the bad impact of climate change. These developed countries should be convinced (l) — burning fossil fuels leads to greenhouse effect (m) — ultimately results in climate change. One day the whole world will be smashed (n) — all-out steps are taken to stop climate change.
See Answer
(a) due to; (b) that; (c) and; (d) likely; (e) that; (f) which; (g) Likewise; (h) In fact; (i) as well as; (j) So/Therefore; (k) and; (l) that; (m) which; (n) unless.

 55  Health is the general condition of one's body and mind. It basically refers to the soundness of body and mind together. A healthy man is an asset to a family as well as a society. He can discharge family responsibilities nicely. (a) — he can discharge social responsibilities properly. (b) — he can enjoy his life. (c) — an unhealthy man is a burden of a family as well as a society. An unhealthy man cannot eat and do what he likes to eat and do. He may have intelligence, merit, learning and power, (d) — he cannot put them to use and reap their benefits. (e) —, health is the source of all happiness in life. (f) — a question may arise here how a man can be healthy. A man can be healthy by following discipline. (g) — he should take balanced diet to remain hale and hearty. (h) — he should take proper rest and repose. (i) — he should take physical exercise regularly. (j) — he should maintain cleanliness everywhere. (k) — he should lead a simple life. (l) — excessive tension or worry affects our body negatively. (m) — a pious life (n) — a pious man can shake off all kinds of worry relying on almighty Allah.
See Answer
(a) Also; (b) And/At the same time; (c) On the other hand; (d) but; (e) In fact; (f) Now; (g) Firstly; (h) Secondly; (i) Thirdly; (j) Fourthly; (k) Moreover; (l) Because; (m) Rather/Instead; (n) as/because.

 56  Once a lion was sleeping in a cave. (a) —, a mouse fell upon its body while playing, (b) — the lion caught the mouse (c) — it began to tremble with fear. (d) — the mouse said, "Let me go now; sooner or later, I may help you." (e) — the lion laughed and said, "O you! Are you suitable to help me?" (f) — the lion fell into a trap (g) — was crying loudly for help. (h) —, the mouse came swiftly and found the lion in a trap. (i) — the mouse remembered his promise and cut the net into pieces and let the lion come out. (j) —, the lion said, "Many thanks to you. You have saved my life." (k) —, the lion said, "It is a great lesson for me." The lion also said, "You are small in size but really worthy." The mouse was proud of saving the lion. (l) — the lion became kind hearted to the tiny creatures. (m) —, the strong or mighty one is also dependent on the weak one. (n) —, no creature is negligible in the world.
See Answer
(a) At that time; (b) Being greatly disturbed; (c) and; (d) Then; (e) At this; (f) After some days; (g) and; (h) Listening to this; (i) Seeing the helpless condition; (j) With a heart full of gratitude; (k) While coming out of the net; (l) After that incidents; (m) From then; (n) In fact.

 57  It was on April 10, 1912. The Titanic was sailing for New York from Southampton. She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891. (a) — she was the largest ship in the world built in a very special way. (b) — she was regarded as unsinkable. Four days after setting out, a great disaster happened. (c) — the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic. (d) —, a huge ice-berg was spotted very close to the ship. (e) — the alarm had been given. (f) — the great ship turned sharply. (g) — there was a slight trembling sound from below. (h) — the captain went down to see (i) — had happened. (j) — five of the ship’s sixteen watertight compartments were totally damaged by the collision. (k) — the captain realised to his horror (l) — the Titanic was sinking rapidly. (m) — she was sinking, she created lifelong impression (n) — children had to say good bye' to their fathers.
See Answer
(a) At that time; (b) So; (c) At that moment; (d) At one moment; (e) Accordingly; (f) To avoid a collision: (g) Suddenly; (h) Then; (i) what; (j) To his utter surprise; (k) So; (l) that; (m) While; (n) that.

 58  Happiness is a relative term. (a) —, it depends upon some factors. (b) —, contentment is the key to happiness. Contentment varies from person to person. (c) —, a beggar may be contented with only ten taka. (d) —, a wealthy person may be unsatisfied even after getting one million taka. (e) —, it is said that contentment brings happiness. (f) —, we must learn to be contented with what have. (g) —, this learning is the simplest way to remain happy. (h) —, we must remember that our life is short, and in this short life, we cannot get everything that we want. If we want everything, we will not get happiness. (i) —, we will get frustrated and we will plunge into eternal sadness. (k) —, we can be happy in life by leading a pious life. (l) — the way of our life is not smooth. (m) — it is full of thorns and obstacles. (n) — we have to fight against these odds relying on almighty Allah.
See Answer
(a) So/Therefore; (b) In fact/In the true sense; (c) For example/For instance; (d) On the contrary/On the other hand/But; (e) So/For this reason/This is why; (f) Hence; (g) In fact (h) In this case/In this respect; (i) Rather/Naturally/It is usual that; (j) However/Therefore/So; (k) Besides/Moreover; (l) Naturally; (m) Rather; (n) So/Therefore.

 59  A thing of beauty is a joy forever. (a) — a flower is a symbol of beauty and purity. Its sweet smell attracts one to it easily. (b) — flower cultivation was very rare in our country. (c) — the scenario has changed. (d) — many people cultivate flowers not only for enjoying their beauty but also for earning money. (e) — in big cities and towns many flower shops have flourished. Different kinds of flowers are sold there. (f) — the demand of flowers is increasing day by day. (g) — they are of great use to us. (h) — we keep flowers in flower vase to beautify our drawing room. (i) — in marriage ceremony we decorate gate and vehicle with flowers. Thirdly, we express our love and affection towards anyone with flowers. (j) — the use of flowers is very great. (k) — flower cultivation should be encouraged in our country. In this process, the government should lend money to the cultivators on easy terms. (l) — many unemployed people can become self-reliant. (m) — the demand of flower will be met. (n) — flower cultivation is really a good thing to do.
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(a) Likewise; (b) In the past; (c) At present; (d) Now; (e) Recently; (f) As a result; (g) Truly speaking; (h) Firstly; (i) Secondly; (j) So/Hence; (k) Therefore; (l) Thus; (m) Also/Moreover; (n) In fact/So.

 60  Drug is usually used as medicine to cure diseases. (a) — sometimes it is taken by some people for stimulating effect. (b) —, this habit of taking harmful drugs is called drug addiction. (c) —, more and more people are getting addicted to drug. (d) —, there are some reasons behind this addiction. (e) —, some people take drugs to forget their painful past memories. (f) —, some people take it in pursuit of pleasure. (g) —, there are some people who take drugs as fun but it turns into an addiction later on. The aftermath of drug addiction is very dire and despicable. (h) —, the health of the drug addicts breaks down. (i) —, the addicts lose their mental power and courage. (j) — they feel drowsy and lose their, appetite. (k) —, they lose their social status and the love of their dear and near ones. (l) —, they suffer from various diseases like amnesia, nausea, blood pressure, etc. Drug addiction is gradually grasping our young generation. (m) —, it should be stopped by any means. (n) —, our future generation will be the worst sufferer of it.
See Answer
(a) But; (b) And; (c) Nowadays; (d) However/In fact/Obviously; (e) First/Firstly; (f) Secondly; (g) Thirdly; (h) Gradually; (i) Moreover; (j) Also; (k) Furthermore; (l) Finally/Eventually/At one point; (m) So/However; (n) Otherwise.

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