আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস

Essay : Women and Children Trafficking

Introduction : Bangladesh is one of the source countries as well as transit points for human trafficking. Every year thousands of people are trafficked out. Among the trafficking victims, the women and the children are in the most vulnerable position. From Bangladesh, around four hundred women and children are trafficked out every month. All these women and children are abducted either for forced labour or for sexual exploitations.

Women and Children Trafficking
Women & Child Trafficking

What Trafficking Means : The definition of the ‘trafficking’ is still ambiguous. No agreed upon definition on trafficking from the international factors, has been found out. Different factors have defined the term, ‘trafficking’ from different perspectives. All these definitions cover the ideas ranging from the facilitated as well as voluntary migration to forced labour, coercion, exploitation of prostitution, violence and movement of people from one place to another place influenced by threat and force for specific exploitative means. The manner and the way of trafficking changes from time to time, place to place and environment to environment but the basic elements of trafficking remain constant. So the core of the definitions of trafficking should be the recognition that it is unified. It is different from illegal forms of migration. All illegal form of migration is not trafficking buy any kind of trafficking is illegal.

Why Women and Children are trafficked : In Bangladesh, women and children trafficking is one of the most money making forms of illegitimate enterprise. The high profit as well as the low penalty nature of women and children trafficking business has made it more attractive to traffickers (criminal gangs). Globally, one among the five trafficking victims is children. These children are exploited for child pornography and sex and for forced begging. Women make the significant share of the total trafficking victims. Two-thirds of the world’s victims of human trafficking are women and they are formed with young women aged from 11 to 25. They are exploited for commercial sexual purposes. The main reasons behind the increase rate of human trafficking in Bangladesh are poverty, gender discrimination, social exclusion, lack of awareness, illiteracy and poor government system. All these elements are directly or indirectly promoting traffickers to get a significant space to open up the illegal enterprise so rapidly.

The Countries of Destination for Trafficking from Bangladesh : Almost 10 million Bangladesh Migrants work all over the world. Among them 90% stay in Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt etc. Many Bangladeshi trafficking women and children are victimized in those countries either for sexual exploiting or for forced labour. Bangladeshis are lured to go to those countries because some successful Bangladeshi migrants stay there. A number of Bangladeshi women including girls under 18 and children are trafficked to India, Pakistan and some other Sough Eastern countries including Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand whether for sexual exploitation, forced labor, or removal of organs.

Conclusion : Bangladesh doesn’t have the minimum standards for eliminating human trafficking but it has taken many significant efforts to make it so. The government has continued to address the sex trafficking for women and child.
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