উত্তাল মার্চ

A brave and witty girl : Completing Story

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Bithi is a shelterless, helpless street orphan of ten years who sells flowers on the intersection of Dhaka street. She lives on the income of what she gets from selling flowers. One day, while selling flowers in the traffic jam,....................

A brave and witty girl

Bithi is a shelterless, helpless street orphan of ten years who sells flowers on the intersection of Dhaka street. She lives on the income of what she gets from selling flowers. One day, while selling flowers in the traffic jam, she noticed that a snatcher was pointing out a passenger standing very close to the car. He was taking preparation to snatch the mobile. The passenger was using his mobile carelessly sitting down near the window. When the snatcher is about to snatch the mobile, just at that time, she started shouting towards the snatcher. After hearing the shouting from her, a few passers-by came to catch the snatcher and managed to catch him in red-handed and started beating him desperately. In the meantime, the police came to the spot and arrested the snatcher. The person who was going to lose his mobile to a snatcher got down from the car and got his mobile back. He wanted to give Bithi Tk. 500 as reward. But Bithi denied to take any money from him. Finally, all the people present there highly praised Bithi for her bravery and wit.

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শব্দার্থ :
Shelterless – আশ্রয়হীন; helpless – অসহায়; street orphan – পথ শিশু; intersection of street – রাস্তার মোড়; income – আয়, রোজগার; notice – লক্ষ করা, দেখা; snatcher – ছিনতাইকারী; point out – নির্দেশ করা, আঙ্গুল দিয়ে ইশারা করা; passenger – যাত্রী; take preparation – প্রস্তুতি গ্রহণ করা; snatch – ছিনতাই করা;  carelessly – অসতর্কতার সাথে; just at that time – ঠিক সেই সময়; shout – চিৎকার করা; towards – দিকে; passers-by – পথিক; manage – সক্ষম হওয়া, পারা, ব্যবস্থা করা; red handed – হাতে-নাতে; desperately – মরিয়া হয়ে, বেপরোয়াভাবে; in the meantime – ইতোমধ্যে; arrest – গ্রেফতার করা; get down – যানবাহন থেকে নামা; deny – অস্বীকার করা; finally – অবশেষে, সবশেষে; Present – উপস্থিত; highly – অত্যন্ত, খুবই; praise – প্রশংসা করা; bravery – সাহসিকতা; wit – বুদ্ধি।
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